Package com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox

Provides a sample openmap application that uses the openmap beanbox.


Class Summary
ContainerGraphic A custom graphic class for representing objects of type SimpleBeanContaineras a rectangular box.
CustomGraphic A custom graphic class for representing SimpleBeanObject beans on the map.
Fighter A SimpleBeanObject that represents a Fighter.
FighterBeanInfo A BeanInfo for the Fighter bean.
LayoutClassEditor Custom property editor for the layout class property of a SimpleBeanContainer.
NullLayout A layout manager that represents a null layout.
SimpleBeanBox SimpleBeanBox is a sample implementation of the BeanBoxclass.
SimpleBeanContainer A SimpleBeanContainer is itself a bean.
SimpleBeanContainerBeanInfo A BeanInfo for the SimpleBeanContainerbean
SimpleBeanLayer An OpenMap Layer for displaying SimpleBeanObjectbeans.
SimpleBeanObject A simple bean object.
SimpleBeanObjectBeanInfo A BeanInfo for the SimpleBeanObjectbean.
WallFormationLayout A layout manager for laying out SimpleBeanbObject beans in a wall formation.
WallFormationLayoutBeanInfo A BeanInfo for the WallFormationLayoutbean.

Package com.bbn.openmap.layer.beanbox Description

Provides a sample openmap application that uses the openmap beanbox.

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