Hello Again...
I've got the WKB fetch working.
Now I have a problem with rendering.
For some reason it won't paint.
I've traced it, the problem seams to be that the OMGraphics list has no
In my OMGraphicHandlerLayer.prepare()
I get the OMGraphicList,
Then project on the list and return
Nothing displayed...
Ideas ??
> [...]
> [java] US-States|Layer: repaint(tm=0, x=0, y=0, width=1084,
> height=956)
> [java] Graticule|Layer: repaint(tm=0, x=0, y=0, width=1084,
> height=956)
> [java] OMGraphicHandlerLayer Political Boundaries projection
> changed, calling com.bbn.openmap.layer.policy.ListResetPCPolicy
> [java] Political Boundaries: ListResetPCPolicy projectionChanged
> with OLD projection, repainting.
> [java] Political Boundaries|Layer: repaint(tm=0, x=0, y=0,
> width=1084, height=956)
> [java] Texas Counties(DB/2 GSE) |LayerWorker.construct()
> [java] DB2GSEGeometryLayer Driver: com.ibm.db2.jcc.DB2Driver
> [java] DB2GSEGeometryWKBLayer query: SELECT GID, SRID, WKB FROM
> [java] 0 [Thread-10] DEBUG org.wkb4j.engine.WKBReader - Final
> words: [srid]
> [java] Texas Counties(DB/2 GSE) |Layer: repaint(tm=0, x=0, y=0,
> width=1084, height=956)
> [java] DB2GSEGeometryWKBLayer returning:
> com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.OMGeometryList_at_14d1d41
> [java] Texas Counties(DB/2 GSE) |LayerWorker.construct(): fetched
> 254 graphics in 4.344 seconds
> [java] Texas Counties(DB/2 GSE) .paint(): NULL list, skipping...
> [java] Texas Counties(DB/2 GSE) |Layer: repaint(tm=0, x=0, y=0,
> width=1084, height=956)
>> Hi JR,
>> There is a com.bbn.openmap.layer.util.cacheHandler package to help
>> with caching. It uses a least-recently-used algorithm. You just
>> have to extend CacheHandler so it implements the load(String)
>> method, creating the CacheObjects for it.
>> Also, there is a WKB implementation out there for OpenMap:
>> http://wkb4j.sourceforge.net/
>> Hope this helps,
>> Don
>> On Jul 31, 2006, at 9:05 PM, JR Andreassen wrote:
>>> Hello Again...
>>> I've created a Layer for DB/2 Geospatial Extender...
>>> I based it on the mySQL version.
>>> It works, but it is so slow that it's not usable.
>>> Two problems:
>>> 1) WellKnownText conversion is way too slow.
>>> 2) It refetches all the objects from the DB every time.
>>> So, is there a caching Layer object I could inherrit from instead
>>> of OMGraphicHandlerLayer?
>>> Has anyone done anything with WellKnownBinary ??
>>> Thanks
>>> JR
>>>> On Jul 27, 2006, at 4:35 PM, JR Andreassen wrote:
>>>>> Thanks for getting back to me.
>>>>>>> Issues so far:
>>>>>>> How to you specify the base map ?
>>>>>> You would configure a layer to display the data you want. For
>>>>>> the default OpenMap application, the layers are specified and
>>>>>> configured in the openmap.properties file. That file has
>>>>>> instructions for modifying itself.
>>>>>>> I can't find any reference on where to change the base map Image.
>>>>>>> (Or is there a way to specify a Shape/other as the background)
>>>>>>> Does it /How do I handle Quadrangle/TIFF images ?
>>>>>> The easiest way to display images is to use the
>>>>>> CSVTiledImagePlugIn. The JavaDocs for the CSVTiledImagePlugIn
>>>>>> describe how to create a CSV file that list the images and
>>>>>> their locations, and the plugin can be added as a layer to
>>>>>> the application (via the openmap.properties file), with that
>>>>>> csv file noted in the properties for that plugin.
>>>>>> I'm not sure if TIFFs are handled by the general JRE, come to
>>>>>> think of it. You might have to install the JAI package (Java
>>>>>> Advanced Imaging) to get TIFF functionality.
>>>>> I can handle that...
>>>>>>> Does it /How do I handle Segmented data and transitions?
>>>>>>> We have several datasets that we'll be based on
>>>>>>> (http://www.capcog.org/Information_Clearinghouse/
>>>>>>> geospatial_main.asp)
>>>>>>> These data sets(roads, etc) are split into areas(counties)
>>>>>>> since they are rather large.
>>>>>> Shape files can be read to create OMGraphics, which are the
>>>>>> objects rendered to the map. They know how to position and
>>>>>> render themselves. There are Layers that create OMGraphics
>>>>>> out of Shape files, and one (MultiShapeLayer) that handles
>>>>>> more than one Shape file. If you are going to have a lot of
>>>>>> data...
>>>>>>> Does it /How do I handle monster datasets ?
>>>>>> you should load the data sets into a database (MySQL, PostGRES
>>>>>> with PostGIS, Oracle) and use a layer to retrieve the
>>>>>> geometries from the database based on the projection.
>>>>> Newbie question: Is the projection your subset of the world vs
>>>>> "zoom-factor" ?
>>>> The projection is a description of the map window - there's a
>>>> projection type associated with the object, a center point of the
>>>> projection at the center of the window, a scale, and pixel height/
>>>> width.
>>>> Projection's forward() methods translate lat/lons to pixel
>>>> coordinates, and inverse() methods translate pixel coordinates to
>>>> lat/ lon coordinates.
>>>> The MapBean (the main map window object) controls the Projection
>>>> object and lets its layers know when it has changed.
>>>>> Can you make a projection that is relative to the "current
>>>>> possition" with no refresh until you reach a certain offset from
>>>>> the edge ?
>>>> You can change the projection on the MapBean whenever you like.
>>>> The layers are reactionary to the MapBean's notifications. If a
>>>> layer needs to change the projection, it has to tell the MapBean.
>>>>>> A MySQL layer is part of the distribution, and an
>>>>>> OracleSpatialLayer was posted to the mailing list and is
>>>>>> available in the archives.
>>>>> The DB approach is appealing to us, since we have a DBM(DB/2) on
>>>>> each machine. The problem with the DB/2 GeoSpatial extender is
>>>>> that it's $9k per machine.
>>>>> Given that we have over 2K users that's way outside our budget.
>>>>> So, is there a X./Open standard for GeoSpatial data ?
>>>>> I might be able contribute some in that area.....
>>>> The Open GIS Consortium (OGC) has a standard for storing data in
>>>> a database, Simple Features for SQL.
>>>> I don't know if there is an open source DB2 geospatial extender,
>>>> or if you want to add one of the other free databases to your
>>>> machines to handle large amounts of spatial data.
>>>> - Don
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Received on Thu Aug 10 2006 - 15:12:49 EDT