Hi Stephane,
It looks like everything gets reset when the layers change in the
MapBean, i.e. when the LayerHandler sends out it's LayerEvent that
the MapBean (and LayerMenu/MouseDelegator) receive.
You can get the MouseDelegator to reset the ids programatically by
calling setupMouseModeWithLayers(Layer[]).
- Don
On Sep 8, 2006, at 9:19 AM, Stéphane Wasserhardt wrote:
> Hello !
> I think there's an issue with the "setMouseModeIDsForEvents" method
> in OMGraphicHandlerLayer.
> Here is what I understood :
> This method is called in OMGraphicHandlerLayer.setProperty(...),
> that is to say BEFORE the layer is added to the beanContext.
> When the layer is added to the beanContext, an event is fired. This
> event reaches the mouseDelegator which calls its
> "setupMouseModeWithLayers" method. Then the mouseDelegator will
> forward any mouse events to the layer if the current mouse mode id
> is one of the ids given in setMouseModeIDsForEvents.
> The same thing also happens when a new mouseMode is added to the
> beanContext.
> Here is the issue I found :
> I put all mouseModes and all layers I need in the beanContext.
> AFTER that, I change the mouseModeIDs of one of the
> OMGraphicsHandlerLayers, using setMouseModeIDsForEvents.
> No more layers and no more mouseModes will be added the the
> beanContext after that, so no event will ever reach the
> mouseDelegator.
> The mouseDelegator's setupMouseModeWithLayers method will never be
> called again, that's why the layer will not recieve any awaited
> mouse events :-(
> Maybe I'm missing something here...
> If this is a real bug, I don't know how to properly correct it,
> because I'm not used enough to this mechanism.
> I think I will use some kind of workaround for the moment, until I
> recieve some answer from this list...
> So, any comments would be really appreciated! Thanks in advance!!
> Stephane
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Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
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Received on Tue Sep 12 2006 - 17:44:49 EDT