What i did, and it works :
You've your project in the directory MyProject
With NB 5.5 when you compile a java class, Myclass.java the system sets you
.class in the directory
When you run you class, ressources have to be set according to relative
If you have your file data/shape/fed_mgmt_boundaries.shp
just copy it in the MyProject/classes directory
I think Netbeans 5.5 copy the file when you build the project (and so create
the jar),
but do not when you just compile (in fact probably file by file, so just
class files no data files)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Szafran, Jamie A. (KSC)[STATE UNIV NY]" <Jamie.A.Szafran_at_nasa.gov>
To: <openmap-users_at_bbn.com>
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2007 5:42 PM
Subject: [OpenMap Users] "Problem setting up shape files"
> Hi, quick question for you:
> I am working in NetBeans IDE 5.5.1, using OpenMap 4.6.3, and despite
> adding the location of my shapefiles to the NB project's run and build
> libraries (and just about everywhere else I could think of!), I receive
> the following error:
> *** ERROR ***
> ShapeLayer SpatialIndex: problem setting up the shape files:
> shape file: data/shape/fed_mgmt_boundaries.shp
> spatial index file: data/shape/fed_mgmt_boundaries.ssx
> I've tried putting these files just about everywhere, as well, to no
> avail.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thank you!
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Jamie A. D. Szafran
> Intern, Ground Operations, KSC
> National Aeronautics and Space Administration
> 321.867.5304
> The opinions expressed herein are my own and are not
> necessarily those of NASA or Kennedy Space Center.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> --
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Received on Mon Jul 23 2007 - 12:36:56 EDT