[OpenMap Users] Verifying shapefiles with OpenMap ShapeFile class

From: Reese, Nathan <nreese_at_integrity-apps.com>
Date: Sat, 17 Oct 2009 14:39:21 -0400

I am unable to verify a shapefile using the documented command line arguments for the ShapeFile class.

My test directory contains the openmap jar and the sample shapefile. The shapefile includes .shp, .shx, .dbf, and .prj files.

>From the command line I have tried the following
>java -jar openmap-4.6.4.jar com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeFile -v testShapeFile.shp
>java -jar openmap-4.6.4.jar com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeFile -v testShapeFile.shx
>java -jar openmap-4.6.4.jar com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeFile -v testShapeFile.dbf
>java -jar openmap-4.6.4.jar com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeFile -v testShapeFile

All result in the error statements provided below
*** ERROR ***
ShapeLayer SpatialIndex: problem setting up the shape files:
  shape file: data/shape/dcwpo-browse.shp
  spatial index file: data/shape/dcwpo-browse.ssx

*** ERROR ***
ShapeLayer SpatialIndex: problem setting up the shape files:
  shape file: data/shape/cntry02/cntry02.shp
  spatial index file: data/shape/cntry02/cntry02.ssx

I am confused by this response. Why is the application looking for dcwpo-browse.ssx and cntry02.ssx? Do I need to set up a properties file? Am I using the ShapeFile class as intended? Is there a better way to verify and validate a shapefile using openmap?



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Received on Sat Oct 17 2009 - 14:40:21 EDT

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