Uses of Class

Packages that use OMAbstractLine
com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape This package provides read and write access to ESRI shape files, including the .shp, .dbf and .shx files. 
com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader.netmap The netmap plugin package provides the capability to receive output from a NetMap server. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics Provides geographically based graphics classes. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled Provides a simple extension to the OMGraphics, where a text string can be attached to a graphic object. 
com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.meteo Provides classes to determine routes given a set of roads and intersections. 

Uses of OMAbstractLine in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape

Subclasses of OMAbstractLine in com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.shape
 class EsriPolygon
          An extension to OMPoly for polygons that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolygonM
          An extension to OMPoly for polygons that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolygonZ
          An extension to OMPoly for polygons that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolyline
          An extension to OMPoly for polylines that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolylineM
          An extension to OMPoly for polylines that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.
 class EsriPolylineZ
          An extension to OMPoly for polylines that typecasts a specific Esri graphic type.

Uses of OMAbstractLine in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader.netmap

Subclasses of OMAbstractLine in com.bbn.openmap.graphicLoader.netmap
 class Line
          Object that represents a NetMap link on the map.

Uses of OMAbstractLine in com.bbn.openmap.gui.time

Subclasses of OMAbstractLine in com.bbn.openmap.gui.time
 class TimelineLayer.EventMarkerLine

Uses of OMAbstractLine in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics

Subclasses of OMAbstractLine in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics
 class OMDecoratedSpline
          A decorated splined OMPoly.
 class OMDistance
          OMGraphic object that represents a polyline, labeled with distances.
 class OMLine
          Graphic object that represents a simple line.
 class OMPoly
          Graphic object that represents a polygon or polyline (multi-line-segment-object).
 class OMSpline
          A splined OMPoly.

Methods in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics with parameters of type OMAbstractLine
static void OMArrowHead.addArrowHeads(int arrowDirectionType, int location, OMAbstractLine line)
static java.awt.geom.GeneralPath OMArrowHead.createArrowHeads(int arrowDirectionType, int location, OMAbstractLine line)
          Create an arrowhead for the provided line
static java.awt.geom.GeneralPath OMArrowHead.createArrowHeads(int arrowDirectionType, int location, OMAbstractLine line, int wingTip, int wingLength)
          Create an arrowhead for the provided line
 void OMArrowHead.generate(OMAbstractLine omal)
protected static java.awt.geom.Point2D[] OMArrowHead.locateArrowHeads(int arrowDirection, int arrowLocation, OMAbstractLine line)
          Create the ArrowHead objects for the lines, based on the settings.

Uses of OMAbstractLine in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled

Subclasses of OMAbstractLine in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.labeled
 class LabeledOMPoly
          This is an OMPoly that has been extended to manage a text label.
 class LabeledOMSpline
          LabeledOMSpline Copied from LabeledOMPoly, because both OMSpline and LabeledOMPoly inherits from OMPoly

Uses of OMAbstractLine in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.meteo

Subclasses of OMAbstractLine in com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.meteo
 class OMColdSurfaceFront
 class OMHotSurfaceFront
          OMHotSurfaceFront Just need to init the decorations.
 class OMOcclusion
          OMOcclusion Just need to init the decorations.

Uses of OMAbstractLine in

Subclasses of OMAbstractLine in
protected  class RoadFinder.BlueLine
          a blue line to indicate the found route
protected  class RoadFinder.YellowLine
          a yellow line for display routes between intersections
 class RoadLine.Graphic

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