
This package contains OpenMap Swing GUI components that can be used in menus.


Class Summary
AboutMenuItem This object brings up OpenMap about information.
ControlPanelToggleMenuItem Menu item that holds onto the OMControlPanel, and hides/displays it when selected.
CoordsMenuItem A menu item that will bring up a frame with a CombinedCoordPanel, showing different coordinate panels in a tabbed pane.
LoadPropertiesMenuItem This is a menu item that loads a file.
MapBeanPrinterMenuItem A MapBeanPrinterMenuItem is a MapHandlerMenuItem that looks for the MapBean in the MapHandler and prints it when it is called.
MapHandlerMenuItem A MapHandlerMenuItem is a JMenuItem that uses the MapHandler to find objects it needs to operate.
MenuList The MenuList is a component that creates a set of JMenus from Properties, and can provide a JMenuBar or JMenu with those JMenus.
MouseModeMenu It provides GUI based on Mouse modes available from MouseDelegator object
OMBasicMenu This is version of AbstractOpenMapMenu that can be created and configured with properties.
ProjectionMenu Provides ProjectionMenu items for selecting Projection type.
SaveAsGifMenuItem A JMenuItem that uses the MapHandler to find the MapBean and save an image of it in the GIF format.
SaveAsImageFileChooser A class extended from a JFileChooser that adds fields for specifying the image size.
SaveAsImageMenuItem A MenuItem that is capable of looking at MapBean and saving it as an Image
SaveAsJpegMenuItem A JMenuItem that uses the MapHandler to find the MapBean and save an image of it in the JPEG format.
SavePropertiesMenuItem A Menu item that generates a Properties object when it is clicked upon.
ToolPanelToggleMenuItem Menu item that holds onto the tool panel, and hides/displays it when selected.
UndoMenuItemStackTrigger UndoMenuItemStackTrigger holds a couple of menu items that can trigger an UndoStack.
WebSiteHelpMenuItem This object tells a browser to bring up the OpenMap Website help.

Package Description

This package contains OpenMap Swing GUI components that can be used in menus. Most of these components are LightMapHandlerChild components that receive access to MapHandler components by their menu, via their findAndInit() and findAndUndo() methods.

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