[OpenMap Users] OpenMap 4.6.4 has been released!

From: OpenMap Support <openmap_at_bbn.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Feb 2008 16:36:51 -0500

Dear OpenMap users,

OpenMap 4.6.4 has been released at http://openmap.bbn.com! The
changes in this version are listed in the CHANGELOG (available at http://openmap.bbn.com/CHANGELOG)
, and I've included them below as well. We really appreciate all of
your participation in this project, with the feedback, suggestions and

I'll be sending out notes soon on what to expect for the next release,
OpenMap 5.0, which will be out before summer.

As always, you can reach us at the BBN developers list at openmap_at_bbn.com
, or the users mailing list at openmap-users_at_bbn.com.

Best Regards to all,

Don Dietrick
BBN Technologies
Cambridge, MA


CHANGE LOG entries for 4.6.4:

        * Updated the PropertyHandler to have it's own property prefix. This
        property prefix is used by the PropertyHandler when it looks for a
        properties file, and when it looks inside the properties file for
        application level properties, like the components list, include
        files, and the configuration directory. Where the PropertyHandler
        used to only be able to look for an openmap.properties file that
        contained an openmap.components property, you can now define a
        different prefix for the file and property.
        * The com.bbn.openmap.util.propertyEditor.Inspector was updated to
        provide a simple GUI that can be inserted on behalf of a
        PropertyConsumer, without providing window controls, etc. It can
        be used just to provide the widgets for the PropertyConsumer

        The DrawingAttributesPropertyEditor was created as an example of
        creating a property editor widget that can control multiple
        properties in a single GUI widget.
        * The com.bbn.openmap.util.cacheHandler package was added,
        allowing for a more generic caching mechanism than was provided by
        the com.bbn.openmap.layer.util.cacheHandler package.
        * The GeoCoordTransformation interface was added, providing a
        mechanism that allows transformations from pre-projected
        coordinates into lat/lon space. The
        com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape classes can use the
        GeoCoordTransformation objects in order to display pre-projected
        shape data. Several GCTs have been implemented, including
        LatLonGCT, MercatorGCT, UTMGCT. A CoordinateReferenceSystem
        object also uses the GCTs, and assists the WMS server code in
        handling requests.

        The MGRSPoint was updated to handle zone letters correctly,
        instead of defaulting to UTM values.
        * UTMProjection added.
        * OMGraphic improvements:

        - OMEllipses with XY and OFFSET rendertypes were added.
        - OMGraphicHash was added.
        - OMTextLabeler was updated to handle different anchor locations.
        - OMPoint.Image class was added, an OMPoint that uses an Image to
        mark the location. The image does not change size with respect to
        map scale, as the OMScalingIcon does.
        - OMGraphicList findAll() method fixed when inner vague lists were
        - The EditableOMGraphic GUIs for Text and Range Rings were updated
        to have better persistence across different OMGraphics.
        - The DrawingAttributes GUI, including the color settings, was
        moved into the pop-up menu, replacing all of the buttons. Just
        the stroke button remains, and the colors on that button adjust
        according to the DrawingAttributes settings.

        * The DrawingToolLauncher GUI was updated to handle the
        DrawingAttributes GUI changes.

        * The VPFConfig class was modified to maintain knowledge of
        current features set on a VPFLayer that it is modifying.

        * The RPF Layer code was improved. The RPFCacheHandler was
        modified to reduce the number of bytes utilized in the cache
        tracking mechanism, which greatly decreases memory usage for large
        datasets. The RPFFrameEntry was modified to use fewer bytes for
        file name storage, also saving memory for large datasets.

        The RPFLayer was modified to use the OMGraphicHandlerLayer's
        transparency mechanism, replacing the colortable mechanism that
        was in place.

        * The Link Protocol has been updated to version 0.5, with a
        greatly reduced transmission footprint by making all of the field
        headers one or two characters long. A cache mechanism was added
        to the protocol and on the client Java code that allows values
        sent previously to be reused for later graphics.

        * Added com.bbn.openmap.layer.learn package, to hold layers that
        serve as examples for specific capabilities. BasicLayer and
        InteractionLayer added.

        * OMGraphicHandlerLayer has improved SwingWorker threading
        support, including the interruption mechanism and thread locking.
        Transparency can now be set on any OMGraphicHandlerLayer, and
        there is a GUI widget available that can be added to any palette.

        * The DrawingToolLayer has improved file support, including
        reading from multiple shape files to reproduce previous savings.

        * The DeclutterMatrix has improved access to a java.awt.Graphics
        object that prevents locking during multi-threaded access.

        * The com.bbn.openmap.io.FileInputReader handles reopening files
        that have been closed. The BinaryFile and BinaryBufferedFile can
        now read unsigned shorts upon request.

        * The com.bbn.openmap.image.wms package adds much better WMS
        support, including handling GetCapabilities requests.

        * The com.bbn.openmap.image.ImageScaler class was added, providing
        better image scaling performance in the AbstractImageFormatter and

        ImageFormatters now provide their content type for web delivery.

        The ColorReducer class provides support for color reduction in
        images, and the PNG32ImageFormatter and PNG8ImageFormatter was

        The WMS servlet was updated to handle the new web mapping server
        support code.

        * WindowSupport windows no longer shrink when it they are
        repeatedly brought up. This fix affects the OverviewMapHandler,
        LayersPanel, CoordPanel, Layer palettes, etc.

        * The CoordPanel was updated to use WindowSupport, replacing the
        CoordDialog and CoordInternalFrame.

        * The new GeoArray object was created to improve memory management
        and performance for the com.bbn.openmap.geo package components.
        The ConvexHull and RadialRegion classes were also added to the

        * The ProjectionSupport threading model was improved, adding a
        more robust threading lock mechanism during projection change

        * The PanMouseMode image management and projection handling was

        * The AbstractMouseMode (affecting all mouse modes) has better
        support for defining custom cursors and icons. Support for
        specifying the zoom direction to mouse wheel relationship was

        * The com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape package was updated to add
        support for all Shape types. The EsriGraphicFactory class now
        creates EsriGraphics from files and streams, and both the
        com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri and com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape
        componets use this com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape package. The
        DbfFile class was created to allow better handling of dbf files,
        providing a way to limit what fields are read out of a file and
        kept in memory. The DbfHandler class was created to manage
        EsriGraphics and their rendering attributes/labels/tooltips/info
        based on the dbf file contents. The DbfHandler class lets you set
        rules for dbf file contents so you can draw map objects different
        based on attribute values. The ShapeLayer was updated to use this

        * iso8211 package had some bug fixes related to the DDFSubfields
        and definitions.

        * MapBean was updated to support ProjectionChangeVetoExceptions,
        so that layers or other components can now limit what a projection
        can change to.

        * LayerHandler can now have it's own prefix to be used to define
        layers in the properties file. Previously, the LayerHandler
        looked for an 'openmap.layers' property for its layer list. While
        'openmap.layers' still works, it now looks for a
        '<markername>.layers' property first, where <markername> is the
        keyword used to define the LayerHandler object instance in the
        'openmap.components' property, or whatever Property prefix the
        LayerHandler is given in the setProperties(...) method.

        The LayerHandler was also updated to handle background layers
        better, so that background layers show up at the bottom of layer

        * Layer has hasGUI() can let component know if a GUI is available.
        The LayerPanels use this to disable their palette icons if a GUI
        is not available for a particular layer.

        * LatLonPoint has been updated to contain many more functions to
        assist with determining relationships with other
        LatLonPoints (distance, etc).

        * Added I18 supports for many more GUI components. This effort is

        * Added support for GeoTIFF and geocoded images via the
        com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.image package. This support is for
        images that are in a equal-arc WGS84 decimal degree projection.
        Relies on the JAI package being available on the host system. The
        ImageTile class is a subclass of OMScalingRaster that handles the
        display of these files. GeoTIFFs with embedded projection
        information are handled, as well as other image formats with world
        files. The com.bbn.openmap.layer.imageTile.ImageTileLayer is a
        layer that handles the display of ImageTiles, and serves as an
        example of how to use the new com.bbbn.openmap.dataAccess.image

        * Updated LayerHandler to manage layers in the MapHandler better.
        Layers will only be added to the MapHandler if they don't know
        about it already. Also, calling LayerHandler.init(Layer[]) has
        been updated to check to see if Layers are removable, and honors
        that setting. Non-removable layers will be added to the bottom of
        the layer stack as the new layers are added. These layers will
        also be added to the MapHandler as needed, where they previously
        weren't. This fixes the bug where layers added to the application
        as a result of loading a new properties file weren't being added
        to the MapHandler.

        * Updated BeanContextPlugIn to remove itself from the
        BeanContext/MapHandler when it sees its own PlugIn layer being
        removed. Made EsriPlugIn extend BeanContextPlugIn instead of
        AbstractPlugIn. Cleaned up how DataBoundsProviders were handled
        as they were removed from the MapHandler. PlugIns weren't being
        removed properly.
        * Added an attribute Hashtable to Layer.

        * Updated the MapRequestHandler and ImageServer classes to handle
        background Paints better. Map requests coming through the
        MapRequestHandler no longer set the default background color, and
        the ImageServer API has createImage(...) methods added to allow
        the passing in of background Paint objects to be used for an
        image. The background color can be set in the properties.

        * Updated WindowSupport to have WSDisplay inner classes that
        handle the differences between showing components in JFrames,
        JDialogs and JInternalFrames. Components can specify which kind
        of WSDisplay they wish to use when the create their WindowSupport
        object, or they can let the WindowSupport object create the
        default version for them. If the Environment.useInternalFrames
        flag is set, then JDialogs will be used for components that don't
        specify which WSDisplays to use. If the Environment flag is not
        set, then the WindowSupport.defaultWindowSupportDisplayType static
        member variable dictates what kind of window will be created.
        Although the JFrame class is the default, there are accessors to
        change that setting (WindowSupport.Frm.class,
        WindowSupport.Dlg.class or WindowSupport.IntrnlFrm.class)
        to suit your application.

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