Re: [OpenMap Users] OpenMap on JavaFX, getGraphics(), Thread.sleep() in EDT and external Thread

From: Don Dietrick <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 14:49:18 -0400

Ahh, yes, the ZoomMouseMode, I forgot about that one, I don't use it
that much. The internal workings of that mouse mode should be
updated, I'm not sure at what point that will happen.

So it looks like the real sin is the XOR drawing going on with the
mouse modes, and now that I think about it, the drawing tool, by
painting into the Graphics object. It'll be interesting to test and
see if the XOR method is still needed, it was a performance necessity
10 years ago but might be averted now. I'll take a look at it at some
point after 5.0 is released.

I'm not seeing any weird behavior with the OverviewMapHandler, so if
you find something please let me know.

Thanks for the feedback,


On Jun 15, 2009, at 5:53 PM, Fabrice Bouye wrote:

> Hi,
> It works good and as for most other Swing component that has no
> JavaFX wrapper (ie: JButton has a JavaFX wrapper named
> javafx.ext.swing.SwingButton), it is just a matter of doing
> something similar to (from memory):
> def mapBean = new BufferedLayerMapBean();
> // Setup map and everything as usual.
> [...]
> def mapNode = SwingComponent.wrap(mapBean);
> def scene = Scene {
> content: mapNode;
> }
> Stage {
> title: "OpenMap test"
> override var width = 800 on replace {
> mapNode.width = scene.width;
> }
> override var height = 600 on replace {
> mapNode.height = scene.height;
> }
> content: scene;
> }
> This should work on JavaFX 1.0, 1.1/1.1.1 or 1.2 (note: unlike Java,
> so far JavaFX binaries are not compatible between the different
> releases so the program would need to be recompiled when changing
> versions). And the map responds ok without any trouble to mouse
> movements such as clicks or drags.
> What is missing is the overlay for each mouse modes, that is the
> visual feedback of the mouse mode:
> - in NavMouseMoude, no drag rectangle or point except sometimes for
> the very first click.
> - in DistanceMouseMode, the circle and radius that shows the
> distance does not appear unless you resize the frame.
> - in ZoomMouseMode, partial redrawing of the map on screen (most of
> the time not the entire bean surface), may disrupts other nodes
> rendering.
> - in PanMouseMode, partial redrawing of the map on screen (most of
> the time not the entire bean surface), may disrupts other nodes
> rendering.
> Etc.
> This is mainly because the mouse modes use direct calls to
> getGraphics(), something that is not recommended (see books such as
> Filthy Rich Clients p46, 47, 48 -Romain and Chet were part of the
> Swing Team at that time-, past JavaOne BOFs, various blogs from
> members of the Swing Team). JavaFX is more conservative here and
> expects Swing component to follow best practices so they render Ok.
> It's not critical, and I was just wondering if this would be fixed
> later on since version 5.0 has been announced. At some point I may
> end up trying to implement the various mouse modes in JavaFX with
> node rendering instead of Java2D rendering in replacement if this is
> not feasible.
> After wandering through the sources to find out if getGraphics() was
> indeed is used, I've discovered that Thread.sleep() in the EDT and
> using a new Thread to set the projections out of EDT was used as
> well at least in ZoomMouseMode, two things that are not good either.
> Most recent Swing best practices involve using either a Swing Timer,
> not a java.util.Timer, (job occurs entirely in EDT with this one) or
> a SwingWorker (allows safe interaction between job executed in
> external Thread and the EDT) both as Thread replacements or
> SwingUtilities.invokeLater() or SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait() (for
> interaction with the external Thread and the EDT ; note:
> SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait() may be a source of trouble too).
> I am making API calls to change the bean projection and it work good
> as far as the map bean and it layers are concerned (they redraw and
> show up properly, etc.).
> Apart from the map beans and layers, the only other OpenMap
> component I am using so far is the OverviewMapHandler (integration
> in the JavaFX UI is done in a similar fashion through
> SwingComponent.wrap() too) but it seems it get lost* when I change
> the map's projection (not related to JavaFX as it does that in a
> pure Java test too), I am still investigating about this one.
> *That is once I change the projection's type (i.e.: from Mercator to
> LLXY, or any other), its status layer does not follow the projection
> anymore, though the handler itself still seems to react Ok to mouse
> actions. If I just pan and zoom without changing the projection
> type, the status layer works Ok and shows the proper area.
> ----
> Fabrice Bouyé (
> Fisheries IT Specialist
> Tel: +687 26 20 00 (Ext 411)
> Oceanic Fisheries, Pacific Community
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Don Dietrick []
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 16, 2009 2:43 AM
>> To: Fabrice Bouye
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Re: [OpenMap Users] OpenMap on JavaFX, getGraphics(),
>> Thread.sleep() in EDT and external Thread
>> Hi Fabrice,
>> Thanks for the initial feedback on getting OpenMap wrapped in JavaFX,
>> this is the first instance I've heard of someone trying this. I'm
>> interested in hearing how this works out.
>> I'm also trying to understand your characterization of the mouse
>> modes
>> and how they contribute to making the map unresponsive. The mouse
>> modes
>> don't do anything to the EDT in particular, they act much like the
>> navigation panel buttons and any other swing widget controlling the
>> map.
>> The MapBean has a support object, containing a thread, that is
>> responsible for telling the layers the map projection has changed,
>> and
>> the MapBean generally controls when that thread is woken up and
>> tasked.
>> Are you using any of the other Swing widgets, or making API calls, to
>> change the MapBean's projection? Are they functioning, or does the
>> MapBean only render the initial projection?
>> Cheers,
>> - Don
>> Fabrice Bouye wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've been developing a GIS GUI for a while for one of our internal
>>> projects using the OpenMap bean as our GIS component. While the
>>> project was initially in pure Java Swing, the project's GUI has now
>>> switched to JavaFX since it's been released last December (recently
>>> switched to JavaFX 1.2).
>>> As expected the map bean can be simply wrapped using the
>>> javafx.ext.swing.SwingComponent class and displayed as any other
>>> kind
>>> of Node in a Scene and it works good.
>>> But, there are still some issues in the way OpenMap's various mouse
>>> mode are done : when rendering their own overlay, they use direct
>>> access to the map bean getGraphics() method, they use Thread.sleep()
>>> in the EDT and they launch an external Thread to change the
>> projection
>>> (see ZoomMouseMove, PanMouseMode and NavMouseMode source code for
>>> example), things which is usually not considered to be Swing good
>>> programming practices as they do get along with Swing's passive
>>> rendering architecture and interact poorly with the EDT itself.
>>> While the overlays show up Ok in Java when dragging the mouse
>>> around,
>>> they simply do not show up* at all when the bean is integrated in a
>>> JavaFX Scene.
>>> *to be true, sometimes it shows up on the initial click and never
>>> again after.
>>> I was wondering if there was any plan to change that for the next
>>> OpenMap major version?
>>> (i.e.: replace direct active rendering by some passive rendering
>>> architecture, replace Thread by SwingTimer or
>>> SwingUtilities.invokeLater(), access to component properties only on
>>> EDT, etc.)
>>> ----
>>> Fabrice Bouyé (
>>> Fisheries IT Specialist
>>> Tel: +687 26 20 00 (Ext 411)
>>> Oceanic Fisheries, Pacific Community
> --
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