Just a sanity check
> Hi JR,
> Right - the ssx file is an OpenMap file, generated using the .shp
> file contents (to generate the extents) and the shx to reuse the
> offsets. The SpatialIndex class generates that file. The file gets
> generated if it doesn't exist.
> - Don
> On Aug 7, 2007, at 6:12 PM, JR Andreassen wrote:
>> Hey folks...
>> I've been working on the Spatial Indecies, and have either missed
>> something or reading it wrong.
>> The spatial index referenced in the layers '.ssx' is not standard
>> ESRI format... Right.
>> As opposed to the '.shx' which only hold offsets....
>> To use it we have to create them.....
>> Correct me if I'm wrong...
>> Thanks
>> JR
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> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Don Dietrick,
> BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
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Received on Thu Aug 09 2007 - 11:48:53 EDT