Hi Tim,
What does the batch file look like?
If you launch with a -Ddebug.componentfactory jvm argument, do you
see the menu getting created along with the other expected
components? Is there any other complaint in the output?
- Don
On Nov 11, 2006, at 11:43 AM, Norfleet, Timothy M. wrote:
> Help Need
> Having a problem seeing a menu
> I created a menu to place in the menu bar.
> When running my application within my IDE (JBUILDER & ECLIPES) the
> menu
> appears with no problem.
> When running my application with a batch file, I can see that the my
> menu class can be seen but it does not display in the menu bar.
> The proprieties file is set correctly
> The batch file seems to be correct.
> menulist.menus=raidMenu
> raidMenu.class=sg.gui.RaidMenu
> Thanks
> Tim
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Received on Mon Nov 13 2006 - 10:17:35 EST