ImageFormatter.getFormatLabel() return an String like "JPEG", but
sometimes the mime-type are needed. Coversion between "JPEG" and
"image/jpeg" are done in WmsRequestHandler.translateFormat.
By having a separate ImageFormatter.getMimeType it would be easier
for users to add their own ImageFromatters for different mime-types
and the ugly code (see below) in WmsRequestHandler.translateFormat
can ba switched over to a simple Map lookup.
private String translateFormat(String format) {
if (format.equals(WMTConstants.IMAGEFORMAT_JPEG)) {
return HttpConnection.CONTENT_JPEG;
} else if (format.equals(WMTConstants.IMAGEFORMAT_PNG)) {
return HttpConnection.CONTENT_PNG;
} else if (format.equals(WMTConstants.IMAGEFORMAT_GIF)) {
return HttpConnection.CONTENT_GIF;
} else if (format.equals(WMTConstants.IMAGEFORMAT_TIFF)) {
return HttpConnection.CONTENT_TIFF;
} else if (format.equals(WMTConstants.IMAGEFORMAT_GEOTIFF)) {
return HttpConnection.CONTENT_GEOTIFF;
} else if (format.equals(WMTConstants.IMAGEFORMAT_PPM)) {
return HttpConnection.CONTENT_PPM;
} else if (format.equals(WMTConstants.IMAGEFORMAT_WBMP)) {
return HttpConnection.CONTENT_WBMP;
} else if (format.equals(WMTConstants.IMAGEFORMAT_SVG)) {
return HttpConnection.CONTENT_SVG;
} else {
return format;
- Tore.
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