[OpenMap Users] google map and openmap question

From: ralph yozzo <ryozzo_at_alum.syracuse.edu>
Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2006 23:36:51 -0500

I apologize if this is a crazy question but I want to place points on a
google map manually on the server side because our target browser does not
have javascript.

So I grab the image from google e.g.,
m=10000&w=200&h=200&cc=US&min_priority=2 is an image
I know it's width and height in pixels and the zoom level is 10000

My question is given another point (latitude, longitude) how can I project
it on the map in general.

I'm using
        float scale = zoom*fudgefactor; // not sure what the relationship
is between the google map zoom level and the bbn scale value.
        com.bbn.openmap.LatLonPoint center = new
com.bbn.openmap.LatLonPoint(latx, longx);
        com.bbn.openmap.proj.LLXY llxy = new
com.bbn.openmap.proj.LLXY(center, scale, w, h);

My basic question is what the relationship is between the google map zoom
level and the bbn scale value?

Or is there a better way?

I use forward to get the x, y in pixels to draw one of the markers
                java.awt.Point p = llxy.forward(latitude, longitude);
                graphics2D.drawImage(imagemarker, (int)p.getX(),
(int)p.getY(), null);

Then, I draw the marker.

The problem is the I don't know what to set the scale to.

Any help would be appreciated.

The documentation on google zoom is pretty sparse.


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