Hi Faly,
Our mistake, de-selecting is not supported like it should be. I'll add
it to the bug list.
On Jan 23, 2008, at 10:26 AM, Le-Faly wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> I would like please to have some clarifications about the following
> situation regarding manipulation of OMGraphics: I have seen that to
> select multiple drawn OMGraphics, I keep the shift key down. But to
> deselect one of the selected OMGraphics, what should I do? I tried
> to keep the shift key down and clicked one the OMGraphic to be
> deselected, but that does not work. The only current option seems
> the deselection of the selected OMGraphics alltogether.
> Have anyone already tried to solve this process?
> Thanks,
> Faly
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Received on Tue Jan 29 2008 - 19:18:16 EST