If you want to wait for the work to be done in your current thread,
call prepare(). doPrepare() launches a separate thread to call
- Don
On Jan 31, 2005, at 1:46 PM, Peter Wilkes wrote:
> Don,
> thank you. i've been following up with what you recommended and
> this is what i have so far...
> DrawingAttributes da = null;
> Paint fillPaint = null;
> VPFLayer dcwLayer = getDcwPolicalLayer();
> if(dcwLayer != null)
> {
> da = dcwLayer.getDrawingAttributes();
> fillPaint = da.getFillPaint();
> da.setFillPaint(Color.WHITE);
> dcwLayer.setDrawingAttributes(da);
> dcwLayer.doPrepare();
> }
> however it seems that i want to wait for the entire map to redraw
> itself.
> i figured calling the "doPrepare" would work. however that just seems
> to
> set up the layer to redraw.
> i tried invalidate, validate, revalidate and repaint however i believe
> they return immediately and i want to wait for drawing to complete
> before
> i continue.
> i tried implementing LayerStatusListener and waiting for the "update
> finished" event however i don't seem to get getting that event.
> is there anyway you could recommend waiting for the layer to repaint
> completing before continuing?
> thanks
> Pete
> On Mon, 31 Jan 2005, Don Dietrick wrote:
>> OK, that helps. Programmatically, you can call
>> DrawingAttributes da = layer.getWarehouse().getDrawingAttributes();
>> and then set the fillColor on the da object.
>> You can also set the fill color via properties.
>> String prefix = layer.getPropertyPrefix();
>> Properties props = new Properties();
>> props.set(PropUtils.getScopedPropertyPrefix(prefix) + "fillColor",
>> layer.setProperties(prefix, props);
>> - Don
>> On Jan 31, 2005, at 10:08 AM, Peter Wilkes wrote:
>>> as far as i can tell i'm using the VPFLayer with the DCW data. our
>>> properties are as follows.
>>> dcwPolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.VPFLayer
>>> dcwPolitical.prettyName=DCW Political Boundaries
>>> dcwPolitical.vpfPath=Y:/mapdata/dcw
>>> dcwPolitical.coverageType=po
>>> dcwPolitical.featureTypes=edge area
>>> Thxs Don.
>>> Pete
>>> On Mon, 31 Jan 2005, Don Dietrick wrote:
>>>> Hi Peter,
>>>> So you're using the VPFLayer with DCW data? Or are you using the
>>>> ShapeLayer with a shape file derivative? It's unclear what layer
>>>> you
>>>> are using, and that kind of affects the answer.
>>>> - Don
>>>> On Jan 31, 2005, at 9:13 AM, Peter Wilkes wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> i've been checking the openmap website thinking that maybe someone
>>>>> posted a solution however it appears the the mail archives are not
>>>>> working
>>>>> properly.
>>>>> in relation to this problem i can see no possible way to
>>>>> temporarily
>>>>> change the fill color. i thought of a solution of having a layer
>>>>> with
>>>>> the
>>>>> same exact properies set (except fillcolor) and disabling the
>>>>> normal
>>>>> layer
>>>>> and enabling the one with the fill color we want however i can't
>>>>> seem
>>>>> to
>>>>> find a way to temporarily remove/add a layer by name.
>>>>> i would appreciate any help anyone could please provide.
>>>>> thank you
>>>>> Pete
>>>>> On Thu, 27 Jan 2005, Peter Wilkes wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> my client has asked us to have the option of printing our openmap
>>>>>> map in grayscale with white background and black icons on top. i
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> figured out how to set the background color of the map
>>>>>> programmatically
>>>>>> and i can see how to change the color of the DCW layers in the
>>>>>> properties
>>>>>> files however i want to be able to change that programmatically
>>>>>> so i
>>>>>> can
>>>>>> do the following
>>>>>> backcolor = getbackgroundcolor()
>>>>>> fillcolor = getdcwfillcolor()
>>>>>> setbackground(WHITE)
>>>>>> setdcwfillcolor(WHITE)
>>>>>> print()
>>>>>> setbackcolor(backcolor)
>>>>>> setdcwfillcolor(fillcolor)
>>>>>> if anyone knows how to be able to set/get the DCW fill color
>>>>>> programmatically i would be most appreciative.
>>>>>> Pete
>>>>> --
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>>>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>>>> Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
>>>> BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
>>>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>> Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
>> BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>> --
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> --
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Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
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Received on Mon Jan 31 2005 - 14:09:42 EST