Re: [OpenMap Users] Problems rendering a layer

From: JR Andreassen <>
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 15:18:38 -0500


I traced through it. The org.wkb4j.engine.WKBReader returns
OMGraphicsList with OMPoint/OMLines/OMPolygon.
They look fine to me in World Coord, not sure about the SRID though...
Thanks for taking a look at it...

Here is the code...
public abstract class DB2GSEGeometryLayer extends OMGraphicHandlerLayer
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    public synchronized OMGraphicList prepare()
        OMGraphicList retVal = null;
        int geomcoltype = OpenGIS_Elements.getElementID(geomColumnType);

        Projection proj = getProjection();

        if (proj == null)
            Debug.output("DB2GSEGeometryLayer.prepare: null projection!");
            return null;

        if (Debug.debugging("DB2GSE"))
            Debug.output("DB2GSEGeometryLayer Driver: " + dbClass);

        Connection conn = getConnection();
        if(conn == null)
            if (Debug.debugging("DB2GSE"))
                Debug.output("DB2GSEGeometryLayer Connection failed: ");
            return retVal;

        retVal = handleWK(proj, conn);
/* OMGraphicList ret = handleWK(proj, conn);
        if(ret != null)
            OMGraphic omg = null;
            int sz = ret.size();
            retVal = new OMGraphicList(sz);
            for(int idx = 0; idx < sz; idx++)
                omg = ret.getOMGraphicAt(idx);
// synchronized(myGraphicsList)
// { myGraphicsList = retVal;}
        if(retVal != null)
        { retVal.generate(proj);}
        return retVal;
    // -------------------------------------------------------------
    protected abstract OMGraphicList handleWK(Projection proj,
Connection conn);
public class DB2GSEGeometryWKBLayer extends DB2GSEGeometryLayer
// ---------------------------------------------------------
    protected synchronized OMGraphicList handleWK(Projection proj,
Connection conn)
        OMGraphicList retVal = null;
        // SELECT srid(geocolumn) AS srid, asbinary(geocolumn,'XDR') AS
wkb FROM geotable WHERE id BETWEEN 125 AND 168
// String SQLstring = "SELECT GID, SRID, WKB FROM " + geomTable;
//+ " WHERE GID = 186";
        String SQLstring = "SELECT * FROM " + geomTable; //+ " WHERE GID
= 186";
/* + " WHERE
+ OpenGIS_Elements.getElementString(OpenGIS_Elements.FN_ENVELOPE) +"("+
geomColumn + "), "
+"('Polygon(( "
getProjection().getUpperLeft().getLongitude() + " "
getProjection().getUpperLeft().getLatitude() + ", "
getProjection().getUpperLeft().getLongitude() + " "
getProjection().getLowerRight().getLatitude() + ", "
getProjection().getLowerRight().getLongitude() + " "
getProjection().getLowerRight().getLatitude() + ", "
getProjection().getLowerRight().getLongitude() + " "
getProjection().getUpperLeft().getLatitude() + ", "
getProjection().getUpperLeft().getLongitude() + " "
getProjection().getUpperLeft().getLatitude() + "))',
"+OpenGIS_Elements.getElementString(OpenGIS_Elements.FN_SRSID) +"("+
geomColumn + ") )) > 0 ";
        if (Debug.debugging("DB2GSE"))
            Debug.output("DB2GSEGeometryWKBLayer query: " + SQLstring);
        // Create the WKBReader.
        DB2GSE_WKBReader reader = new DB2GSE_WKBReader();
        // For this demo we will be using the OpenMapFactory.
        OpenMapFactory factory = new OpenMapFactory();
        // Create the WKBParser.
        DB2GSE_WKBParser parser = new DB2GSE_WKBParser(factory);
                /* You can complement this query with your own code.
                reader.readData(conn, SQLstring, parser);
                retVal = factory.getGeometries();
// OpenMapGetter getter = new OpenMapGetter();
// retVal = getter.getOMGraphicList(conn, SQLstring);
        ResultSet rs = null;
            Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
            List words = new ArrayList(1);
            rs = stmt.getResultSet();

            readData(rs, parser, factory);
            retVal = ((OpenMapFactory) factory).getGeometries();
        catch(SQLException sqle)
            Debug.output("DB2GSEGeometryWKBLayer Exception: " + sqle);
        if (rs != null)
            catch(SQLException sqle)
                        // In the OpenMapFactory, completed Geometries
are stored internally
                        // and can be returned through this method.
                        ArrayList geomlist = factory.getGeometries();

                        // Log the result to the console.
                        Log.debug("Geometries: " + geomlist.size());
                        for (int i = 0; i < geomlist.size(); ++i) {
                                Geometry geom = (Geometry) geomlist.get(i);
                                if (Log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                                        Log.debug("Geometry " + i + " :
" + geom.toString());
        if (Debug.debugging("DB2GSE"))
            Debug.output("DB2GSEGeometryWKBLayer returning: " + retVal);
        return retVal;


> Do you want to post the code of your prepare() method?
> I'd check the list contents to make sure there are OMGraphics on it.
> The OMGraphicList won't have a shape itself, but it will call on all
> of the OMGraphics it contains to have them render themselves.
> - Don
> On Aug 10, 2006, at 3:11 PM, JR Andreassen wrote:
>> Hello Again...
>> I've got the WKB fetch working.
>> Now I have a problem with rendering.
>> For some reason it won't paint.
>> I've traced it, the problem seams to be that the OMGraphics list has
>> no shape...
>> In my OMGraphicHandlerLayer.prepare()
>> I get the OMGraphicList,
>> Then project on the list and return
>> Nothing displayed...
>> Ideas ??
>> Thanks
>> JR
>>> [...]
>>> [java] US-States|Layer: repaint(tm=0, x=0, y=0, width=1084,
>>> height=956)
>>> [java] Graticule|Layer: repaint(tm=0, x=0, y=0, width=1084,
>>> height=956)
>>> [java] OMGraphicHandlerLayer Political Boundaries projection
>>> changed, calling com.bbn.openmap.layer.policy.ListResetPCPolicy
>>> [java] Political Boundaries: ListResetPCPolicy
>>> projectionChanged with OLD projection, repainting.
>>> [java] Political Boundaries|Layer: repaint(tm=0, x=0, y=0,
>>> width=1084, height=956)
>>> [java] Texas Counties(DB/2 GSE) |LayerWorker.construct()
>>> [java] DB2GSEGeometryLayer Driver:
>>> [java] DB2GSEGeometryWKBLayer query: SELECT GID, SRID, WKB FROM
>>> COGDATA.OGIS_Counties
>>> [java] 0 [Thread-10] DEBUG org.wkb4j.engine.WKBReader - Final
>>> words: [srid]
>>> [java] Texas Counties(DB/2 GSE) |Layer: repaint(tm=0, x=0, y=0,
>>> width=1084, height=956)
>>> [java] DB2GSEGeometryWKBLayer returning:
>>> com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.OMGeometryList_at_14d1d41
>>> [java] Texas Counties(DB/2 GSE) |LayerWorker.construct():
>>> fetched 254 graphics in 4.344 seconds
>>> [java] Texas Counties(DB/2 GSE) .paint(): NULL list, skipping...
>>> [java] Texas Counties(DB/2 GSE) |Layer: repaint(tm=0, x=0, y=0,
>>> width=1084, height=956)

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