Package com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor

This package provides the infrastructure to create layers that provide a Tool interface that controls their content.


Interface Summary
EditorTool An EditorTool is a component that provides specific functionality to the EditorLayer.

Class Summary
DrawingEditorTool The DrawingEditorTool is a EditorTool for the EditorLayer that will use a custom OMDrawingTool to create OMGraphics as needed by the EditorTool.
EditorLayer The EditorLayer is a layer that provides a specific set of tools to modify a set of OMGraphics that represent specific types of objects.
EditorLayerMouseMode The EditorLayerMouseMode is a mouse mode that is made active when the EditorTool needs events.

Package com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor Description

This package provides the infrastructure to create layers that provide a Tool interface that controls their content.

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