Uses of Class

Packages that use PrimitiveTable
com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf This package contains code for dealing with NIMA data distributed in Vector Product Format. 

Uses of PrimitiveTable in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf

Subclasses of PrimitiveTable in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf
 class AreaTable
          Read VPF format edge, face, and ring tables to generate filled polygon graphics for OpenMap.
 class EdgeTable
          Read VPF format edge tables to generate polyline graphics for OpenMap.
 class NodeTable
          Read VPF format node tables to generate point graphics for OpenMap.
 class TextTable
          Read VPF format text tables to generate text graphics for OpenMap.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf with parameters of type PrimitiveTable
protected  void VPFCachedFeatureGraphicWarehouse.addToCachedList(OMGraphic omg, java.lang.String featureType, PrimitiveTable pt, java.lang.String type)
          Calls addToCachedList on the feature cache if it's available.
protected  void VPFFeatureCache.addToCachedList(java.lang.String libraryName, OMGraphic omg, java.lang.String featureType, PrimitiveTable pt, java.lang.String type)
          Adds an OMGraphic to a list, signified by the feature type and the table.

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