Try subclassing OMCircle and then override render to be something like
this (not tested):
public void render(Graphics g) {
Rectangle2D loc = getShape().getBounds2D();
int arc = 8;
int offSet = 4;
Stroke popedStroke = g.getStroke();
g.draw(new RoundRectangle2D.Double(loc.getMinX() - offSet / 2, loc
- offSet / 2, loc.getWidth() + offSet + 2, loc.getHeight()
+ offSet + 2, arc, arc));
Alex Yeo wrote:
> Hi Don,
> I have implemented the guides that were provided below, but I am not clear how to "modify your class to paint that OMRactangle in the paint() method" since OMRect does not provide/inherit any paint() method.
> Thanks in advance.
> Alex
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Don Dietrick []
> Sent: 11 October 2006 00:00
> To: Alex Yeo
> Cc: openMap
> Subject: Re: [OpenMap Users] Box shape around OMCircle during selection
> Hi Alex,
> You could extend OMCircle to create a class that, after generate
> (Projection) is called, fetches the bounding box around the shape in
> the OMGraphic, and creates an OMRectangle out of those parameters.
> Note that the rectangle will be defined in pixel space. If you want
> to have the rectangle defined in coordinate space, you could probably
> take the pixel extents of the first rectangle, inverse project them
> using the Projection object, and then create a lat/lon OMRectangle.
> You'd have to call generate(Projection) on that rectangle, though,
> and modify your class to paint that OMRactangle in the paint() method.
> Hope this helps,
> Don
> On Oct 10, 2006, at 4:08 AM, Alex Yeo wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have created an OMGraphicList consisting of an OMCircle and an
>> OMText. My intent is to create a box around the selected OMCircle
>> (much like when an OMRaster graphic is selected) but not the OMText.
>> Could anyone please provide a hint to how this is possible? Does it
>> have anything to do with the createShape method in the OMGraphic
>> class?
>> Cheers.
>> Alex
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Don Dietrick,
> BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
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Received on Fri Oct 13 2006 - 02:05:53 EDT