Hi Don,
I'll send you a screen copy of the stack trace as soon as possible.
Anyway, I looked forward, especially into the generated properties file,
and the problem seems to be caused by lots of empty property values (like
for example the CSV.defaultIconURL).
PS: I'll send the stack trace asap...
Hi Thomas,
Do you have a stack trace I could look at?
- Don
On Mar 7, 2007, at 10:42 AM, Thomas.Dewancker_at_alcatelaleniaspace.com
> Hi all,
> I tried to use the Save/Load Properties feature, so I first saved a
> map to
> a file, and the tried to load this same file. But when I do so,
> only 10
> layers are loaded, and I get a NullPointerException (relative to
> LayerCheckBoxMenuItem.componentHidden)...
> Is that a known bug, or did I missed something (in a property file
> maybe)?
> Thomas
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