Re: [OpenMap Users] Finding the center (xy) of a OMText?

From: Carsten Ø. Madsen <>
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2011 09:05:44 +0100

Hi Don

I changed to:


I also tried this
but with the fonts I'm currently using it does not seem to make a

Here here is the generate code for the location cluster:

     public boolean generate(Projection proj) {
         boolean clustered = markers.size() < minClusterSize ? false : true;
         OMRaster raster = (OMRaster) getLocationMarker();
         if (clustered) {
             ClusterStyle style = calculateCluster();
             Coordinate centerCoords = getCenter();
             setLocation(centerCoords.y, centerCoords.x);
             // getLabel().setShowBounds(true);
             getLabel().setData("" + markers.size());

             Graphics g = ...getGraphics();
             FontMetrics fm = null;
             if (g != null) {
                 fm = g.getFontMetrics();

             if (label.getPolyBounds() != null) {
                 int width = raster.getImage().getWidth(null);
                 int height = raster.getImage().getHeight(null);
                 Rectangle2D strBounds =
fm.getStringBounds(label.getData(), g);
                 double cX = label.getMapLocation().getX()
                         + (strBounds.getWidth() / 2f);
                 double cY = label.getMapLocation().getY() - 2;
                 raster.setX((int) (cX - width / 2));
                 raster.setY((int) (cY - height / 2));
         return true;


On 11/01/2011 01:42 AM, Don Dietrick wrote:
> Hi Carsten,
> Sorry for taking so long getting back to you, I've lost
> power at my house so I'm typing this on my phone.
> If you don't have a declutter matrix in your application it
> shouldn't be affecting the position of the location objects..
> The Location objects and text would stay where you placed
> them. It looks like Java puts one-letter strings with
> center-justification
> at the same place as left-justification. Seems like prepareForRender
> should
> test for the boundary edge and slide the text placement over to the left
> as necessary. It would be interesting to see if all odd-number length
> strings
> are one half letter too much to the right, and if font choice plays a
> role in
> this behavior.
> -- Don
> On Oct 29, 2011, at 10:56 AM, "Carsten Ø. Madsen" <
> <>> wrote:
>> Hi Don
>> I got bitten by the fact that my location cluster is a BasicLocation
>> which is implies that the OMText is decluttered so I had to do:
>> _at_Override
>> public boolean generate(Projection proj, DeclutterMatrix
>> declutterMatrix) {
>> return generate(proj);
>> }
>> In the picture below the magenta rects are the center(s) of my
>> calculation. It seems nearly correct for two digits but not for
>> single digits.
>> int height = g.getFontMetrics().getAscent();
>> Rectangle2D strBounds =
>> fm.getStringBounds(label.getData(), g);
>> double cX = label.getMapLocation().getX()
>> + strBounds.getWidth() / 2;
>> double cY = label.getMapLocation().getY() + ((height
>> / 2) - 2);
>> int w = 4;
>> int h = 4;
>> rec.setLocation((int) cX - w / 2, (int) cY - h / 2,
>> (int) cX
>> + w / 2, (int) cY + h / 2);
>> rec.setVisible(clustered);
>> setLocationMarker(rec);
>> Is there anything else in Location/BasicLocation that alters the
>> position of the OMText during generate?
>> <cehedgfc.png>
>> BR
>> Carsten
>> On 10/28/2011 11:31 PM, Don Dietrick wrote:
>>> Hi Carsten,
>>> Are you using center justification for the label? If you draw the
>>> poly bounds (I think it shows if matting is turned on), do the
>>> bounds look right, even for one character?
>>> I thought polybounds took font and size into account, but now that
>>> you mention it, I'm not sure if I've looked at it with one
>>> character, which seems to be quite pertinent to you.
>>> - Don
>>> On Thu, Oct 27, 2011 at 10:01 AM, "Carsten Ø. Madsen"
>>> < <>> wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I'm trying to implement clustering of locations a'la google maps
>>> marker clustering. But I'm having difficulties finding the exact
>>> center (xy) of the OMText which represents the clustering count.
>>> This causes a slight misalignment of the icons sitting behind
>>> the count.
>>> Here is my code from generate:
>>> label.generate(proj);
>>> label.prepareForRender(g);
>>> if (label.getPolyBounds() != null) {
>>> Rectangle rect = label.getPolyBounds().getBounds();
>>> rh = (int) ((float) (bounds.getHeight() -
>>> currentFontDescent / 2));
>>> rw = (int) rect.getWidth();
>>> int width = raster.getImage().getWidth(null);
>>> int height = raster.getImage().getHeight(null);
>>> raster.setRenderType(OMGraphicConstants.RENDERTYPE_XY);
>>> double cX = label.getMapLocation().getX() + rw / 2;
>>> double cY = label.getMapLocation().getY() +
>>> currentFontDescent / 2;
>>> raster.setX((int) (cX - width / 2));
>>> raster.setY((int) (cY - height / 2));
>>> I tried with getCenterX/Y on getPolyBounds but the result varies
>>> with the font size and length of the string being rendered. It
>>> seems to work best with string length > 1.
>>> I would like to use
>>> FontMetrics metrics = g.getFontMetrics();
>>> Rectangle2D rect = metrics.getStringBounds(text, g);
>>> but I guess this does not work with OMText and the way it does
>>> text rendering.
>>> Any hints?
>>> Thanks
>>> Carsten
>>> <mime-attachment.png>

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