Package com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader

The GraphicLoader package is designed to provide support for components that need to drive changes in OMGraphics over a map.


Interface Summary
GraphicLoader The interface that describes an object that supplies updates to OMGraphics presented by the GraphicLoaderPlugIn.

Class Summary
AbstractGraphicLoader The abstract AbstractGraphicLoader class is an OMGraphic managing object.
GLPoint A GLPoint is a location on the map.
LOSGraphicLoader A managing object of GLPoints and PathGLPoints.
MMLGraphicLoader The MMLGraphicLoader is an abstract GraphicLoader class that implements the MapMouseListener interface.
PathGLPoint The PathGLPoint is a GLPoint that follows a certain path, as opposed to just wandering around randomly.

Package com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader Description

The GraphicLoader package is designed to provide support for components that need to drive changes in OMGraphics over a map. The GraphicLoader is an object that manages OMGraphics and their positions, and sends an OMGraphicList to its receiver when they need to be updated. The AbstractGraphicLoader contains a timer that can be used to schedule updates to happen at regular updates.

The package consists of a GraphicLoader, the interface that describes a component that controls OMGraphics. The GraphicLoader can have its own timer that manages these location objects in a separate thread. The MMLGraphicLoader is an abstract extension to the AbstractGraphicLoader that can receive MouseEvents that occur over the map, in order to react accordingly.

The LOSGraphicLoader is an example of a GraphicLoader. It manages GLPoints and PathGLPoints, along with a DTEDFrameCache (found in the MapHandler). The GLPoints are moved around the map, and links are drawn between those points that have LOS between them.

To add a GraphicLoader to the OpenMap application, you can do it several ways:

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