Thanks a lot. I did pick up a properties file from one of my jar files.
I had my current directory in the middle of classpath. The problem went
away after I moved it to the beginning. It seems to search the
properties file in the sequential order presented in the classpath in
CygWin environment.
Please help me with this next one. My porting fails in
BufferedImageHelper.getBufferImage() threw a NullPointerException
LayerUtils.getResourceOrFileOrURL() fails to get a valid URL. I wonder
how getResourceOrFileOrURL() works.
-Sunny Lin
-----Original Message-----
From: Don Dietrick []
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2006 4:19 PM
To: Lin, Sunny (Shih-Hung)
Subject: Re: [OpenMap Users] How "openmap.include" Finds Its Files
Hi Sunny,
openmap.include finds it's file by checking if it's a file path or
URL (if the paths are specified), and then checking the classpath (if
the path is not specified).
If your current directory isn't in the classpath, the openmap.include
version will probably find the one in the jar.
- Don
On Dec 15, 2006, at 1:08 PM, Lin, Sunny (Shih-Hung) wrote:
> Hi, Group,
> I am currently porting an OpenMap application from Unix to CygWin
> and run into a wield issue. The app uses a properties file which
> contains the following lines.
> ....
> openmap.include=include1
> ....
> where
> "" is a modified version of properties file,
> which came with OpenMap distribution, in the same directory. I
> noticed the app launches and uses the specified properties file.
> Somehow, the file doesn't include "" in the same
> directory but a different copy instead. I have no idea where this
> included properties file is. Please anyone tell me how
> "openmap.include" finds its file.
> Thanks
> -Sunny Lin
Don Dietrick,
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
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