Re: [OpenMap Users] shp to gml3.2.1 (viceversa) conversion tool

From: B <>
Date: Mon, 24 Jan 2011 09:41:10 +0900

Hi Don,

Thanks a lot for the informative response.
My apologies for the misleading messages.

The Customized Tags, are the Tags substituted as gml:AbstractFeature.
During conversion, I planned to generate also the tags itself aside from
the values (attribute values).
Then, dbf column names are limited to 10 chars (if I'm not mistaken).
That's why I am having problem on
how to extract the tag names.

Last Friday (2011/1/21), I decided to have a gml template file. Then,
just replace only the values by having a another
mapping file to determine the element name(tag) by dbf field name.

Thanks a lot.

With appreciation,

(2011/01/11 6:43), Don Dietrick wrote:
> Hi Eros,
> I'm a little confused as to what you are asking. If you want to read
> the attributes file (.dbf) and get the attributes for each shape in
> the shape file, the DbfTableModel can do that for you. If you are
> using the EsriGraphicList to read the shape file, it'll read the dbf
> file for you and store the DbfTableModel in the EsriGraphicList
> attributes under the ShapeConstants.DBF_ATTRIBUTE key. You can also
> retrieve it with the esriGraphicList.getTable() method.
> Once you have the DbfTableModel, you can ask it for the column
> information so you know what the attributes mean. Then, you can ask
> for records from it. They are in the same order as the OMGraphics on
> the EsriGraphicList. You can ask each OMGraphic for its
> ShapeConstants.SHAPE_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE and it will give you the index
> for its record in the DbfTableModel.
> >From there, I guess you would create the tags you need to write those
> attributes out in the GML entry for each feature.
> Hope this helps,
> Don
> 2011/1/5 GML$B%A%'%C%/%D!<%k(B <>:
>> Hi,
>> Thanks a lot to Don for guiding to right direction on how to read the
>> shp and dbf files
>> to extract the Geographic Objects (point, line, polygon)..
>> But I have problem design on how to output the customized tags such as
>> Earthquake, EarthquakeMotionMesh tags etc..
>> I am thinking of putting the customized tags(tag names, as well as the
>> child tags) information to dbf during shape to gml conversion..
>> Please guide me the right direction on how to support it..
>> Thanks in advance..
>> Eros
>> (2010/11/24 9:51), GML$B%A%'%C%/%D!<%k(B wrote:
>>> Hi Don,
>>> Thanks a lot for complete snippet..
>>> it's cool...and look easy to extract the information I need from shp and
>>> dbf file using openMap.
>>> Now, I opted to use openMap java library for shp reader..
>>> Regarding on how to convert it to gml3.2.1, I am thinking of using
>>> VTD-XML library to write the extracted
>>> info to a file (xml). Do you have recommendation or would you share
>>> better approach on how to do it?
>>> I am worrying on how to extract the customized xml tag (features) from
>>> shp/dbf file..
>>> Here's the gml file to be converted to shp and vice versa (expected
>>> output from shp to gml).
>>> Would you take a look at <cao:Earthquake> tag and other cao tag...
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>> <cao:Dataset gml:id="earthquake"
>>> xmlns:cao=""
>>> xmlns:gml=""
>>> xmlns:xlink=""
>>> xmlns:xsi=""
>>> xsi:schemaLocation="
>>> Earthquake.xsd">
>>> <gml:description>Earthquake damage hypothesis data</gml:description>
>>> <gml:boundedBy>
>>> <gml:EnvelopeWithTimePeriod srsName="JGD2000 / (B, L)" frame="GC / JST">
>>> <gml:lowerCorner>24.03 122.93</gml:lowerCorner>
>>> <gml:upperCorner>45.52 145.82</gml:upperCorner>
>>> <gml:beginPosition calendarEraName="AD">2010</gml:beginPosition>
>>> <gml:endPosition calendarEraName="AD">2010</gml:endPosition>
>>> </gml:EnvelopeWithTimePeriod>
>>> </gml:boundedBy>
>>> <gml:Point gml:id="pt_1">
>>> <gml:pos>35.682417 139.75306</gml:pos>
>>> </gml:Point>
>>> <gml:Grid gml:id="grid" dimension = "2">
>>> <gml:description>1/10 boundary</gml:description>
>>> <gml:limits>
>>> <gml:GridEnvelope>
>>> <gml:low>0 0</gml:low>
>>> <gml:high>9 9</gml:high>
>>> </gml:GridEnvelope>
>>> </gml:limits>
>>> <gml:axisLabels>x y</gml:axisLabels>
>>> </gml:Grid>
>>> <gml:CompositeValue gml:id="recordType">
>>> <gml:valueComponents>
>>> <gml:CategoryList>meshcode</gml:CategoryList>
>>> <gml:CategoryList>earthquakescaleclass</gml:CategoryList>
>>> <gml:QuantityList uom="scale">meassure</gml:QuantityList>
>>> <gml:QuantityList uom="%">scaleincrease</gml:QuantityList>
>>> <gml:QuantityList uom="gal">groundmaxacceleration</gml:QuantityList>
>>> <gml:QuantityList uom="gal">basemaxacceleration</gml:QuantityList>
>>> <gml:QuantityList uom="kine">groundmaxrate</gml:QuantityList>
>>> <gml:QuantityList uom="kine">basemaxrate</gml:QuantityList>
>>> <gml:QuantityList uom="kine">SIvalue</gml:QuantityList>
>>> <gml:QuantityList uom="cm">displacement</gml:QuantityList>
>>> </gml:valueComponents>
>>> </gml:CompositeValue>
>>> <cao:Earthquake gml:id="fi_1">
>>> <cao:earthquakeName>earthquake1</cao:earthquakeName>
>>> <cao:projectName>earthquake1DamageResearch</cao:projectName>
>>> <cao:date>
>>> <gml:TimeInstant gml:id="ti_1">
>>> <gml:timePosition>2010-10-00</gml:timePosition>
>>> </gml:TimeInstant>
>>> </cao:date>
>>> <cao:length>10.0</cao:length>
>>> <cao:width>11.1</cao:width>
>>> <cao:depth>12.2</cao:depth>
>>> <cao:strikeAngle>13.3</cao:strikeAngle>
>>> <cao:dip>14.4</cao:dip>
>>> <cao:angleOfSlide>15.4</cao:angleOfSlide>
>>> <cao:slideDepth>15.5</cao:slideDepth>
>>> <cao:earthquakeMoment>16.6</cao:earthquakeMoment>
>>> <cao:magnitude>5.5</cao:magnitude>
>>> <cao:faultControlPoint xlink:href="#pt_1"/>
>>> <cao:note>memo</cao:note>
>>> <cao:EarthquakeMotionMesh>
>>> <cao:EarthquakeMotionMesh gml:id="mesh_1">
>>> <gml:gridDomain xlink:href="#grid"/>
>>> <gml:rangeSet>
>>> <gml:DataBlock>
>>> <gml:rangeParameters xlink:href="#recordType"/>
>>> <gml:tupleList>
>>> 5339463400,0,1,5,6,100,50,1,2
>>> 5339463401,1,1,5,6,100,50,1,2
>>> 5339463402,2,1,5,6,100,50,1,2
>>> 5339463403,3,1,5,6,100,50,1,2
>>> 5339463404,4,1,5,6,100,50,1,2
>>> 5339463405,5-lower,1,5,6,100,50,1,2
>>> 5339463406,5-upper,1,5,6,100,50,1,2
>>> 5339463407,6-lower,1,5,6,100,50,1,2
>>> 5339463408,6-upper,1,5,6,100,50,1,2
>>> 5339463409,7,1,5,6,100,50,1,2
>>> ..
>>> 5339463499,0,1,5,6,100,50,1,2
>>> </gml:tupleList>
>>> </gml:DataBlock>
>>> </gml:rangeSet>
>>> <gml:coverageFunction>
>>> <gml:GridFunction>
>>> <gml:sequenceRule axisOrder="+1 +2">Linear</gml:sequenceRule>
>>> <gml:startPoint>0 0</gml:startPoint>
>>> </gml:GridFunction>
>>> </gml:coverageFunction>
>>> <cao:upperLevelMeshCode>53394634</cao:upperLevelMeshCode>
>>> </cao:EarthquakeMotionMesh>
>>> </cao:EarthquakeMotionMesh>
>>> </cao:Earthquake>
>>> </cao:Dataset>
>>> In order to convert it from shp to gml, I need to determine the
>>> customized tag names... and my idea is
>>> to include it (tag names...attributes...values...etc..) to dbf file...
>>> then extract it during shp reading process..
>>> is there better approach on how to do it? please share some comments..
>>> thanks a lot...
>>> (2010/11/24 0:37), Don Dietrick wrote:
>>>> Sorry, hit send too soon...
>>>> 2010/11/23 Don Dietrick <>:
>>>>> Hi Eros,
>>>>> Sure, you can do something like this:
>>>>> File shpFile = "/data/cntry02.shp";
>>>>> String shpFilePath = shpFile.getAbsolutePath();
>>>>> EsriGraphicList shapeList =
>>>>> EsriGraphicList.getEsriGraphicList(shpFile.toURI().toURL(),
>>>>> new DrawingAttributes(),
>>>>> DbfTableModel.getDbfTableModel(new
>>>>> File(shpFilePath.replaceAll(".shp", ".dbf")).toURI().toURL()),
>>>>> null);
>>>>> DbfTableModel dbfTM = shapeList.getAttribute(ShapeConstants.DBF_ATTRIBUTE);
>>>>> for (EsriGraphic eg : shapeList) {
>>>>> Integer index = eg.getAttribute(ShapeConstants.SHAPE_INDEX_ATTRIBUTE);
>>>> if (eg instanceof EsriPolygon) {
>>>> double[] latlonarray = ((EsriPolygon)eg).getLatLonArray();
>>>> // latlonarray in radians, but don't modify! Make copy, then change copy
>>>> double[] newlla = new double[latlonarray.size];
>>>> System.arraycopy(0, latlonarray, 0, newlla, latlonarray.size());
>>>> ProjMath.arrayRadToDeg(newlla);
>>>> // newlla has coords. EsriPoint, EsriLine have different methods for
>>>> getting coords, check API
>>>> }
>>>>> // To get dbf information
>>>>> Vector<Object> dbfInfo = dbfTM.getRecord(index);
>>>>> // You can get column information from dbfTM
>>>>> }
>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>> Don
>>>>> 2010/11/16 GML$B%A%'%C%/%D!<%k(B <>:
>>>>>> Hi Don,
>>>>>> Thank you for the reply.
>>>>>> It helps me a lot... com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape package is the key
>>>>>> for shape reader.
>>>>>> Due to difficulties of understanding English documentation...would you
>>>>>> share snippet on how to read a shp and dbf to extract the Geometry Info?
>>>>>> Thanks and regards,
>>>>>> Eros
>>>>>> Japan
>>>>>> (2010/11/16 23:21), Don Dietrick wrote:
>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>> If you'd like to read a shape file, I'd use the
>>>>>>> com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape.EsriGraphicList class, and use one of
>>>>>>> the static methods getEsriGraphicList(...). That EsriGraphicList is
>>>>>>> an OMGraphicList containing all of the objects from the shape file
>>>>>>> (.shp), and the contents from the dbf file will be contained in a
>>>>>>> DbfTableModel held as an attribute to the EsriGraphicList. The order
>>>>>>> of the entries of the list and table model will be the same as the
>>>>>>> order in the shape file. The list will contain OMGraphics describing
>>>>>>> the geometries (OMPoint, or OMLine, or OMPoly). From there, you can
>>>>>>> grab the coordinates from each OMGraphic to write to the GML file.
>>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>>> Don
>>>>>>> 2010/11/14 GML$B%A%'%C%/%D!<%k(B <>:
>>>>>>>> Hi to all,
>>>>>>>> I am planning to create a shp to gml3.2.1 conversion tool using java as
>>>>>>>> desktop application.
>>>>>>>> Due to lack of knowledge in shp file.. please guide me on how to read
>>>>>>>> shp file in able traverse it to convert as GML file.
>>>>>>>> 1) what java library or classes needed to read a shp file.
>>>>>>>> 2) an overview or idea on how to convert it as GML file.
>>>>>>>> Thanks a lot.
>>>>>>>> --
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