I'm tying to mysql with gis extensions and having difficult rendering the gif file - airport -
that I choose for testing. I've put output statements to trace where it fails. In MysqlGeometryLayer, the query statement with the polygon of the rectangle returns the
correct set of records but it never renders.
In the openmap.properties file, I've setup:
The three lines below were left blank, I didn't find examples for the
color, width and fill. So, I left them blank.
mygeo.lineColor=<Color for lines>Default is red
mygeo.lineWidth=<Pixel width of lines>Default is 0
mygeo.fillColor=<Color of fill>Default is red
Could this be causing the problem?
Also, I would like to use the "com.bbn.openmap.tools.symbology.milStd2525".
It appears that I can insert the symbology file name into mysql db and over ride
the default mygeo.pointSymbol=data/icons/airport.gif. Is the the correct approach?
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