Thanks for the advice.
Your suggestion on using the fully qualified path to the
gif file worked. But, I still have a problem displaying
multiple rows from a mysql database.
In OMRaster(float lt, float ln, image ii), the values remain:
> lt = 0 //lat
> ln = 0 //lon
"protected OMGraphic createPoint(MysqlPoint myPoint) {
ImageIcon actualPointSymbol = new ImageIcon(pointSymbol);
OMRaster ompoint = new OMRaster((float) myPoint.getLatitudes(), (float)
myPoint.getLongitude(), actualPointSymbol);
return ompoint;"
All mysql records with geometries other than (0,0) were set to (0,0)
and only one icon was rendered out of 20 rows.
Do you have any suggestions?
-----Original Message-----
From: []On
Behalf Of Don Dietrick
Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2008 6:35 PM
To: Ted
Subject: Re: [OpenMap Users] Problem with rendering icons
Hi Ted,
On Jan 29, 2008, at 6:30 AM, Ted wrote:
> Hi,
> I've followed up on the issues. I don't know if the gif file is
> properly defined or the code is broken.
> I've traced the problem to:
> OMRaster(float lt, float ln, image ii)
> lt = 0 //lat
> ln = 0 //lon
> ii = data/icons/airport.gif // from the file.
I don't understand what ii is - is it a string, or a loaded Image? It
should be a java.awt.Image file, which you can get from an ImageIcon
created from a file name.
> Then, an exception is thrown:
> OMRasterObject.render: Attempting to draw a image that is not ready:
> Image probably wasn't
> available.
> I believe that this exception is a check based on the dimensions of
> the gif/image.
It's a result of the image not being loaded.
Make sure the parent directory of the data directory is in the
classpath, or else the file won't be found with the relative classspath.
Do you get different results with an absolute file path?
- Don
> OMRaster appears again in an attempt to render with values:
> 0.0
> 0.0
> sun.awt.image.ToolkitImage_at_129e5e9
> Further in the procressing:
> OMRasterObject is called to render the gif in pixel coordinates.
> public void render(graphics g)
> g=g.drawimage(bitmap, point1.x, point1.y, this);
> public abstract boolean drawimage( image img, int x, int y,
> imageobserver observer) ic called.
> Then, the message appears:
> Then, an exception is thrown:
> OMRasterObject.render: Attempting to draw a image that is not ready:
> Image probably wasn't
> available.
> Has anyone seen this problem or know of a solution? If so, I would
> appreciate a post.
> Thanks,
> Ted
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:owner-openmap-
>]On Behalf Of
> Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 12:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: [OpenMap Users] Problem with rendering icons
> Hi,
> I'm tying to mysql with gis extensions and having difficult
> rendering the gif file - airport -
> that I choose for testing. I've put output statements to trace
> where it fails. In MysqlGeometryLayer, the query statement with the
> polygon of the rectangle returns the
> correct set of records but it never renders.
> In the file, I've setup:
> mygeo.pointSymbol=data/icons/airport.gif
> The three lines below were left blank, I didn't find examples for the
> color, width and fill. So, I left them blank.
> mygeo.lineColor=<Color for lines>Default is red
> mygeo.lineWidth=<Pixel width of lines>Default is 0
> mygeo.fillColor=<Color of fill>Default is red
> Could this be causing the problem?
> Also, I would like to use the
> "".
> It appears that I can insert the symbology file name into mysql db
> and over ride
> the default mygeo.pointSymbol=data/icons/airport.gif. Is the the
> correct approach?
> Thanks,
> Ted
Don Dietrick,
BBN Technologies, Cambridge MA
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