I am trying to set the extent of the Map but I could not.
Below is the code segment I am using to set map extent. Is there an easy way to do this?
Thank you
public void setMapExtent(CGeoExtent mapGeoExtent) {
float maxlat = (float)mapGeoExtent.getMaxLatitude();
float maxlon = (float)mapGeoExtent.getMaxLongitude();
float minlat = (float)mapGeoExtent.getMinLatitude();
float minlon = (float)mapGeoExtent.getMinLongitude();
float centerLat = (maxlat + minlat) / 2;
float centerLon = (maxlon + minlon) / 2;
Projection proj = mapBean.getProjection();
LatLonPoint upleft = new LatLonPoint(minlon, maxlat);
LatLonPoint lowright = new LatLonPoint(maxlon, minlat);
mapBean.setCenter(centerLon, centerLat);
float scale = proj.getScale(upleft, lowright,
new Point(0, 0),
new Point(drawingPanel.getWidth(),
catch (Exception ex){
Drawing panel is the JPanel I am using for the map.
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