Re: [OpenMap Users] Relative path?

From: Don Dietrick <>
Date: Thu, 15 Mar 2007 10:49:10 -0400

Hi Thomas,

The first '/' is confusing things. If you use "data/etopo" in your
properties, and have the first part of the absolute path in your
classpath, it should work.

- Don

On Mar 15, 2007, at 5:26 AM,

> Hello,
> I just would like to know if there were a way to set relative path
> (I'm
> using Windows) into the file...
> For example, I need to set the "etopo.path" property, and instead
> "C:/.../.../data/etopo", I would like to set something like "/data/
> etopo",
> but it seems that doesn't work.
> Maybe I've done something wrong?
> Thanks in advance
> Thomas Dewancker
> --
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Don Dietrick,
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA

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Received on Thu Mar 15 2007 - 10:50:00 EDT

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