Uses of Class

Packages that use LinkOMGraphicList Provide classes to handle the link protocol: a layer that displays link data, classes to assist in writing a link server, and methods that read and write in the link protocol format. 

Uses of LinkOMGraphicList in

Fields in declared as LinkOMGraphicList
protected  LinkOMGraphicList
          Graphics list received.

Methods in that return LinkOMGraphicList
protected  LinkOMGraphicList BufferedLinkLayer.getAllGraphics(ClientLink link, Projection proj)
          Creates the LinkMapRequest, and gets the results.
 LinkOMGraphicList LinkLayer.getGraphicList()
          Retrieves the current graphics list.
 LinkOMGraphicList LinkGraphicList.getGraphics()
          After a readAndParse() has been called on a link, this can be called to retrieve graphics in an LinkOMGraphicList, if any graphics were sent.

Methods in with parameters of type LinkOMGraphicList
protected  java.lang.String LinkGraphicList.readGraphics(LinkOMGraphicList graphics, Projection proj, OMGridGenerator generator)
          If a GRAPHICS_RESPONSE_HEADER has been encountered coming off the link, then this method should be called to read the string of graphics that follows.
 void LinkLayer.setGraphicList(LinkOMGraphicList aList)
          Sets the current graphics list to the given list.

Constructors in with parameters of type LinkOMGraphicList
LinkGraphicList(Link link, LinkOMGraphicList graphicList)
          Read the graphics section off the link.
LinkGraphicList(Link link, LinkOMGraphicList graphicList, Projection proj, OMGridGenerator generator)
          Read the graphics section off the link, if you want the graphics to be projected as they come off the link.

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