Package com.bbn.openmap.layer.location

Provides a layer that can display location data - data that represents a location with a graphic and a name.


Interface Summary
LocationHandler The LocationHandler is the LocationLayer interface to the data.

Class Summary
AbstractLocationHandler The AbstractLocationHandler class facilitates the implementation of a LocationHandler by implementing a number of methods.
BasicLocation A BasicLocation the standard Location - dot for the marker, text to the right of the dot.
BasicLocationHandler A basic location handler, that just returns simple testing locations.
ByteRasterLocation A Location that takes a byte array and creates a Raster for a Location marker.
Link A Link is a relationship between Locations, represented as a line between them.
Location A Location is a place.
LocationCBMenuItem This is an checkbox item that sits on the popup menu.
LocationLayer The LocationLayer is a layer that displays graphics supplied by LocationHandlers.
LocationMenuItem This is an item that sits on the popup menu.
TimerLocationLayer The TimerLocationLayer is a LocationLayer that has a timer to automatically relod data at specified interval.
URLRasterLocation A Location that takes an URL for an image and creates a Raster for a Location marker.

Package com.bbn.openmap.layer.location Description

Provides a layer that can display location data - data that represents a location with a graphic and a name. The LocationLayer uses the LocationHandlers to access the data source and to create the graphics.

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