In your layer override mouseMoved and call fireRequestToolTip. Grep in
the OM source code for examples of how to use this.
JR Andreassen wrote:
> Anyone ???
>> Hi...
>> I've got the DB/2 GSE layer based on the org.wkb4j.engine working.
>> I had to fix a few things, but not too much.
>> No I'm trying to find out how to display the info for an OMGraphic
>> when you hoover over it with the mouse.
>> I cant find any info on how to do it, is there a FAQ for that ?
>> I tried plowing through the ShapeLayer to find it, but not much success.
>> Any pointers would be appriciated.
>> Thanks
>> JR
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Received on Wed Sep 06 2006 - 13:00:51 EDT