Hi Frédéric,
Enclosed you will find my update of the openmap projection. I also found some strange things and thus changed the projection to my needs. it has been used for belgium. maybe it is useful for you.
Met vriendelijke groeten
Chris van Lith
From: Frédéric PRACA [mailto:frederic.praca_at_freebsd-fr.org]
To: openmap-users_at_bbn.com
Sent: Mon, 12 Feb 2007 16:59:40 +0100
Subject: [OpenMap Users] Rotation of map in Lambert projection
I try to display a LambertConformal raster map on OpenMap but I am not able to
change the meridian used to display the world layer. I tried to change the
getUpperLeft and getLowerRight code to this :
return new LatLonPoint(90.0, -180.0 + centralMeridian);
and return new LatLonPoint(-90.0, 180.0 + centralMeridian);
I expected the world map to rotate in order to have my centralMeridian in a
vertical way but the world layer stays with the meridian 0° vertical.
Do you have any clue to change this ?
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Received on Tue Feb 13 2007 - 04:50:29 EST