Interface DTEDNameTranslator

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DTEDNameTranslator

An interface that defines a object that knows how to define the name of a DTED file from a set of coordinates and dted level, and also knows how to translate the name of a DTED file to it's coverage coordinates and level. Keeps track of the file name, the sub-directory path from the top level dted directory to the file, and the location of the dted directory if it is specified. It's intended that a single DTEDNameTranslator be used for a single DTED directory containing a set of directories and files. For objects that want to manage a set of DTED directories, a set of DTEDNameTranslators are needed. This is required to allow the translator the ability to take a lat/lon and provide a String representation of what a file would be called if it were stored under the specified DTED directory. The translator makes no guarantees on whether the file actually exists.

Method Summary
 java.lang.String getDTEDDir()
          Get the path to the top-level DTED directory.
 java.lang.String getFileName()
          Get the file name.
 double getLat()
          Get the latitude.
 int getLevel()
          Get the DTED level set in the translator.
 double getLon()
          Get the longitude.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Get the complete path to the DTED frame file based on the current internal settings.
 java.lang.String getSubDirs()
          Get the relative part of the path to the DTED frame file, from just under the top-level dted directory to just above the frame file.
 void set(double lat, double lon, int level)
          Assuming that the DTED directory is set, set the other parameters to reveal a path to a file name, which would be retrieved by calling getName().
 void set(java.lang.String filePath)
          Set the internal parameters based on the given file path.
 void set(java.lang.String dtedDir, double lat, double lon, int level)
          Sets the internal parameters given a parent DTED directory, latitude, longitude and level.
 void setDTEDDir(java.lang.String dtedDirectory)
          Set the top-level DTED directory.
 void setLat(double lat)
          Set the latitude in the translator.
 void setLevel(int level)
          Set the DTED level in the translator.
 void setLon(double lon)
          Set the longitude in the translator.
 void setName(java.lang.String fileName)
          Configure the internal settings based on a path to a DTED frame file.

Method Detail


void set(java.lang.String filePath)
         throws FormatException
Set the internal parameters based on the given file path.

filePath - a path to a dted frame file.


void set(java.lang.String dtedDir,
         double lat,
         double lon,
         int level)
Sets the internal parameters given a parent DTED directory, latitude, longitude and level. getName can be called to fetch a file name for these parameters.

dtedDir - the path to the top DTED directory.
lat - the desired latitude, in decimal degrees.
lon - the desired longitude, in decimal degrees.
level - the DTED level (0, 1, 2).


void set(double lat,
         double lon,
         int level)
Assuming that the DTED directory is set, set the other parameters to reveal a path to a file name, which would be retrieved by calling getName().

lat - the desired latitude, in decimal degrees.
lon - the desired longitude, in decimal degrees.
level - the DTED level (0, 1, 2).


void setLat(double lat)
Set the latitude in the translator.

lat - the desired latitude, in decimal degrees.


double getLat()
Get the latitude.


void setLon(double lon)
Set the longitude in the translator.

lon - the desired longitude, in decimal degrees.


double getLon()
Get the longitude.


void setLevel(int level)
Set the DTED level in the translator.

level - the DTED level (0, 1, 2).


int getLevel()
Get the DTED level set in the translator.


java.lang.String getName()
Get the complete path to the DTED frame file based on the current internal settings.


void setName(java.lang.String fileName)
             throws FormatException
Configure the internal settings based on a path to a DTED frame file.



java.lang.String getSubDirs()
Get the relative part of the path to the DTED frame file, from just under the top-level dted directory to just above the frame file.


java.lang.String getFileName()
Get the file name.


void setDTEDDir(java.lang.String dtedDirectory)
Set the top-level DTED directory.


java.lang.String getDTEDDir()
Get the path to the top-level DTED directory.

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