Hi JR,
try using the the "fireRequestToolTip()" method, which is in the Layer class.
You need to detect (probably in mouseMoved() in your layer class) whether the mouse
has moved over anything "interesting" to your application. We use this to
display info from the "app objects" that we attach to the OMGraphics. But any
string you want can be displayed. You may find a useful example by doing a web
search on fireRequestToolTip.
Hope this helps, Bill
On Wed, 6 Sep 2006, JR Andreassen wrote:
> Anyone ???
>> Hi...
>> I've got the DB/2 GSE layer based on the org.wkb4j.engine working.
>> I had to fix a few things, but not too much.
>> No I'm trying to find out how to display the info for an OMGraphic when you
>> hoover over it with the mouse.
>> I cant find any info on how to do it, is there a FAQ for that ?
>> I tried plowing through the ShapeLayer to find it, but not much success.
>> Any pointers would be appriciated.
>> Thanks
>> JR
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