I am new at java and openmaps, and I am trying to figure out how to
uses the properties file to reference various different types of map,
and then in code changed the background from one map to another. As
example I would like to allow a user the ability to choose between
displaying different the background maps as a TLM50k, JOGA250k, CONC,
cib5, cib10, or a bitmap. I see in the properties file the maps are
referenced. My question is how in code to what to do with the reference
for each map when the properties file is loaded, and then how to change
the background to a different map, saying going from a TLM50k to a
JOGA250k, or a cib5 to a bitmap Does anyone have any reference on how
this can be done, or maybe some sample code that shows how this can be done?
Don Dietrick wrote:
> Hi Dirk,
> On Jan 22, 2005, at 8:50 AM, Dirk Aagaard wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> since one week I am working with OpenMap 4.6 in case of problems i
>> had a look on the mailing list and got help from it.
>> But now i have a problem which i can't solve.
>> I can display VMAP data less than a scale 1:30M but more then a
>> scale 1:30M there is no map shown. Somewere I read that the data for
>> a map more than 1:30M is placed in the rference entry of VMAP. But
>> how can I get them.
>> Below you can see a little piece of my openmap.properties file.
>> #### VMAP Political layer - Run the com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.VPFConfig
>> #### class to create properties for a set of features.
>> #
>> vmapPolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.VPFLayer
>> vmapPolitical.prettyName=VMAP Political
>> vmapPolitical.vpfPath=F:/VMAPLV1/LIB103/EURNASIA;F:/VMAPLV1/LIB104/
>> ## vmapPolitical.vpfPath=data/vmap/vmaplv0
>> vmapPolitical.coverageType=bnd
> The reference data coverage is a bit different, I think if you add
> polbnd to the coverageType, you'll pick up coverage at that level.
> If that doesn't work, you can use a ScaleFilterLayer to flip between
> two different layers depending on scale. You can used a Shape Layer
> for smaller scales, and then flip to the VPFLayer for larger scales.
> -Don
>> vmapPolitical.featureTypes=edge area text
>> ## just display coastlines and political boundaries
>> vmapPolitical.edge=polbndl coastl
>> ## just display political areas and not oceans
>> vmapPolitical.area=polbnda
>> #
>> ## Use this property for a better focus on feature types, especially
>> ## for more fine-grained databases
>> vmapPolitical.searchByFeature=true
>> vmapPolitical.lineWidth=1
>> vmapPolitical.lineColor=ff000000
>> vmapPolitical.fillColor=ffbdde83
>> This piece works fine.
>> But the following didn't.
>> vmamPolBnd.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.VPFLayer
>> vmamPolBnd.libraryBean= VMAPLEVEL0
>> vmamPolBnd.prettyName=PolBnd
>> vmamPolBnd.vpfPath=F:/VMAPLV1/LIB103/EURNASIA;F:/VMAPLV1/LIB104/
>> vmamPolBnd.coverageType=polbnd
>> vmamPolBnd.featureTypes=edge area
>> vmamPolBnd.edge=polbndl coastl
>> vmamPolBnd.area=polbnda
>> vmapPolitical.searchByFeature=true
>> vmamPolBnd.lineWidth=1
>> vmamPolBnd.lineColor=ff000000
>> vmamPolBnd.fillColor=ffbdde83
>> Where is the mistake. I can't find it.
>> I hope, someone can help me.
>> Thank you for any help you can provide,
>> Regards,
>> Dirk
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> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
> BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> --
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