Re: [OpenMap Users] Why boes my layer bulb stay yellow ?

From: Don Dietrick <>
Date: Sat, 15 Jan 2005 15:37:00 -0500

Hi Jerome,

The bulbs turn red/green when/if your layer fires LayerStatusEvents.
See the OMGraphicHandlerLayer as an example of good times to do this.

If the bulb is yellow, it just means it's active on the map.

- Don

On Jan 13, 2005, at 10:43 AM, Jérôme VUIBERT - Postmaster wrote:

> Hi everybody,
> I ma right to the end of finishing my layer, the latest thing that
> tricks me off is the light bub in the layer panel which stays yellow
> after the display of the layer.
> Can someone tell me how is managed this bulb, or why it doesn't go
> green ?
> Thanks a lot for your help.
> jerome
> --
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Don Dietrick,
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA

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Received on Sat Jan 15 2005 - 15:38:58 EST

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