Uses of Interface

Packages that use GeoArray
com.bbn.openmap.geo Package that contains classes to do calculations in lat/lon space. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util This package contains simple utility classes used specifically for OMGraphics. 

Uses of GeoArray in com.bbn.openmap.geo

Subinterfaces of GeoArray in com.bbn.openmap.geo
static interface GeoArray.Mutable
          A Mutable GeoArray is one where the points can be modified.

Classes in com.bbn.openmap.geo that implement GeoArray
static class GeoArray.Adapter
          An abstract parent implementation class of GeoArray that handles common methods.
static class GeoArray.Double
          An implementation of GeoArray and GeoArray.Mutable that contains double-precision values.
static class GeoArray.Float
          An implementation of GeoArray and GeoArray.Mutable that contains float-precision values.

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.geo declared as GeoArray
protected  GeoArray GeoPath.Impl.pts

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.geo that return GeoArray
 GeoArray OMGeo.Polyline.getPoints()
 GeoArray GeoPath.getPoints()
          Return the points that make up the path as an array of Geo object.
 GeoArray GeoPath.Impl.getPoints()

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.geo with parameters of type GeoArray
static Geo poly)
          Returns the center of the polygon poly.
static Geo poly, Geo ret)
          Returns the center of the polygon poly.
protected  void BoundingCircle.Impl.init(GeoArray region)
          Works by computing the centroid, then finding the largest radius.
static boolean Intersection.isPointInPolygon(Geo x, GeoArray poly)
          Determines whether x is inside poly.
static boolean Intersection.isPointInPolygon(Geo x, GeoArray poly, Geo internal)
static boolean Intersection.isPointNearPoly(Geo s, GeoArray r, double near)
          Does the point s come within 'near' radians of the boarder of the region defined by the polygon in r[*]?
static boolean Intersection.isPolylineInsidePolygon(GeoArray poly, GeoArray region)
          return true IFF some point of the first argument is inside the region specified by the closed polygon specified by the second argument
static Geo Intersection.isPolyNearPoly(GeoArray s, GeoArray r, double near)
          Is one region's boundary within 'near' range of a region? Note: good practice is s describes a smaller area than r.
static Geo Intersection.isSegmentNearPoly(Geo s1, Geo s2, GeoArray r, double near)
          Is a segment, represented by endpoints 's1' and 's2', withing a range 'near' of region 'r'?
static Geo Intersection.isSegmentNearPoly(GeoSegment segment, GeoArray r, double near)
          Where is a segment within range of a region?
static boolean Intersection.isSegmentNearPolyRegion(Geo s1, Geo s2, GeoArray r, double near)
          Does the segment s1-s2 come within near radians of the region defined by the polygon in r[*]? Catches segments within poly region and returns after first hit, which is why it returns boolean.
static boolean Intersection.isSegmentNearPolyRegion(GeoSegment segment, GeoArray r, double near)
          Does the segment come within near radians of the region defined by the polygon in r[*]? Catches segments within poly region and returns after first hit, which is why it returns boolean.
static java.util.List<Geo> Intersection.polyNearPoly(GeoArray s, GeoArray r, double near)
          Is one region's boundary within 'near' range of a region? Note: good practice is s describes a smaller area than r.
static java.util.List<Geo> Intersection.segmentNearPoly(Geo s1, Geo s2, GeoArray r, double near)
          Where is a segment, represented by endpoints 's1' and 's2', withing a range 'near' of region 'r'?
static java.util.List<Geo> Intersection.segmentNearPoly(GeoSegment segment, GeoArray r, double near)
          Where is a segment within range of a region?
 void GeoPath.Impl.setPoints(GeoArray ga)

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.geo with parameters of type GeoArray
BoundingCircle.Impl(GeoArray arrayPoints)
GeoArray.Double(GeoArray ga)
GeoArray.Float(GeoArray ga)
GeoPath.Impl(GeoArray pnts)
          Create a path from a GeoArray.
GeoRegion.Impl(GeoArray points)
          Create a region from a GeoArray.
OMGeo.Polygon(GeoArray points)
OMGeo.Polyline(GeoArray points)

Uses of GeoArray in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util

Fields in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util declared as GeoArray
protected  GeoArray RibbonMaker.geoCoords
protected  GeoArray RibbonMaker.geoCoords_reversed

Constructors in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.util with parameters of type GeoArray
RibbonMaker(GeoArray gCoords)

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