Class RoadFinder

  extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
ProjectionListener, RoadLayer, RoadServices, java.util.EventListener

public class RoadFinder
extends java.lang.Object
implements RoadServices, ProjectionListener, RoadLayer

Gives road access to a shape or vpf layer.

Nested Class Summary
protected  class RoadFinder.BlueLine
          a blue line to indicate the found route
static class RoadFinder.Intersections
protected  class RoadFinder.RedPoint
          a red point for displaying when we can't find a route between two points
static class RoadFinder.RoadClasses
protected  class RoadFinder.YellowLine
          a yellow line for display routes between intersections
protected  class RoadFinder.YellowPoint
          a yellow point for displaying intersections
Field Summary
protected  RoadClass defaultRoadClass
protected  java.util.Map graphicToRoad
protected  float halo
          how far (in lat-lon space) from lat,lon point to look in quad tree for nearest road *
protected  QuadTree interQuadTree
protected  RoadFinder.Intersections intersections
protected  LayerView layer
protected  java.util.Vector removedRoads
protected  RoadFinder.RoadClasses roadClasses
protected roads
Constructor Summary
RoadFinder(LayerView layer, boolean drawIntersections, boolean drawResults)
Method Summary
protected  void checkIntegrity()
          Check the integrity of our data structures.
protected  LatLonPoint createLatLonPoint(int x, int y)
protected  java.awt.Point createPoint(java.awt.Point pt)
          Allows subclasses to redefine points returned
 Road createRoad(Intersection from)
          called from Intersection Implemented for RoadLayer interface
protected  Road createRoad(int id, java.lang.String name, Intersection from, Intersection to, RoadClass cl_ss)
protected  RoadObject createRoadFromPoints(int id, int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, int nPoints)
          Makes a road object given the points on the shape that are within the visible box
protected  Segment createSegment(java.util.List newPoints)
          Allows subclasses to redefine segments
protected  void deleteIntersection(Intersection intersection)
 void deleteRoad(Road road)
 java.util.List displayPathOnRoad(java.awt.Point start, java.awt.Point end, Route route, java.util.List segments)
          Displays a Route between two points on the map.
protected  Intersection findClosestIntersection(int x, int y)
          Look in intersection Quad Tree for closest intersection to point x,y
protected  Intersection findClosestIntersection(LatLonPoint latLon)
          Look in intersection Quad Tree for closest intersection to point at specified latitude and longitude.
protected  Intersection findIntersection(int x, int y)
protected  Intersection findIntersection(LatLonPoint loc)
protected  Intersection findIntersection(LatLonPoint loc, java.lang.String name)
 RoadClass findRoadClass(java.lang.Object className)
 int findUnusedRoadID()
protected  void getData()
          Take the shape data on the layer and use it to populate our roads and intersections.
 Route getPathOnRoad(LatLonPoint start, LatLonPoint end)
          Returns best Route between two points specified by latitude and longitude.
 java.util.List getPathOnRoad(java.awt.Point start, java.awt.Point end, java.util.List segments)
          Finds closest intersection to start and end find path from start intersection to end intersection
protected  Segment getPathSegment(Projection proj, Road road, boolean reverse)
          Converts a road into a path segment - reverse parameter guarantees the ordering of the points is consistent across multiple path segments in the whole route.
 Projection getProjection()
protected  void getRoads()
          Take the shape data on the layer and use it to populate our roads and intersections.
 Route getRouteBetweenPoints(java.awt.Point start, java.awt.Point end)
          Returns best Route between two points This method works on latitude/longitude coordinates.
protected  void initRoadClasses()
protected  java.awt.Point interp(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int width, int height)
          find a point between x1,y1 and x2, y2 that is within the visible map
 boolean isEditing()
          BOZO remove me
 void joinRoads(Intersection intersection)
          Join two roads into one.
protected  void makeRoad(java.awt.Shape shape, OMGeometry graphic, int num, int[] xPoints, int[] yPoints, int segment)
          Makes a road object given the points on the shape that are within the visible box Stores it in a quadTree
protected  java.lang.String mergeRoadNames(java.lang.String name0, java.lang.String name1)
protected  void populatePointsAndSegments(Route bestRoute, java.util.List newPoints, java.util.List segments)
          Iterates over route, populating points and segments lists.
 void projectionChanged(ProjectionEvent e)
          Implemented for ProtectionListener
 Intersection splitRoad(Road road, RoadPoint rp)
          Split a road into two roads at one of its corners.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected RoadFinder.RoadClasses roadClasses


protected RoadClass defaultRoadClass


protected LayerView layer


protected RoadFinder.Intersections intersections


protected roads


protected java.util.Vector removedRoads


protected float halo
how far (in lat-lon space) from lat,lon point to look in quad tree for nearest road *


protected QuadTree interQuadTree


protected java.util.Map graphicToRoad
Constructor Detail


public RoadFinder(LayerView layer,
                  boolean drawIntersections,
                  boolean drawResults)
Method Detail


protected void initRoadClasses()


public void projectionChanged(ProjectionEvent e)
Implemented for ProtectionListener

Specified by:
projectionChanged in interface ProjectionListener
e - ProjectionEvent


protected void getData()
                throws java.lang.Exception
Take the shape data on the layer and use it to populate our roads and intersections. Clears lists of roads and intersections first, and after calculating the roads, tells the RoadLayer what extra graphics to display, if any.



protected void getRoads()
                 throws java.lang.Exception
Take the shape data on the layer and use it to populate our roads and intersections.



protected java.awt.Point interp(double x1,
                                double y1,
                                double x2,
                                double y2,
                                int width,
                                int height)
find a point between x1,y1 and x2, y2 that is within the visible map

width - of visible map
height - of visible map
Point between x1,y1 and x2, y2


protected void makeRoad(java.awt.Shape shape,
                        OMGeometry graphic,
                        int num,
                        int[] xPoints,
                        int[] yPoints,
                        int segment)
Makes a road object given the points on the shape that are within the visible box Stores it in a quadTree


protected RoadObject createRoadFromPoints(int id,
                                          int[] xpoints,
                                          int[] ypoints,
                                          int nPoints)
Makes a road object given the points on the shape that are within the visible box

nPoints - in the xpoints and ypoints arrays


protected LatLonPoint createLatLonPoint(int x,
                                        int y)


protected Intersection findIntersection(LatLonPoint loc,
                                        java.lang.String name)


protected Intersection findIntersection(int x,
                                        int y)


protected Intersection findIntersection(LatLonPoint loc)


protected void deleteIntersection(Intersection intersection)


public Road createRoad(Intersection from)
called from Intersection Implemented for RoadLayer interface

Specified by:
createRoad in interface RoadLayer


protected Road createRoad(int id,
                          java.lang.String name,
                          Intersection from,
                          Intersection to,
                          RoadClass cl_ss)


public void deleteRoad(Road road)


public Intersection splitRoad(Road road,
                              RoadPoint rp)
Split a road into two roads at one of its corners. An intersection is created where the corner was and the segments before the corner become the segments of the original road. The segments after the corner become the segments of a new road between the new intersection and the


public void joinRoads(Intersection intersection)
Join two roads into one. The roads must be the only two roads at the intersection and must be of the same class. If the roads are not distinct, then we quietly delete the road and remove the intersection. The roads might not be distinct if they form an isolated loop (such as a racetrack). Thus situation is particularly problematic if the road has no inner points. The RoadPoints of both roads are concatenated with a new RoadPoint where the intersection was between them. This code is a little complicated because the RoadPoints must be assembled in a valid order. The order used is to start from the other intersection of the first road to the given intersection and from the given intersection of the second road to the other intersection of the second road.


protected java.lang.String mergeRoadNames(java.lang.String name0,
                                          java.lang.String name1)


public RoadClass findRoadClass(java.lang.Object className)


public int findUnusedRoadID()


public java.util.List displayPathOnRoad(java.awt.Point start,
                                        java.awt.Point end,
                                        Route route,
                                        java.util.List segments)
Displays a Route between two points on the map.

Specified by:
displayPathOnRoad in interface RoadServices
start - start from start point on map
end - to end point on map
route - the Route to travel from start to end
segments - as side effect, populated with PathSegments between returned WayPoints
List of WayPoints


public java.util.List getPathOnRoad(java.awt.Point start,
                                    java.awt.Point end,
                                    java.util.List segments)
Finds closest intersection to start and end find path from start intersection to end intersection

This method works on screen coordinates.

Specified by:
getPathOnRoad in interface RoadServices
start - from start point on map
end - to end point on map
segments - as side effect, populated with PathSegments between returned WayPoints
List of WayPoints


public Route getPathOnRoad(LatLonPoint start,
                           LatLonPoint end)
Returns best Route between two points specified by latitude and longitude.

This method works on latitude/longitude coordinates.

Specified by:
getPathOnRoad in interface RoadServices
start - - Start point in latitude/longitude coordinates.
end - - End point in latitude/longitude coordinates.
Route between two points


public Route getRouteBetweenPoints(java.awt.Point start,
                                   java.awt.Point end)
Returns best Route between two points This method works on latitude/longitude coordinates.

Route between two points


protected Intersection findClosestIntersection(int x,
                                               int y)
Look in intersection Quad Tree for closest intersection to point x,y

Intersection closest


protected Intersection findClosestIntersection(LatLonPoint latLon)
Look in intersection Quad Tree for closest intersection to point at specified latitude and longitude.

Intersection closest


protected void populatePointsAndSegments(Route bestRoute,
                                         java.util.List newPoints,
                                         java.util.List segments)
Iterates over route, populating points and segments lists. Worries about sequence order of from and to points, i.e. end of one road should be the start of the next. This is not guaranteed by the route, so we have to check.

bestRoute - route to iterate over.
newPoints - populated with points on the route.
segments - populated with Segments.


protected Segment getPathSegment(Projection proj,
                                 Road road,
                                 boolean reverse)
Converts a road into a path segment - reverse parameter guarantees the ordering of the points is consistent across multiple path segments in the whole route.

PathSegment converted from a road


protected Segment createSegment(java.util.List newPoints)
Allows subclasses to redefine segments


protected java.awt.Point createPoint(java.awt.Point pt)
Allows subclasses to redefine points returned


public Projection getProjection()
Specified by:
getProjection in interface RoadLayer


protected void checkIntegrity()
Check the integrity of our data structures. Scan the known intersections. Note intersections with no roads. Scan the roads of the intersection: Each road has two intersections. If the road has already been encountered, then we recorded its "other" intersection and that must match this intersection. If it doesn't match, record an error. If it does match reset its recorded other intersection to be a special marker indicating that both ends of the road have been accounted for. If the road has not already been encountered, then record its "other" intersection. Scan the known roads. Every road should accounted for in the "other" intersection table and should be marked as having both intersections accounted for. Note the roads which were not found in the first scan and the roads which were found, but for which both intersections were not found. Remark every road. Finally scan the other intersection table for entries which were not marked as being in the roads vector.


public boolean isEditing()
BOZO remove me

Specified by:
isEditing in interface RoadLayer

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