Uses of Class

Packages that use LinkProperties Provide classes to handle the link protocol: a layer that displays link data, classes to assist in writing a link server, and methods that read and write in the link protocol format. A link server that reads ESRI shape file data. 

Uses of LinkProperties in

Fields in declared as LinkProperties
protected  LinkProperties LinkLayer.args
          The special parameters (attributes) transmitted to the server with every query.
static LinkProperties LinkProperties.EMPTY_PROPERTIES
          Used by the graphics if no properties were sent with it.
protected  LinkProperties LinkActionList.mapProperties
          Use these properties to set the map
protected  LinkProperties
          Key value pairs of properties sent along with the map.
protected  LinkProperties
          The properties returned for this list.
protected  LinkProperties
          The properties object that contains any pertinent arguments.
protected  LinkProperties
          The properties returned for this list.

Methods in that return LinkProperties
 LinkProperties LinkActionList.getMapProperties()
          Get the properties for the map update.
 LinkProperties LinkMapRequest.getProperties()
          Get the key-value arguments for the request.
 LinkProperties LinkGraphicList.getProperties()
          Get the properties for the LinkGraphicList.
 LinkProperties LinkActionRequest.getProperties()
          Get the key-value args sent with the gesture.
 LinkProperties LinkActionList.getProperties()
          Get the properties for the LinkActionList.
static LinkProperties LinkProperties.loadPropertiesIntoOMGraphic( dis, OMGraphic omg, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          New, static method for more efficient property handling and loading the properties into the OMGraphic.
static LinkProperties dis, LinkProperties props)
          New, static method for more efficient property handling.

Methods in with parameters of type LinkProperties
 void LinkGraphicList.addArc(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties)
          Write an arc with a certain radius at a Lat/Lon location.
 void LinkGraphicList.addArc(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, int units, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties)
          Write an arc with a certain radius at a Lat/Lon location, and allows you to specify units of the radius.
 void LinkGraphicList.addArc(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, int units, int nverts, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties)
          Write an arc with a certain radius at a Lat/Lon location, and allows you to specify units of the radius, as well as the number of vertices to use to approximate the arc.
 void LinkGraphicList.addArc(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int w, int h, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties)
          Write an arc with lat/lon placement.
 void LinkGraphicList.addArc(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties)
          Writing an arc at a x, y, offset to a Lat/Lon location.
 void LinkGraphicList.addArc(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties)
          Write an arc with x/y placement.
 void LinkGraphicList.addBitmap(float lt, float ln, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a bitmap in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addBitmap(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a bitmap in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addBitmap(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a bitmap in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addCircle(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, int units, int nverts, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a circle in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addCircle(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, int units, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a circle in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addCircle(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a circle in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addCircle(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a circle in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addCircle(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int w, int h, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a circle in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addCircle(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a circle in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addEllipse(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float majorAxisSpan, float minorAxisSpan, int units, float rotationAngle, LinkProperties properties)
          Write an ellipse with Lat/Lon placement with axis defined in terms of distance.
 void LinkGraphicList.addEllipse(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int w, int h, float rotateAngle, LinkProperties properties)
          Create a OMEllipse, positioned with a lat-lon center and x-y axis.
 void LinkGraphicList.addEllipse(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, float rotateAngle, LinkProperties properties)
          Create a OMEllipse, positioned at a Lat-lon location, x-y offset, x-y axis.
 void LinkGraphicList.addEllipse(int x1, int y1, int majorAxisSpan, int minorAxisSpan, float rotateAngle, LinkProperties properties)
          Create a OMEllipse, positioned with a x-y center with x-y axis.
 void LinkGraphicList.addGrid(float lt, float ln, int rows, int columns, float orientation, float vResolution, float hResolution, int major, int[] data, LinkProperties properties)
          Add a Grid with Lat/Lon placement.
 void LinkGraphicList.addGrid(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int rows, int columns, float orientation, float vResolution, float hResolution, int major, int[] data, LinkProperties properties)
          Grid Lat/lon placement with XY offset.
 void LinkGraphicList.addGrid(int x1, int y1, int rows, int columns, float orientation, float vResolution, float hResolution, int major, int[] data, LinkProperties properties)
          Add a Grid with XY placement.
 void LinkGraphicList.addLine(float lat_1, float lon_1, float lat_2, float lon_2, int lineType, int nsegs, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a line in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addLine(float lat_1, float lon_1, float lat_2, float lon_2, int lineType, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a line in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addLine(float lat_1, float lon_1, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a line in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a line in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addPoint(float lt1, float ln1, int x1, int y1, int radius, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a point in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addPoint(float lt1, float ln1, int radius, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a point in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addPoint(int x1, int y1, int radius, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a point in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addPoly(double[] llpoints, int units, int lType, int nsegs, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a poly in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addPoly(double[] llPoints, int units, int lType, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a poly in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addPoly(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, int cMode, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a poly in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addPoly(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int[] xypoints, int cMode, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a poly in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addPoly(int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a poly in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addPoly(int[] xypoints, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a poly in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(float lt, float ln, javax.swing.ImageIcon ii, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(float lt, float ln, java.awt.Image image, int image_width, int image_height, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(float lt, float ln, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, java.awt.Color[] colorTable, int trans, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, javax.swing.ImageIcon ii, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, java.awt.Image image, int image_width, int image_height, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(float lt, float ln, int w, int h, int[] pix, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, java.awt.Color[] colorTable, int trans, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, int[] pix, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, java.lang.String url, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(float lt, float ln, java.lang.String url, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(int x1, int y1, javax.swing.ImageIcon ii, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(int x1, int y1, java.awt.Image image, int image_width, int image_height, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, java.awt.Color[] colorTable, int trans, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, int[] pix, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRaster(int x1, int y1, java.lang.String url, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRectangle(float lt1, float ln1, float lt2, float ln2, int lType, int nsegs, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a rectangle in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRectangle(float lt1, float ln1, float lt2, float ln2, int lType, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a rectangle in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRectangle(float lt1, float ln1, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a rectangle in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a rectangle in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addText(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int offset_x, int offset_y, java.lang.String stuff, int justify, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a text in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addText(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int offset_x, int offset_y, java.lang.String stuff, java.lang.String font, int justify, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a text in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addText(float latPoint, float lonPoint, java.lang.String stuff, int justify, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a text in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addText(float latPoint, float lonPoint, java.lang.String stuff, java.lang.String font, int justify, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a text in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addText(int x, int y, java.lang.String stuff, int justify, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a text in the response.
 void LinkGraphicList.addText(int x, int y, java.lang.String stuff, java.lang.String font, int justify, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a text in the response.
 void LinkLayer.checkAndReplaceOldPropertyName(LinkProperties props, java.lang.String oldPropertyName, java.lang.String newPropertyName)
 void LinkLayer.checkAndReplaceOldPropertyNames(LinkProperties props)
          The LinkPropertiesConstants have changed in LinkProtocol version .6, to much small strings that don't match up with the DrawingAttributes properties.
 void LinkLayer.handleMessages(LinkProperties props)
          Looks at a properties object, and checks for the pre-defined messaging attributes.
static LinkProperties LinkProperties.loadPropertiesIntoOMGraphic( dis, OMGraphic omg, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          New, static method for more efficient property handling and loading the properties into the OMGraphic.
 void LinkActionList.modifyGraphic(int maskDescription, LinkProperties props)
          Server can use this method to modify a graphic with an action described by the MODIFY mask values.
static LinkProperties dis, LinkProperties props)
          New, static method for more efficient property handling.
static OMText dis, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          Read the DataInputStream to create a OMText.
static OMRect dis, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          Read the DataInputStream, and create an OMRect.
static OMRaster dis, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          Read the DataInputStream, and create an OMRaster.
static OMPoly dis, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          Read the DataInputStream to create a OMPoly.
static OMPoint dis, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          Read the DataInputStream, and create an OMPoint.
static OMLine dis, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          Read the line Link protocol off a DataInputStream, and create an OMLine from it.
static OMGrid dis, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          Read a Grid off a DataInputStream.
static OMEllipse dis, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          Read the ellipse protocol off the data input, and return an OMEllipse.
static OMCircle dis, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          Read the circle protocol off the data input, and return an OMCircle.
static OMBitmap dis, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          Read a Bitmap off a DataInputStream.
static OMArc dis, LinkProperties propertiesBuffer)
          Read the arc protocol off the data input, and return an OMArc.
protected  GraphicUpdate LinkActionList.readGraphic(int graphicAction, LinkProperties graphicProperties, Projection proj, OMGridGenerator generator)
          Read a graphic's particulars, for upates and additions.
 void LinkActionList.updateArc(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Update an arc with a certain radius at a Lat/Lon location.
 void LinkActionList.updateArc(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, int units, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Update an arc with a certain radius at a Lat/Lon location, and allows you to specify units of the radius.
 void LinkActionList.updateArc(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, int units, int nverts, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Update an arc with a certain radius at a Lat/Lon location, and allows you to specify units of the radius, as well as the number of vertices to use to approximate the arc.
 void LinkActionList.updateArc(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int w, int h, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Update an arc with lat/lon placement.
 void LinkActionList.updateArc(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Writing an arc at a x, y, offset to a Lat/Lon location.
 void LinkActionList.updateArc(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Update an arc with x/y placement.
 void LinkActionList.updateBitmap(float lt, float ln, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Update the bitmap.
 void LinkActionList.updateBitmap(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a bitmap in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateBitmap(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Update the bitmap.
 void LinkActionList.updateCircle(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, int units, int nverts, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a circle in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateCircle(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, int units, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a circle in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateCircle(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a circle in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateCircle(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a circle in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateCircle(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int w, int h, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a circle in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateCircle(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a circle in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateEllipse(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float majorAxisSpan, float minorAxisSpan, int units, float rotationAngle, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write an ellipse in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateEllipse(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int w, int h, float rotateAngle, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write an ellipse in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateEllipse(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, float rotateAngle, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write an ellipse in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateEllipse(int x1, int y1, int majorAxisSpan, int minorAxisSpan, float rotateAngle, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write an ellipse in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateGrid(float lt, float ln, int rows, int columns, float orientation, float vResolution, float hResolution, int major, int[] data, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Lat/Lon placement grid.
 void LinkActionList.updateGrid(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int rows, int columns, float orientation, float vResolution, float hResolution, int major, int[] data, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Lat/lon placement with XY offset.
 void LinkActionList.updateGrid(int x1, int y1, int rows, int columns, float orientation, float vResolution, float hResolution, int major, int[] data, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          XY placement grid.
 void LinkActionList.updateLine(float lat_1, float lon_1, float lat_2, float lon_2, int lineType, int nsegs, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a line in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateLine(float lat_1, float lon_1, float lat_2, float lon_2, int lineType, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a line in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateLine(float lat_1, float lon_1, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a line in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a line in the response.
 void LinkLayer.updateMap(LinkProperties props)
          Looks at a properties object, and checks for map updates.
 void LinkActionList.updatePoint(float lt1, float ln1, int x1, int y1, int radius, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a point in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updatePoint(float lt1, float ln1, int radius, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a point in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updatePoint(int x1, int y1, int radius, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a point in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updatePoly(double[] llpoints, int units, int lType, int nsegs, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a poly in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updatePoly(double[] llPoints, int units, int lType, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a poly in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updatePoly(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, int cMode, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a poly in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updatePoly(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int[] xypoints, int cMode, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a poly in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updatePoly(int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a poly in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updatePoly(int[] xypoints, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a poly in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(float lt, float ln, javax.swing.ImageIcon ii, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(float lt, float ln, java.awt.Image image, int image_width, int image_height, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a bitmap in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(float lt, float ln, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, java.awt.Color[] colorTable, int trans, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, javax.swing.ImageIcon ii, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, java.awt.Image image, int image_width, int image_height, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(float lt, float ln, int w, int h, int[] pix, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, java.awt.Color[] colorTable, int trans, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, int[] pix, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, java.lang.String url, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(float lt, float ln, java.lang.String url, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(int x1, int y1, javax.swing.ImageIcon ii, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(int x1, int y1, java.awt.Image image, int image_width, int image_height, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, java.awt.Color[] colorTable, int trans, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, int[] pix, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRaster(int x1, int y1, java.lang.String url, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a raster in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRectangle(float lt1, float ln1, float lt2, float ln2, int lType, int nsegs, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a rectangle in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRectangle(float lt1, float ln1, float lt2, float ln2, int lType, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a rectangle in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRectangle(float lt1, float ln1, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a rectangle in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateRectangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a rectangle in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateText(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int offset_x, int offset_y, java.lang.String stuff, int justify, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a text in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateText(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int offset_x, int offset_y, java.lang.String stuff, java.lang.String font, int justify, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a text in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateText(float latPoint, float lonPoint, java.lang.String stuff, int justify, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a text in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateText(float latPoint, float lonPoint, java.lang.String stuff, java.lang.String font, int justify, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a text in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateText(int x, int y, java.lang.String stuff, int justify, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a text in the response.
 void LinkActionList.updateText(int x, int y, java.lang.String stuff, java.lang.String font, int justify, LinkProperties properties, int graphicUpdateMask)
          Write a text in the response.
static void LinkPoly.write(double[] llpoints, int units, int lType, int nsegs, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a poly.
static void LinkPoly.write(double[] llPoints, int units, int lType, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a poly, with an array of alternating lat/lon points.
static void LinkPoly.write(float[] latpoints, float[] lonpoints, int units, int lType, int nsegs, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a poly.
static void LinkArc.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an arc with a certain radius at a Lat/Lon location.
static void LinkEllipse.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float majorAxisSpan, float minorAxisSpan, int units, float rotationAngle, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an ellipse with Lat/Lon placement with axis defined in terms of distance.
static void LinkRectangle.write(float lt1, float ln1, float lt2, float ln2, int lType, int nsegs, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Create a lat/lon rectangle.
static void LinkLine.write(float lat_1, float lon_1, float lat_2, float lon_2, int lineType, int nsegs, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a line using lat/lon endpoints.
static void LinkRectangle.write(float lt1, float ln1, float lt2, float ln2, int lType, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Create a lat/lon rectangle.
static void LinkLine.write(float lat_1, float lon_1, float lat_2, float lon_2, int lineType, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a line using lat/lon endpoints.
static void LinkArc.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, int units, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an arc with a certain radius at a Lat/Lon location, and allows you to specify units of the radius.
static void LinkArc.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, int units, int nverts, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an arc with a certain radius at a Lat/Lon location, and allows you to specify units of the radius, as well as the number of vertices to use to approximate the arc.
static void LinkMapRequest.write(float centerLat, float centerLon, float scale, int height, int width, LinkBoundingPoly[] boundingPolys, LinkProperties props, Link link)
          Write the request to the link.
static void LinkCircle.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, int units, int nverts, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a circle with a certain radius at a Lat/Lon location, and allows you to specify units of the radius, as well as the number of vertices to use to approximate the circle.
static void LinkCircle.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, int units, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a circle with a certain radius at a Lat/Lon location, and allows you to specify units of the radius.
static void LinkCircle.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, float radius, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a circle with a certain radius at a Lat/Lon location.
static void LinkRaster.write(float lt, float ln, javax.swing.ImageIcon ii, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an image, Lat/Lon placement with an ImageIcon.
static void LinkRaster.write(float lt, float ln, java.awt.Image image, int image_width, int image_height, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an image, Lat/Lon placement with an ImageIcon.
static void LinkPoly.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, int cMode, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a poly.
static void LinkPoly.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int[] xypoints, int cMode, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a poly.
static void LinkRaster.write(float lt, float ln, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, java.awt.Color[] colorTable, int trans, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Lat/Lon placement with a indexed colormodel, which is using a colortable and a byte array to construct the int[] pixels.
static void LinkBitmap.write(float lt, float ln, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Lat/Lon placement.
static void LinkGrid.write(float lt, float ln, int rows, int columns, float orientation, float vResolution, float hResolution, int major, int[] data, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Lat/Lon placement.
static void LinkArc.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int w, int h, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an arc with lat/lon placement.
static void LinkEllipse.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int w, int h, float rotateAngle, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Create a OMEllipse, positioned with a lat-lon center and x-y axis.
static void LinkRaster.write(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, javax.swing.ImageIcon ii, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an image, Lat/Lon with X/Y placement with an ImageIcon.
static void LinkRaster.write(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, java.awt.Image image, int image_width, int image_height, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an image, Lat/Lon with X/Y placement with an ImageIcon.
static void LinkRaster.write(float lt, float ln, int w, int h, int[] pix, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Writes an image, Lat/Lon placement with a direct colormodel.
static void LinkRaster.write(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, java.awt.Color[] colorTable, int trans, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Lat/lon placement with XY offset with a indexed colormodel, which is using a colortable and a byte array to construct the int[] pixels.
static void LinkBitmap.write(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Lat/lon placement with XY offset.
static void LinkGrid.write(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int rows, int columns, float orientation, float vResolution, float hResolution, int major, int[] data, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Lat/lon placement with XY offset.
static void LinkArc.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Writing an arc at a x, y, offset to a Lat/Lon location.
static void LinkEllipse.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, float rotateAngle, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Create a OMEllipse, positioned at a Lat-lon location, x-y offset, x-y axis.
static void LinkRaster.write(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, int[] pix, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an image, Lat/lon placement with XY offset with a direct colormodel.
static void LinkRectangle.write(float lt1, float ln1, int px1, int py1, int px2, int py2, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Construct an XY rectangle relative to a lat/lon point (RENDERTYPE_OFFSET).
static void LinkLine.write(float lat_1, float lon_1, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a line located at an x/y pixel offset from a lat/lon location.
static void LinkCircle.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, int w, int h, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Writing a circle at a x, y, offset to a Lat/Lon location.
static void LinkPoint.write(float lt, float ln, int px1, int py1, int radius, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Construct an XY point relative to a lat/lon point (RENDERTYPE_OFFSET).
static void LinkCircle.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int w, int h, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a circle with lat/lon placement.
static void LinkRaster.write(float lt, float ln, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, java.lang.String url, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an image, Lat/Lon with X/Y placement with an ImageIcon.
static void LinkText.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, int offset_x1, int offset_y1, java.lang.String stuff, java.lang.String font, int just, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Rendertype is RENDERTYPE_OFFSET.
static void LinkPoint.write(float lt, float ln, int radius, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Create a lat/lon point.
static void LinkRaster.write(float lt, float ln, java.lang.String url, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an image, Lat/Lon placement with an ImageIcon.
static void LinkText.write(float latPoint, float lonPoint, java.lang.String stuff, java.lang.String font, int just, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Creates a text object, with Lat/Lon placement.
static void LinkPoly.write(int[] xpoints, int[] ypoints, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a poly in the response.
static void LinkPoly.write(int[] xypoints, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a poly.
static void LinkRaster.write(int x1, int y1, javax.swing.ImageIcon ii, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an image, X/Y placement with an ImageIcon.
static void LinkRaster.write(int x1, int y1, java.awt.Image image, int image_width, int image_height, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an image, X/Y placement with an ImageIcon.
static void LinkRaster.write(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, java.awt.Color[] colorTable, int trans, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          XY placement with a indexed colormodel, which is using a colortable and a byte array to construct the int[] pixels.
static void LinkBitmap.write(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, byte[] bytes, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          XY placement.
static void LinkGrid.write(int x1, int y1, int rows, int columns, float orientation, float vResolution, float hResolution, int major, int[] data, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          XY placement.
static void LinkArc.write(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, float s, float e, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an arc with x/y placement.
static void LinkEllipse.write(int x1, int y1, int majorAxisSpan, int minorAxisSpan, float rotateAngle, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Create a OMEllipse, positioned with a x-y center with x-y axis.
static void LinkRaster.write(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, int[] pix, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an image, XY placement with a direct colormodel.
static void LinkRectangle.write(int px1, int py1, int px2, int py2, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Construct an XY rectangle.
static void LinkLine.write(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a line with x/y pixel endpoints.
static void LinkCircle.write(int x1, int y1, int w, int h, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write a circle with x/y placement.
static void LinkPoint.write(int px1, int py1, int radius, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Construct an XY point at a screen location..
static void LinkRaster.write(int x1, int y1, java.lang.String url, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Write an image, X/Y placement with an ImageIcon.
static void LinkText.write(int x1, int y1, java.lang.String stuff, java.lang.String font, int just, LinkProperties properties, dos)
          Creates a text object, with XY placement, and default SansSerif font.
static void LinkActionRequest.write(int descriptor, java.awt.event.KeyEvent ke, LinkProperties props, Link link)
          Write a KeyEvent on the link to the server.
static void LinkActionRequest.write(int descriptor, java.awt.event.MouseEvent me, float latPoint, float lonPoint, LinkProperties props, Link link)
          Write a MouseEvent on the link to the server.
static void LinkArc.write(OMArc arc, Link link, LinkProperties props)
static void LinkBitmap.write(OMBitmap bitmap, Link link, LinkProperties props)
          Write a bitmap to the link.
static void LinkCircle.write(OMCircle circle, Link link, LinkProperties props)
static void LinkEllipse.write(OMEllipse ellipse, Link link, LinkProperties props)
static void LinkGraphic.write(OMGraphic omGraphic, Link link, LinkProperties props)
static void LinkGrid.write(OMGrid grid, Link link, LinkProperties props)
static void LinkLine.write(OMLine line, Link link, LinkProperties props)
          Write an OMLine to the link.
static void LinkPoint.write(OMPoint point, Link link, LinkProperties props)
          Write an OMPoint to the Link.
static void LinkPoly.write(OMPoly poly, Link link, LinkProperties props)
          Write a poly to the link.
static void LinkRaster.write(OMRaster raster, Link link, LinkProperties props)
          Write a raster to the link.
static void LinkRectangle.write(OMRect rect, Link link, LinkProperties props)
          Write an OMRect to the link.
static void LinkText.write(OMText text, Link link, LinkProperties props)
          Write a text to the link.

Constructors in with parameters of type LinkProperties
LinkActionList(Link link, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a gesture response section to the link, from the server side.
LinkGraphicList(Link link, LinkProperties properties)
          Write a graphics section to the link.
LinkProperties(LinkProperties settings)

Uses of LinkProperties in

Fields in declared as LinkProperties
protected  LinkProperties ShapeLinkServer.lineProperties

Methods in with parameters of type LinkProperties
protected  void ShapeLinkServer.fetchGraphics(double xmin, double ymin, double xmax, double ymax, LinkGraphicList lgl, LinkProperties properties)
 void ESRILinkRecord.writeLinkGraphics(LinkGraphicList lgl, LinkProperties properties)
          Writes the record to the given list.
 void ESRILinkPolygonRecord.writeLinkGraphics(LinkGraphicList lgl, LinkProperties properties)
          Generates OMGraphics and adds them to the given list.
 void ESRILinkPointRecord.writeLinkGraphics(LinkGraphicList lgl, LinkProperties properties)
          Generates OMGraphics and adds them to the given list.

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