Class DDFRecord

  extended by com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.iso8211.DDFRecord
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DDFRecord
extends java.lang.Object
implements DDFConstants

Contains instance data from one data record (DR). The data is contained as a list of DDFField instances partitioning the raw data into fields. Class contains one DR record from a file. We read into the same record object repeatedly to ensure that repeated leaders can be easily preserved.

Field Summary
protected  boolean bIsClone
protected  int nDataSize
protected  int nFieldCount
protected  int nFieldOffset
protected  boolean nReuseHeader
protected  byte[] pachData
protected  java.util.Vector paoFields
protected  DDFModule poModule
Fields inherited from interface com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.iso8211.DDFConstants
Constructor Summary
DDFRecord(DDFModule poModuleIn)
Method Summary
 void clear()
          Clear any information associated with the last header in preparation for reading a new header.
 DDFField findField(java.lang.String pszName, int iFieldIndex)
          Find the named field within this record.
 byte[] getData()
          Fetch the raw data for this record.
 int getDataSize()
          Fetch size of records raw data (GetData()) in bytes.
 DDFField getField(int i)
          Fetch field object based on index.
 int getFieldCount()
          Get the number of DDFFields on this record.
 double getFloatSubfield(java.lang.String pszField, int iFieldIndex, java.lang.String pszSubfield, int iSubfieldIndex)
          Fetch value of a subfield as a float (double).
 int getIntSubfield(java.lang.String pszField, int iFieldIndex, java.lang.String pszSubfield, int iSubfieldIndex)
          Fetch value of a subfield as an integer.
 DDFModule getModule()
          Fetch the DDFModule with which this record is associated.
 java.util.Iterator iterator()
          Get an iterator over the fields.
protected  boolean read()
          Read a record of data from the file, and parse the header to build a field list for the record (or reuse the existing one if reusing headers).
protected  boolean readHeader()
          This perform the header reading and parsing job for the read() method.
 java.lang.String toString()
          Write out record contents to debugging file.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected DDFModule poModule


protected boolean nReuseHeader


protected int nFieldOffset


protected int nDataSize


protected byte[] pachData


protected int nFieldCount


protected java.util.Vector paoFields


protected boolean bIsClone
Constructor Detail


public DDFRecord(DDFModule poModuleIn)
Method Detail


public int getFieldCount()
Get the number of DDFFields on this record.


public int getDataSize()
Fetch size of records raw data (GetData()) in bytes.


public byte[] getData()
Fetch the raw data for this record. The returned pointer is effectively to the data for the first field of the record, and is of size GetDataSize().


public DDFModule getModule()
Fetch the DDFModule with which this record is associated.


public java.lang.String toString()
Write out record contents to debugging file. A variety of information about this record, and all it's fields and subfields is written to the given debugging file handle. Note that field definition information (ala DDFFieldDefn) isn't written.

toString in class java.lang.Object


protected boolean read()
Read a record of data from the file, and parse the header to build a field list for the record (or reuse the existing one if reusing headers). It is expected that the file pointer will be positioned at the beginning of a data record. It is the DDFModule's responsibility to do so. This method should only be called by the DDFModule class.


public void clear()
Clear any information associated with the last header in preparation for reading a new header.


protected boolean readHeader()
This perform the header reading and parsing job for the read() method. It reads the header, and builds a field list.


public DDFField findField(java.lang.String pszName,
                          int iFieldIndex)
Find the named field within this record.

pszName - The name of the field to fetch. The comparison is case insensitive.
iFieldIndex - The instance of this field to fetch. Use zero (the default) for the first instance.
Pointer to the requested DDFField. This pointer is to an internal object, and should not be freed. It remains valid until the next record read.


public DDFField getField(int i)
Fetch field object based on index.

i - The index of the field to fetch. Between 0 and GetFieldCount()-1.
A DDFField pointer, or null if the index is out of range.


public java.util.Iterator iterator()
Get an iterator over the fields.


public int getIntSubfield(java.lang.String pszField,
                          int iFieldIndex,
                          java.lang.String pszSubfield,
                          int iSubfieldIndex)
Fetch value of a subfield as an integer. This is a convenience function for fetching a subfield of a field within this record.

pszField - The name of the field containing the subfield.
iFieldIndex - The instance of this field within the record. Use zero for the first instance of this field.
pszSubfield - The name of the subfield within the selected field.
iSubfieldIndex - The instance of this subfield within the record. Use zero for the first instance.
The value of the subfield, or zero if it failed for some reason.


public double getFloatSubfield(java.lang.String pszField,
                               int iFieldIndex,
                               java.lang.String pszSubfield,
                               int iSubfieldIndex)
Fetch value of a subfield as a float (double). This is a convenience function for fetching a subfield of a field within this record.

pszField - The name of the field containing the subfield.
iFieldIndex - The instance of this field within the record. Use zero for the first instance of this field.
pszSubfield - The name of the subfield within the selected field.
iSubfieldIndex - The instance of this subfield within the record. Use zero for the first instance.
The value of the subfield, or zero if it failed for some reason.

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