Hello, about de CoordMouseMode and display Lat Lon info, I make a class
"MyCoordMouseMode", it class inherited from CoordMouseMode and it class is
associated to MyPanel then when I like I can show teh info in MyPanel.
About distance you can use the Length class for transform from radians to
LatLonPoint p1 = new LatLonPoint(-20, -30);
LatLonPoint p2 = new LatLonPoint(20, 30);
// Here distance between LatLonPoint are in RADIANS, for then I use Length
to transform.
float distKM = Length.KM.fromRadians(p1.distance(p2));
It's all
Eliecer Osorio Verdugo
Gerencia Técnica
Sisdef Ltda.
Fono: 56 32 2810777
Fax : 56 32 2811190
e-mail: eosorio_at_sisdef.cl
owner-openmap-users_at_bbn.com wrote on 14-03-2007 13:24:13:
> Hello,
> Is there a method in OpenMap to calculate the distance between two
> LatLonPoint’s correctly (for example in kilometers)?
> Thanks,
> Jeroen
> From: owner-openmap-users_at_bbn.com [mailto:owner-openmap-users_at_bbn.com]
> On Behalf Of Lepkowski, Thomas
> Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 8:07 PM
> To: openmap-users_at_bbn.com
> Subject: [OpenMap Users] Lat, Lon Display and CoordMouseMode
> Hello,
> I'm trying to get an understanding of how to most efficiently
> display Lat, Lon of the current mouse position as it moves over the
> map. Looks like CoordMouseMode plays an important part. I'd like
> to display Lat, Lon somewhere on the GUI (not necessarily on the
> "info line". I admit not fully understanding the architectural
> details of the various OM parts. I'd appreciate any guidance.
> Thanks.
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