Hi oz,
On May 31, 2006, at 3:27 PM, oz wrote:
> Hi,
> I wonder if maybe you have a property file that works with the
> MapServer, because I now use the default properties (in the main)
> and don't even know from where it takes it (e.g. propHandler = new
> PropertyHandler()), then save it to xml and only then I can add
> layers to my properties file.
The PropertyHandler looks in the classpath for an openmap.properties
file if it isn't explicitly given one to use.
> Another thing is that I now want to add a "shape layer with
> attributes" (e.g. 3 files: shp,dbf.shx) but didn't succeed, when I
> try to use it's pretty name from map builder I get this Exception :
> "WMSException(LayerNotDefined): Unknown layer specified (Israel)".
> What I use in the map properties is this:
> ### -Israel- layer properties
> Israel.addToBeanContext=true
> Israel.autoPalette=false
> Israel.background=false
> Israel.class=com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri.EsriPlugIn
> Israel.consumeEvents=false
> Israel.dashPattern=
> Israel.dashPhase=
> Israel.dbf=D:/ERSI Sample May 2006/Gisrael/area_a_b.dbf
> Israel.fillColor=00000000
> Israel.fillPattern=
> Israel.lineColor=ff000000
> Israel.lineWidth=1.0
> Israel.matted=false
> Israel.mattingColor=ff000000
> Israel.pcp.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.policy.ListResetPCPolicy
> Israel.pointOval=false
> Israel.pointRadius=2
> Israel.prettyName=Israel
> Israel.projectionChangePolicy=pcp
> Israel.removable=true
> Israel.renderPolicy=rp
> Israel.rp.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.policy.StandardRenderPolicy
> Israel.selectColor=ff000000
> Israel.shp=D:/ERSI Sample May 2006/Gisrael/area_a_b.shp
> Israel.shx=D:/ERSI Sample May 2006/Gisrael/area_a_b.shx
> Israelremovable=true
> ### end of -Israel- properties
> Maybe the problem is that it's ESRI plugin???
Not necessarily, if there is also a LayerHandler handling the layer
construction. The LayerHandler is smart enough to recognize a PlugIn
and create a PlugInLayer for it. That PlugInLayer will take on the
"layer"-type properties of the PlugIn.
The 'Israel.' prefix to the properties has to be the same term used
in the openmap.layers property. If openmap.layers contains an
'israel' entry, the 'Israel' properties won't be read. You'd have to
change one or the others to match.
- Don
> I hope you can send me a file and maybe help me too.
> Thank you in advance,
> Oz
> From: Piotr Szcześniak [mailto:piotr.szczesniak_at_ctm.gdynia.pl]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 1:34 PM
> To: theone3_at_gmail.com
> Subject: Openmap files
> Hi,
> I've got your address from Piotr Kaminski.
> In the attachment you can find
> - open map jar file
> - a sample context file for graticule layer for Mapbuilder
> I hope they help to solve your problem.
> Regards
> Peter
> Peter Szczesniak
> R&D Marine Technology Centre
> Gdynia, Poland
> tel. +48 58 6665345
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