Hi Chris,
Check to make sure the layer has a public empty constructor? You can
also run with a -Ddebug.componentfactory java flag to get the
ComponentFactory to be more verbose about what it's trying to do.
- Don
On Aug 3, 2006, at 7:43 PM, Esposito, Christopher wrote:
> OK, dumb question time, since I've gotten this to work before.
> I needed a new layer, so I started with an existing one from the same
> application (called c4isim), which already had a constructor, init,
> update, etc. methods already with the right signatures.
> I changed the class name, modified the contents of the existing
> methods
> and added some new ones to support drawing my new objects. The new
> layer
> has the same properties as the old (the properties that setProperties
> deals with), but the new layer does not yet have an associated GUI
> panel, so getGUI() was removed.
> I then modified the openmap.properties file to use my new layer
> (OSFLayer) instead of the old (SimLayer). This section now reads:
> # OSF layer
> OSF.class=com.boeing.c4isim.openmap.OSFLayer
> OSF.prettyName=C4Isim OSF
> OSF.autoStartTimer=true
> OSF.debugLevel=3
> I believe I have verified that the fully qualified name of the
> class is
> correct. However, when I start Openmap, I get a message:
> LayerHandler: Skipping "OSF" - can't create.
> No additional information about why it can't be created is printed.
> Short of diving into the source for LayerHandler to see what it's
> doing,
> any suggestions for common reasons why this message is seen instead of
> the layer being created?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> Chris Esposito, Ph.D.
> Associate Technical Fellow
> Boeing
> (425) 373-2788
> --
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Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
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Received on Thu Aug 10 2006 - 16:16:35 EDT