Thanks for your reply.
Here is a URL that contains information on what I would like to be able to
on an OpenMap application.
> OpenMap can really only display the graphics provided by DISA in a
> data set they released a while ago. The real problem with rendering
> the other symbols that are not currently defined is being able to
> provide a UI to allow the user to place some of the symbols that need
> to be placed and defined on the map.
Well the issue isn't to provide a UI to create these symbols. We already
have UIs in place with code we
wrote to supply this information to other mapping engines. The issue is can
OpenMap draw these images
on its map. Now I realize that OpenMap can do simple renderings of
information that is represented as a
point, ie units, ground tracks, air tracks and pretty much all of the point
geometries. Some examples of these images are,
G*FPPCB---****X a Fire Support Point
All of these images are able to be drawn because there is a jar that
contains the actual images for each
of these entities in a PNG format. The name of the files have the exact mil
std representation. For example, suapmf---------.png is the symbol of the
unknown Air Track Military Fixed Wing icon.
Which for me raises a couple question.
1) Can OpenMap support modifiers for these symbols.
The MilStd spec also defines modifiers that can be placed around the symbol.
Can OpenMap support this?
Especially for Air tracks, one of the modifiers is a directional vector
showing the current course of the track.
2) Can OpenMap support echelon information.
Pg. 54 of the given URL. Little symbols above the units icons showing the
size of the displayed icon.
Example, Squad, Section, Platoon. This information I believe is represented
in positions 11-12 of the
mil std string.
Now with that said, what OpenMap already provides is huge. Implementation of
Military Standards for graphical display is not an easy task. For many
reasons, one
being that I do not think they really thought it through. For example,
AXIS OF ADVANCE FOR FEINT mil std G*GPPA----****X. Is defined by three
points. (Pg, B93 of spec)
A begin point, a end point, and a width. But in reality this geometry can
hundreds of points defining its path. Which makes the spec almost impossible
to implement.
Well I am getting off into a tangent, My question is can OpenMap draw this
Axis of Advance or does
only know how to handle what is in the jar.
Sorry for getting wordy and thanks for your time.
Don Dietrick wrote:
> Hi Dave,
> On Jan 29, 2008, at 6:46 PM, kossboss wrote:
>> Hi, just wondering (more like wishing) if OpenMap can display
>> multiple point
>> geometries in MIL-STD-2525B. I know there is a big jar of point
>> graphics.
>> Mostly ground units with air tracks and some basic point geometries
>> but can
>> it display a four point Axis Of Advance, FLOTS, and other multi point
>> MIL-STD-2525 symbols.
> Do you have some examples of symbols you are looking to be able to use
> (like some 15 character codes)? I think I understand what you are
> asking about, but I want to make sure.
>> I am guessing it can not, which is the only downfall of OpenMap for
>> it can
>> not be used by military applications. Now I am stuck using C2PC and
>> which are complete monsters and half as good as OpenMap. But I have
>> to use
>> these cumbersome engines because they support Mil-Std-2525b.
> OpenMap can really only display the graphics provided by DISA in a
> data set they released a while ago. The real problem with rendering
> the other symbols that are not currently defined is being able to
> provide a UI to allow the user to place some of the symbols that need
> to be placed and defined on the map.
>> If anyone knows if OpenMap can do this or knows of an open source
>> plug-in or
>> API.
>> Please let me know.
> I don't know of anything right now.
>> Oh PS: Does OpenMap support echelons for the unit graphics? I do not
>> remember seeing them there.
> These are the additional markings on the symbols? If the DISA set
> didn't contain them, we haven't added them. Do you have any requests
> for things you use a lot? Maybe there is some low-hanging fruit we
> can improve on without making things crazy hard.
> Best Regards,
> Don
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Don Dietrick,
> BBN Technologies, Cambridge MA
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> --
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