Hello, I created a new OMGraphic with his respective Loader and
For my case, I created a OMFreeHand. It inherited from OMPoly, and my
EditableOMGraphic inherited from EditableOMPoly.
My problem is when Iike edit the OMFreeHand for code. Internally the
OMDrawingTool assign the EditableOMPoly for the work, because my
OMFreeHand is assignable to OMPoly (inherited from it).
For me the problem is in public EditableOMGraphic
getEditableGraphic(OMGraphic g) method.
I think is better find te classname in the hashmap before iterate on it.
Sorry by my english.
Please tell me if is my mistake o how can I make may better work about
this point.
Thanks in advance.
Eliecer Osorio Verdugo
Gerencia Técnica
Sisdef Ltda.
Fono: 56 32 2810777
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e-mail: eosorio_at_sisdef.cl
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