Hello all,
I know how to write non-geospatial data to a layer pretty easy, however, I
can't write geospatial data onto a layer yet.
There is one example but it uses the sdoapi import which unfortunately I
can't seem to fined, (I've read on many forums that Oracle 10g doesn't use
this anymore as it's updated the sdoapi import to the spatial import), so
when I use the spatial import on Eclipse it doesn't have methods such as
'GeometryAdapter', however, it does have a newer version of Geometry, (it
uses JGeometry now). I would really appreciate it if anyone has a snippet
of Java code, or knows where I can find an example that includes the new
methods included within the spatial import. Thanks.
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Received on Tue May 29 2007 - 05:34:06 EDT