Hi Tore,
Thanks for sending this class and the UTM projection in, I'll take a
look at them this week.
Best Regards,
On Mar 16, 2007, at 10:57 AM, Tore Halset wrote:
> Hello.
> I am build support for UTM projections into the WMS-part of
> OpenMap. I am using UTMPoint for the calculation, but would like to
> be able to convert a LatLonPoint to a UTMPoint for a specified UTM
> zone that may not include the given LatLonPoint. This is normal
> practice in the WMS context.
> Does this seem to be a good idea? I have attached a patch to
> UTMPoint that works for me.
> Regards,
> - Tore.
> ### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0
> #P openmap
> Index: src/openmap/com/bbn/openmap/proj/coords/UTMPoint.java
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvs/openmap/openmap/src/openmap/com/bbn/openmap/proj/
> coords/UTMPoint.java,v
> retrieving revision 1.10
> diff -u -r1.10 UTMPoint.java
> --- src/openmap/com/bbn/openmap/proj/coords/UTMPoint.java 24 Oct
> 2005 14:39:14 -0000 1.10
> +++ src/openmap/com/bbn/openmap/proj/coords/UTMPoint.java 16 Mar
> 2007 14:26:23 -0000
> _at_@ -197,8 +197,31 @@
> public static UTMPoint LLtoUTM(LatLonPoint llpoint, Ellipsoid
> ellip,
> UTMPoint utmpoint) {
> - double Lat = llpoint.getLatitude();
> - double Long = llpoint.getLongitude();
> + // find the native zone for the given llpoint
> + int zoneNumber = zoneNumber(llpoint.getLatitude(),
> llpoint.getLongitude());
> + boolean isnorthern = (llpoint.getLatitude() >= 0f);
> +
> + return LLtoUTM(llpoint, ellip, utmpoint, zoneNumber,
> isnorthern);
> + }
> +
> + /**
> + * Converts a set of Longitude and Latitude co-ordinates to UTM
> + * given an ellipsoid and the UTM zone to use.
> + *
> + * _at_param ellip an ellipsoid definition.
> + * _at_param llpoint the coordinate to be converted
> + * _at_param utmpoint A UTMPoint instance to put the results in. If
> + * null, a new UTMPoint will be allocated.
> + * _at_param ZoneNumber the number of the zone
> + * _at_param isnorthern true if zone is in norhering hemispehere
> + * _at_return A UTM class instance containing the value of
> + * <code>null</code> if conversion failed. If you pass
> + * in a UTMPoint, it will be returned as well if
> + * successful.
> + */
> + public static UTMPoint LLtoUTM(LatLonPoint llpoint, Ellipsoid
> ellip,
> + UTMPoint utmpoint, int
> ZoneNumber, boolean isnorthern) {
> +
> double a = ellip.radius;
> double eccSquared = ellip.eccsq;
> double k0 = 0.9996;
> _at_@ -210,31 +233,7 @@
> double LatRad = llpoint.radlat_;
> double LongRad = llpoint.radlon_;
> double LongOriginRad;
> - int ZoneNumber;
> -
> - ZoneNumber = (int) ((Long + 180) / 6) + 1;
> - //Make sure the longitude 180.00 is in Zone 60
> - if (Long == 180) {
> - ZoneNumber = 60;
> - }
> -
> - // Special zone for Norway
> - if (Lat >= 56.0f && Lat < 64.0f && Long >= 3.0f && Long <
> 12.0f) {
> - ZoneNumber = 32;
> - }
> -
> - // Special zones for Svalbard
> - if (Lat >= 72.0f && Lat < 84.0f) {
> - if (Long >= 0.0f && Long < 9.0f)
> - ZoneNumber = 31;
> - else if (Long >= 9.0f && Long < 21.0f)
> - ZoneNumber = 33;
> - else if (Long >= 21.0f && Long < 33.0f)
> - ZoneNumber = 35;
> - else if (Long >= 33.0f && Long < 42.0f)
> - ZoneNumber = 37;
> - }
> LongOrigin = (ZoneNumber - 1) * 6 - 180 + 3; //+3 puts origin
> // in middle of
> // zone
> _at_@ -272,7 +271,7 @@
> * (A * A / 2 + (5 - T + 9 * C + 4 * C * C) * A * A
> * A * A
> / 24.0d + (61 - 58 * T + T * T + 600 * C -
> 330 * eccPrimeSquared)
> * A * A * A * A * A * A / 720.0d)));
> - if (Lat < 0.0f) {
> + if (!isnorthern) {
> UTMNorthing += 10000000.0f; //10000000 meter offset for
> // southern hemisphere
> }
> _at_@ -284,11 +283,11 @@
> utmpoint.northing = (float) Math.rint(UTMNorthing);
> utmpoint.easting = (float) Math.rint(UTMEasting);
> utmpoint.zone_number = ZoneNumber;
> - utmpoint.zone_letter = utmpoint.getLetterDesignator(Lat);
> + utmpoint.zone_letter = isnorthern ? 'N' : 'S';
> return utmpoint;
> }
> -
> +
> /**
> * Returns 'N' if the latitude is equal to or above the equator,
> * 'S' if it's below.
> _at_@ -538,5 +537,44 @@
> return new LatLonPoint((float) Lat, (float) Long);
> }
> }
> +
> + /**
> + * Find zone number based on the given latitude and longitude
> in *degrees*.
> + *
> + * _at_param Lat
> + * _at_param Long
> + * _at_return
> + */
> + public static int zoneNumber(double Lat, double Long) {
> + int ZoneNumber;
> +
> + ZoneNumber = (int) ((Long + 180) / 6) + 1;
> +
> + //Make sure the longitude 180.00 is in Zone 60
> + if (Long == 180) {
> + ZoneNumber = 60;
> + }
> +
> + // Special zone for Norway
> + if (Lat >= 56.0f && Lat < 64.0f && Long >= 3.0f && Long <
> 12.0f) {
> + ZoneNumber = 32;
> + }
> +
> + // Special zones for Svalbard
> + if (Lat >= 72.0f && Lat < 84.0f) {
> + if (Long >= 0.0f && Long < 9.0f)
> + ZoneNumber = 31;
> + else if (Long >= 9.0f && Long < 21.0f)
> + ZoneNumber = 33;
> + else if (Long >= 21.0f && Long < 33.0f)
> + ZoneNumber = 35;
> + else if (Long >= 33.0f && Long < 42.0f)
> + ZoneNumber = 37;
> + }
> +
> + return ZoneNumber;
> + }
> +
> +
> }
> --
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Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
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Received on Tue Mar 20 2007 - 16:03:18 EDT