Hi Camille,
The easiest thing to do is when you are building your poly, test and
see if the first and last pairs of coordinates are the same, and if
not, add the first coordinate pair to the end of the set.
Telling the OMPoly/Editable OMPoly to treat the shape as a polygon
when the coordinates don't reflect a closed shape will only work when
the poly is being completely rendered (choosing a non-clear fill
color will also create a polygon). When you edit an OMPoly, only the
lines between the specified coordinates are rendered, so you end up
with that polyline effect.
- Don
On Dec 11, 2006, at 10:31 AM, Carsten Ø. Madsen wrote:
> Ok, extend the ompolyloader class to make the polys enclosed and
> use that loader to manage the polys
> public class MyPolyLoader extends OMPolyLoader {
> public MyPolyLoader() {
> }
> public EditableOMGraphic getEditableGraphic(String classname,
> GraphicAttributes ga) {
> EditableOMPoly result = (EditableOMPoly)
> super.getEditableGraphic(
> classname ga);
> if (result != null) {
> result.setEnclosed(true);
> }
> return result;
> }
> }
> maybe you will have to override more stuff...
> regards
> /carsten
> Camille Blondiaux wrote:
>> I tried, and it worked for the first display, but the poly reopens
>> as I click on it to edit and stays opened after editing if I do
>> not click the "link first to last node" button... strange... Kmouille
>>> Use setIsPolygon?
>> http://www.openmap.net/doc/api/com/bbn/openmap/omGraphics/
>> OMPoly.html#setIsPolygon(boolean)
>>> regards /carsten Camille Blondiaux wrote:
>>>> Hi ! I'm new to OpenMap, so my question may seem an easy one to
>>>> answer... An OMGraphicHandlerLayer of my soft is receiving from
>>>> a server a list of float llp = [x1, y1, x2, y2...] that is used
>>>> to draw an OMPoly on the screen. For the moment, I do omg = new
>>>> OMPoly(llp, OMGraphic.DECIMAL_DEGREES,
>>>> OMGraphic.LINETYPE_GREATCIRCLE); But my poly's not closed and
>>>> I'd like it to be ! So I can add the first point at the end of
>>>> the llp tab, but its behavior is bizarre when I add a point
>>>> (with the drawing tool) above the duplicated point ! Which other
>>>> way could I use to close the Poly ? I saw a geometryClosed
>>>> field, but how to modify it ? Or should I do by an
>>>> EditableOMPoly (which was no succesfull the way I tried) thanks
>>>> in advance Kmouille Accédez au courrier électronique de La Poste
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Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
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Received on Wed Dec 13 2006 - 10:36:18 EST