Thanks Guy's...
That's exactly what I needed....
> Hi JR,
> try using the the "fireRequestToolTip()" method, which is in the Layer
> class. You need to detect (probably in mouseMoved() in your layer
> class) whether the mouse has moved over anything "interesting" to your
> application. We use this to display info from the "app objects" that
> we attach to the OMGraphics. But any string you want can be displayed.
> You may find a useful example by doing a web search on
> fireRequestToolTip.
> Hope this helps, Bill
> On Wed, 6 Sep 2006, JR Andreassen wrote:
>> Anyone ???
>>> Hi...
>>> I've got the DB/2 GSE layer based on the org.wkb4j.engine working.
>>> I had to fix a few things, but not too much.
>>> No I'm trying to find out how to display the info for an OMGraphic
>>> when you hoover over it with the mouse.
>>> I cant find any info on how to do it, is there a FAQ for that ?
>>> I tried plowing through the ShapeLayer to find it, but not much
>>> success.
>>> Any pointers would be appriciated.
>>> Thanks
>>> JR
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