On Feb 7, 2005, at 1:23 PM, Edward Welling wrote:
> Thanks for the quick reply, Don.
> I checked to make sure (Navigate menu->Projection->CADRG) is set as
> always, and I adjusted the zoom and opaqueness, but I'm still just
> getting the colorful rectangles.
You should uncheck the coverage tool box, the coverage rectangles are
covering up the images.
> For JOG, I translated directly over the coverage rectangle, then typed
> 1:250,000 into the zoom edit control and hit return. Using the slider
> bar control, I tried setting the opaqueness to many settings, from 0
> to 255, hit "Redraw RPF layer", but the colored rectangle and its
> opaqueness just doesn't change in appearance.
Sorry, I should have explained this better. The opaqueness slider on
the palette controls the opaqueness of the map images themselves. The
opaqueness of the coverage rectangles can only be adjusted through the
properties file (although I see now that it makes perfect sense to have
both settings adjusted through the slider).
- Don
> For GNC, I did the same, except set the zoom to 1:5,000,000. I get the
> same result, with no map detail.
> At this point, would you suggest running openmaps thru a debugger to
> see if the app is loading the map data? If so, could you tell me which
> class(es) load the data, so I can set a breakpoint? I'm not suggesting
> a problem with the code, but maybe the map data. I am running Eclipse
> 3.0.1, which runs Java in debug. I haven't tried this feature, but it
> looks similar to the Visual C++ debugger, which I use.
> I guess at this point, I'm still concerned about the integrity of the
> map data and my properties file.(Ref: my last email)
> Regards,
> Ed
> Don Dietrick wrote:
>> Hi Edward,
>> It sounds like you've configured the layer correctly. Clicking the
>> "Show coverage" option on the palette puts the colorful squares on
>> the map, showing you where the map images are. You have to zoom the
>> map over those areas while putting the application in the CADRG
>> projection (Navigate menu->Projection->CADRG). You also have to zoom
>> in to the appropriate scale for the different chart types:
>> 1:5M GNC
>> 1:2M JNC
>> 1:1M ONC
>> 1:500k TPC
>> 1:250k JOG
>> etc.
>> If you have the coverage tool on, and you don't have the coverage
>> opaqueness set to something under 255 (making the rectangles
>> transparent), you won't be able to see the images, since they'll be
>> covered by the rectangles.
>> - Don
>> On Feb 7, 2005, at 9:57 AM, Edward Welling wrote:
>>> Hello Users:
>>> Thanks, Don, if you are reading this, for your last reply. Your
>>> suggestions about the creation and placement of the A.TOC file were
>>> very helpful, and I have made good progress.
>>> <>Using the openmap viewer example, in CADRG projection, the program
>>> only displays colorful, rectangular blobs of RPF (JOG,CIB,GNC) data
>>> with no map detail, no matter the zoom. It appears the program is
>>> truly attempting to display the found map data, since the
>>> rectangular solid colored images encompass the United States, which,
>>> I believe is the coverage of my map data. I can send screenshots to
>>> anyone who wants a closer look.
>>> I suspect one of the following might be the problem, but I can’t
>>> confirm.
>>> • Properties file has some bugs. Maybe one of the features isn't
>>> turned on. I have attached my properties file, but I have only
>>> tinkered with the "path" in the RPF properties section.
>>> • Openmaps example operator error! In the Layer dialog, I select
>>> "Show Images" and "Show Coverage Tool". Is there another feature I
>>> need to turn on?
>>> • Map data is corrupted somehow, but I’m not sure how to confirm
>>> this. It is government data, so I can’t fire it all over the place,
>>> letting others try it.
>>> We obtained the map data from a subcontractor who was originally
>>> going to supply us with an Active-X control map server, but the deal
>>> fell through and now I’m trying to fit OpenMaps into our Java map
>>> server. Could the subcontractor have altered the data so it will
>>> only work on their map server? I have checked recently, and in fact
>>> the data does work with their map server.
>>> I have gone through all of my map data, and listed all the file
>>> extensions (.I12, .I22, .GN1, .GN2, etc.), thinking these are the
>>> types of data I should be looking for when attempting to download
>>> free map data from the internet. With that, I have tried all the
>>> links listed in section 9.16 of “The Whole Open Map FAQ”, in an
>>> attempt to obtain some good free map data samples, but I don’t see
>>> any of them supplying free data with RPF type file extensions. At
>>> http://openmap.bbn.com/data, after downloading the tar files and
>>> previewing the file extensions, I didn’t recognize any of them as
>>> being of type RPF.
>>> Thank You,
>>> Edward Welling
>>> Software Engineer
>>> Custom Manufacturing & Engineering
>>> ewelling_at_custom-mfg-eng.com
>>> 727-424-6626
>>> Background:
>>> OS: Windows 2000
>>> Openmaps Version: 4.6.1
>>> Mapdata: My mapdata contains RPF data (C:\mapdata\RPF\RPF\) of types
>>> MIM50K, TLM50K.
>>> #
>>> *********************************************************************
>>> *
>>> #
>>> # <copyright>
>>> #
>>> # BBN Technologies
>>> # 10 Moulton Street
>>> # Cambridge, MA 02138
>>> # (617) 873-8000
>>> #
>>> # Copyright (C) BBNT Solutions LLC. All rights reserved.
>>> #
>>> # </copyright>
>>> #
>>> *********************************************************************
>>> *
>>> #
>>> # $Source: /cvs/distapps/openmap/openmap.properties,v $
>>> # $RCSfile: openmap.properties,v $
>>> # $Revision: $
>>> # $Date: 2004/10/14 18:26:29 $
>>> # $Author: dietrick $
>>> #
>>> #
>>> *********************************************************************
>>> *
>>> #
>>> #
>>> # This is a generic OpenMap properties file, which controls how
>>> # components are loaded into the OpenMap application. It specifies
>>> # the initial projection the map should have when OpenMap is started,
>>> # the layers that should be available, which ones should be turned
>>> on,
>>> # and lets you adjust all the layers' attributes for their startup
>>> # configuration. Most importantly, this file also lets you add and
>>> # remove different components from the application itself. You can
>>> # modify it with any text editor you like.
>>> #
>>> #
>>> # Java properties are a set of key=value pairs. The key is the name
>>> # of the thing you are setting, and the value is what you are setting
>>> # it to. There are a couple of things to look for that we do with key
>>> # values in this properties file.
>>> #
>>> # First, all the properties that can be set for a component are
>>> # *hopefully* listed in the Javadocs (Java API documentation). If a
>>> # component is specified as a com.bbn.openmap.PropertyConsumer, it
>>> # will be given a chance to configure itself based on the settings
>>> # within the properties file. Components can be layers or any other
>>> # part of the OpenMap application.
>>> #
>>> # Secondly, the keys are scoped to focus the value to a specific
>>> # instance of a components. If there are more that one layer of a
>>> # specific type (say, two ShapeLayers, one for roads and one for
>>> # rivers), the names of the keys will have a different prefix for the
>>> # key. For instance, ShapeLayers have a lineColor attribute you can
>>> # set in this file, and the value used is a hexadecimal value for an
>>> # ARGB color (transparency (A), red (R), green (G), blue (B)):
>>> #
>>> # For a red, non-transparent color for the line.
>>> # lineColor=FFFF0000
>>> #
>>> # But there are two layers - to scope the property for different
>>> # layers, a prefix must be added to the property, separated by a '.':
>>> #
>>> # roads.lineColor=FFFF0000
>>> # rivers.lineColor=FF0000FF
>>> #
>>> # In this case, the roads layer has a red line color and the rivers
>>> # layer has a blue line color. The prefix 'roads' and 'rivers' is
>>> # something picked to your liking and used only within this property
>>> # file, and is referred to in OpenMap documentation as a marker name.
>>> # Marker names are first used in a list - the openmap.layers property
>>> # is a perfect example:
>>> #
>>> # openmap.layers=first second third
>>> #
>>> # In this example, I've chosen first, second and third to be marker
>>> # names of three different layers. Later in the properties file, I
>>> # would use these marker names to define the layers and each layer's
>>> # attributes. For the 'first' layer, I'll define a ShapeLayer:
>>> #
>>> # # All layers require a class name that defines which one to use
>>> # first.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
>>> #
>>> # # And a pretty name to use in the GUI
>>> # first.prettyName=Roads
>>> #
>>> # # Now come properties that are particular to ShapeLayers:
>>> #
>>> # # These first two are mandatory for the ShapeLayer:
>>> # first.shapeFile=<path to shape file (.shp)>
>>> # first.spatialIndex=<path to spatial index file (.ssx)>
>>> #
>>> # # These are optional, and override the defaults set in the
>>> ShapeLayer:
>>> # first.lineColor=FFFF0000
>>> # first.lineWidth=2
>>> #
>>> # You do this for each layer listed. To add a layer to the
>>> # application, you make up a marker name, add it to the list, and
>>> then
>>> # define a set of properties for it using the marker name as a
>>> prefix.
>>> #
>>> # This marker name list paradigm is used throughout the properties
>>> # file. It's an important concept to understand before modifying this
>>> # file.
>>> #
>>> #
>>> # OpenMap looks for this file in several different places. When it
>>> # finds one, it loads all the properties, and moves on. If two
>>> # properties have the same key, the last version read wins. The most
>>> # important place to keep a version of the openmap.properties file is
>>> # a personalized one in your home directory or profile directory.
>>> # This is the last one read. It also lets you personalize your
>>> # application setup and not affect anyone else using the OpenMap
>>> # installation.
>>> #
>>> # OK, lets define the map!
>>> #
>>> # ###################################################
>>> # These properties define the starting projection of the map.
>>> # These properties are listed in com.bbn.openmap.Environment.java,
>>> # and affect the initialization of the application.
>>> # ###################################################
>>> # Latitude and longitude in decimal degrees
>>> openmap.Latitude=20f
>>> openmap.Longitude=-20f
>>> # Scale: zoom level (1:scale)
>>> openmap.Scale=3000000000f
>>> # Projection type to start the map with. Use the class name of the
>>> # projection, such as com.bbn.openmap.proj.Mercator,
>>> # com.bbn.openmap.proj.CADRG, com.bbn.openmap.proj.Orthgraphic,
>>> # com.bbn.openmap.proj.LLXY or com.bbn.openmap.proj.Gnomonic
>>> openmap.Projection=com.bbn.openmap.proj.Mercator
>>> # Width and Height of map, in pixels
>>> openmap.Width=640
>>> openmap.Height=480
>>> # Change this for a different title in the main window.
>>> openmap.Title=OpenMap(tm)
>>> # pixel X/Y window position (if values < 0, then center the window
>>> on the screen)
>>> openmap.x=-1
>>> openmap.y=-1
>>> # The background color of the map, in hex AARRGGBB values (AA is
>>> # transparency, RR, GG and BB are red, green and blue in hex values
>>> # between 00-FF (0-255)).
>>> openmap.BackgroundColor=FF89C5F9
>>> # Here is a property that lets you add debug statements to the
>>> # application, to get more informative printouts detailing what is
>>> # going on in the application. Each source file may Debug statements
>>> # throughout it (Debug.debugging("keyword") or
>>> # Debug.message("keyword", "statement")), and you can turn those
>>> # statements on by adding those keywords to this list. Follows the
>>> # marker name paradigm, with space-separated names.
>>> #openmap.Debug=basic
>>> # Ironically, the "properties" property, which details where the
>>> # PropertyHandler is looking for its properties, won't work here.
>>> # ###################################################
>>> # These are miscellaneous variables for the OpenMap application.
>>> # ###################################################
>>> # How to launch a browser to display additional information.
>>> # Windows example: openmap.WebBrowser=C:\\program files\\internet
>>> explorer\\iexplore.exe
>>> openmap.WebBrowser=/usr/bin/netscape -install
>>> # Used for creating web pages for the browser
>>> openmap.TempDirectory=/tmp
>>> # Help web pages
>>> openmap.HelpURL=http://openmap.bbn.com/doc/user-guide.html
>>> # Use internal frames as an application - used to be
>>> gui.UseInternalFrames
>>> openmap.UseInternalFrames=false
>>> # OpenMap has a Debug messaging mechanism that lets you set certain
>>> # keywords as environment variables (-Ddebug.keyword) to enable
>>> # printouts from different objects. The code contains these keywords,
>>> # and by looking at a class's code, you can figure out what the
>>> # keywords are (look for Debug.message("keyword", "message") and 'if
>>> # (Debug.debugging("keyword")' statements). You can enable these
>>> # messages by putting those keywords in a space-separated list in
>>> this
>>> # property. If you don't want extra messages, you can ignore this
>>> # property and leave it empty.
>>> #openmap.Debug=
>>> # ###################################################
>>> # These properties define the general components to use in the
>>> # application, OTHER than layers. Notice the marker name list. You
>>> # can add and remove parts of the application here, simply by
>>> # adjusting this marker name list and adding properties for that
>>> # marker name. Note the order in which menu objects are important,
>>> # except helpMenu which is always adjusted to be the last menu item.
>>> #
>>> # If you want to remove components from the application, simply
>>> remove
>>> # the marker name from the openmap.components list. You don't have to
>>> # delete the class definition property, too. If you want to add a
>>> # component to the list, add the marker name to the
>>> openmap.components
>>> # list when you want it to be created and added relative to the other
>>> # components, and then add a 'marker name'.class property for that
>>> # component to this file.
>>> # ###################################################
>>> openmap.components=informationDelegator projFactoryLoader
>>> mouseDelegator projectionstack addlayer dropSupport dndCatcher glc
>>> menulist toolBar navpanel zoompanel scalepanel projectionstacktool
>>> mouseModePanel deleteButton omdtl overviewMapHandler layersPanel
>>> selectMouseMode navMouseMode distanceMouseMode omdrawingtool
>>> omlineloader omcircleloader omrectloader ompointloader
>>> omsplineloader ompolyloader omdistloader layerHandler projkeys
>>> repaintPolicy
>>> # ###
>>> # Applet components, also alternative component configuration
>>> # with OMControlPanel on the left side of the applet. To enable this
>>> # list, simply uncomment it.
>>> # ###
>>> #openmap.components=informationDelegator projFactoryLoader
>>> mouseDelegator projectionstack addlayer glc menulist toolBar
>>> mouseModePanel selectMouseMode navMouseMode distanceMouseMode omdtl
>>> deleteButton omdrawingtool omlineloader omcircleloader omrectloader
>>> ompointloader omsplineloader omdecsplineloader ompolyloader
>>> omdistloader controlpanel layerHandler projkeys repaintPolicy
>>> # ###################################################
>>> # Menu configuration, defining the menu items listed in the
>>> # openmap.components list.
>>> menulist.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.menu.MenuList
>>> menulist.menus=fileMenu controlMenu navigateMenu layersMenu gotoMenu
>>> helpMenu
>>> fileMenu.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.FileMenu
>>> controlMenu.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.ControlMenu
>>> ###
>>> # Adding a menu item to toggle on/off the OMControlPanel if it is
>>> # added to the openmap.components list.
>>> controlMenu.items=controlPanelToggle
>>> controlPanelToggle.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.menu.ControlPanelToggleM
>>> en uItem
>>> ###
>>> navigateMenu.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.NavigateMenu
>>> layersMenu.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.LayersMenu
>>> gotoMenu.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.GoToMenu
>>> gotoMenu.addDefaults=true
>>> ### Add your own views to the GoToMenu
>>> #gotoMenu.views=Argentina India United_States
>>> #Argentina.latitude=-39.760445
>>> #Argentina.longitude=-65.92294
>>> #Argentina.name=Argentina
>>> #Argentina.projection=Mercator
>>> #Argentina.scale=5.0E7
>>> #India.latitude=20.895763
>>> #India.longitude=80.437485
>>> #India.name=India
>>> #India.projection=Mercator
>>> #India.scale=3.86688E7
>>> #United_States.latitude=38.82259
>>> #United_States.longitude=-96.74999
>>> #United_States.name=United States
>>> #United_States.projection=Mercator
>>> #United_States.scale=5.186114E7
>>> ###
>>> helpMenu.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.DefaultHelpMenu
>>> helpMenu.items=helpUserMenuItem
>>> helpUserMenuItem.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.UserGuideMenuItems
>>> helpUserMenuItem.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.menu.WebSiteHelpMenuItem
>>> # End menu item definitions
>>> # ###################################################
>>> # ###################################################
>>> # Defining the other components in the openmap.components list:
>>> deleteButton.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.OMGraphicDeleteTool
>>> distanceMouseMode.class=com.bbn.openmap.event.DistanceMouseMode
>>> dndCatcher.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.dnd.DefaultDnDCatcher
>>> dropSupport.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.dnd.DropListenerSupport
>>> glc.class=com.bbn.openmap.plugin.graphicLoader.GraphicLoaderConnector
>>> informationDelegator.class=com.bbn.openmap.InformationDelegator
>>> layerHandler.class=com.bbn.openmap.LayerHandler
>>> layersPanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.LayersPanel
>>> menuPanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.MenuPanel
>>> mouseDelegator.class=com.bbn.openmap.MouseDelegator
>>> mouseModePanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.MouseModeButtonPanel
>>> navMouseMode.class=com.bbn.openmap.event.NavMouseMode2
>>> navpanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.NavigatePanel
>>> nullMouseMode.class=com.bbn.openmap.event.NullMouseMode
>>> omcircleloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMCircleLoader
>>> omdecsplineloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMDecoratedSpli
>>> ne Loader
>>> omdistloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMDistanceLoader
>>> omdrawingtool.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMDrawingTool
>>> omdtl.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMDrawingToolLauncher
>>> omlineloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMLineLoader
>>> ompointloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMPointLoader
>>> ompolyloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMPolyLoader
>>> omrectloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMRectLoader
>>> omsplineloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMSplineLoader
>>> projectionstack.class=com.bbn.openmap.proj.ProjectionStack
>>> projectionstacktool.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.ProjectionStackTool
>>> scalepanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.ScaleTextPanel
>>> selectMouseMode.class=com.bbn.openmap.event.SelectMouseMode
>>> # ##
>>> # ToolPanel definitions for the first ToolPanel 'toolbar'
>>> toolBar.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.ToolPanel
>>> # Tell the first ToolPanel to avoid putting the DrawingToolLayer GUI
>>> # in it:
>>> #toolBar.avoid=dtlayer
>>> # ToolPanel definitions for the second ToolPanel 'toolbar2'
>>> #toolBar2.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.ToolPanel
>>> # Tell the second ToolPanel that you only want it to put the
>>> # DrawingToolLayer GUI in it:
>>> #toolBar2.components=dtlayer
>>> # You can set the location, but it interferes with the
>>> # InformationDelegator. Undefined, the ToolPanel goes North, but then
>>> # it interferes with the first ToolPanel.
>>> #toolBar2.preferredLocation=SOUTH
>>> # ###
>>> projFactoryLoader.class=com.bbn.openmap.proj.ProjectionFactoryLoader
>>> projFactoryLoader.projectionLoaders=mercatorloader cadrgloader
>>> ortholoader llxyloader gnomonicloader
>>> projFactoryLoader.mercatorloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.proj.MercatorL
>>> oa der
>>> projFactoryLoader.cadrgloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.proj.CADRGLoader
>>> projFactoryLoader.ortholoader.class=com.bbn.openmap.proj.Orthographic
>>> Lo ader
>>> projFactoryLoader.llxyloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.proj.LLXYLoader
>>> projFactoryLoader.gnomonicloader.class=com.bbn.openmap.proj.GnomonicL
>>> oa der
>>> zoompanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.ZoomPanel
>>> projkeys.class=com.bbn.openmap.event.ProjMapBeanKeyListener
>>> repaintPolicy.class=com.bbn.openmap.HintsMapBeanRepaintPolicy
>>> repaintPolicy.renderingHints=KEY_ANTIALIASING
>>> controlpanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.OMControlPanel
>>> controlpanel.OverviewMapHandler.overviewLayers=overviewLayer
>>> controlpanel.OverviewMapHandler.isTool=false
>>> controlpanel.OverviewMapHandler.overviewScaleFactor=30f
>>> controlpanel.OverviewMapHandler.overviewMinScale=50000000f
>>> controlpanel.OverviewMapHandler.overviewStatusLayer=com.bbn.openmap.l
>>> ay er.OverviewMapAreaLayer
>>> controlpanel.OverviewMapHandler.lineColor=FFFF0000
>>> controlpanel.OverviewMapHandler.fillColor=33FF0000
>>> controlpanel.LayersPanel.controls=com.bbn.openmap.gui.LayerControlBut
>>> to nPanel
>>> controlpanel.LayersPanel.controls.orientation=horizontal
>>> controlpanel.LayersPanel.controls.configuration=NORTH
>>> # ###
>>> # BeanPanel properties - the BeanPanel isn't defined in the
>>> # openmap.components list above, you would add 'beanpanel' to that
>>> # list and uncomment these properties:
>>> # ###
>>> #beanpanel.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.beanbox.BeanPanel
>>> #beanpanel.beans.path=path to directory containing jar files
>>> #beanpanel.tabs=tab1 tab2 tab3
>>> #beanpanel.tab1.name=Generic
>>> #beanpanel.tab1.beans=com.bbn.openmap.examples.beanbox.SimpleBeanObje
>>> ct
>>> #beanpanel.tab2.name=Container
>>> #beanpanel.tab2.beans=com.bbn.openmap.examples.beanbox.SimpleBeanCont
>>> ai ner
>>> #beanpanel.tab3.name=Military
>>> #beanpanel.tab3.beans=com.bbn.openmap.examples.beanbox.Fighter
>>> # Defining the DTED frame cache. 'dtedframecache' needs to be added
>>> # to the openmap.components list, and the path to a dted directory
>>> # needs to be modified to fit your installation.
>>> dtedframecache.class=com.bbn.openmap.dataAccess.dted.DTEDFrameCache
>>> dtedframecache.directoryHandlers=dted1
>>> dtedframecache.dted1.path=/data/dted
>>> # Defining a VPF VMAP level 0 tile cache. 'vpfcache' needs to be
>>> # added to the openmap.components list, and the path to your vmap
>>> level
>>> # 0 needs to be modified to fit your installation. In the VPFLayer
>>> # that uses this tile cache, the layer's libraryBean property would
>>> be
>>> # set to VMAPLEVEL0, the name of this cache.
>>> vpfcache.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.LibraryBean
>>> vpfcache.name=VMAPLEVEL0
>>> vpfcache.vpfPath=/data/vpf/vmaplv0/disk0;/data/vpf/vmaplv0/disk1
>>> # ###
>>> # Properties defined for the overview map handler.
>>> # ###
>>> overviewMapHandler.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.OverviewMapHandler
>>> # marker name list defining background layers used on overview map.
>>> # The layers are defined as any other layer is below, look
>>> # for 'overviewLayer' properties. This is a space-separated list of
>>> # marker names.
>>> overviewMapHandler.overviewLayers=overviewLayer
>>> # how zoomed out to keep the overview map versus the main map
>>> overviewMapHandler.overviewScaleFactor=10f
>>> # when to stop zooming in
>>> overviewMapHandler.overviewMinScale=10000000f
>>> # the layer to use to render on top, showing where the main map
>>> covers.
>>> overviewMapHandler.overviewStatusLayer=com.bbn.openmap.layer.Overview
>>> Ma pAreaLayer
>>> overviewMapHandler.lineColor=ffff0000
>>> overviewMapHandler.fillColor=66ff0000
>>> # ###
>>> # The AddLayerPanel allows certain layers/plugins to be added to the
>>> # application dynamically. Only certain layers/plugin have been
>>> # updated to be able to work with the Inspector to set their initial
>>> # parameters. The 'addlayer' marker name was added to the
>>> # openmap.components list, and this component looks for the
>>> # openmap.addableLayers property to figure out what layers to make
>>> # available for dynamic addition. To add a layer to this list, create
>>> # a unique marker name for a generic instance of the layer, and then
>>> # supply the <layername>.class field and <layername>.prettyName (see
>>> # below) for that object. The class name will be the type of
>>> # layer/plugin created by the LayerAddPanel, and this prettyName will
>>> # be the generic description of the layer presented to the user. The
>>> # user will have an opportunity to name the specific layer that gets
>>> # created.
>>> # Define the class for the component listed in the openmap.components
>>> # list:
>>> addlayer.class=com.bbn.openmap.gui.LayerAddPanel
>>> # Define a list of addable layers:
>>> openmap.addableLayers=earth shape grat utmgrid rpf shispi eipi wmsp
>>> epi
>>> # Define the properties of the addable layers:
>>> earth.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.EarthquakeLayer
>>> earth.prettyName=Earthquake Layer
>>> shape.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
>>> shape.prettyName=Shape Layer
>>> grat.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.GraticuleLayer
>>> grat.prettyName=Graticule Layer
>>> utmgrid.class=com.bbn.openmap.plugin.UTMGridPlugIn
>>> utmgrid.prettyName=UTM Grid Overlay
>>> rpf.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.RpfLayer
>>> rpf.prettyName=RPF Layer
>>> shispi.class=com.bbn.openmap.plugin.shis.SHISPlugIn
>>> shispi.prettyName=Simple Http Image Server (SHIS) Plugin
>>> eipi.class=com.bbn.openmap.plugin.earthImage.EarthImagePlugIn
>>> eipi.prettyName=Earth Image Plugin
>>> wmsp.class=com.bbn.openmap.plugin.wms.WMSPlugIn
>>> wmsp.prettyName=WMS Layer
>>> epi.class=com.bbn.openmap.plugin.esri.EsriPlugIn
>>> epi.prettyName=Shape Layer with Attributes
>>> # End component definitions
>>> # ###################################################
>>> # ###################################################
>>> # These properties define the formatters the Simple Http
>>> # Image Server uses. The default formatter is the first one
>>> # in the list.
>>> # The layers property can be used to override the
>>> # openmap.startUpLayers property as the default layers.
>>> # ###################################################
>>> formatters=gif jpeg
>>> gif.class =com.bbn.openmap.image.AcmeGifFormatter
>>> jpeg.class=com.bbn.openmap.image.SunJPEGFormatter
>>> #layers=date drawing daynight graticule shapePolitical
>>> # ###################################################
>>> # You can refer to other properties files and have their properties
>>> # loaded as well. This is good for defining a set of layers that work
>>> # with a particular type of data, for instance, and then override
>>> some
>>> # of those properties defined in those files to localize them for
>>> your
>>> # setup. This works with a marker name list. By default, nothing
>>> defined.
>>> # ###################################################
>>> #openmap.include=include1 include2
>>> #include1.URL=<http://whatever>
>>> #include2.URL=<http://whatever>
>>> # ###################################################
>>> # Here is the list of layers to add to the map. The properties for
>>> # each marker name are defined later.
>>> #
>>> # If you want to remove a layer from the application, remove its
>>> # marker name from the openmap.layers property list. You do not have
>>> # to delete all of its properties as well.
>>> #
>>> # If you want to add a layer to the application, add its marker name
>>> # to the openmap.layers property list, and then add its properties to
>>> # this file. As a minimum, Layers all need a 'marker name'.class
>>> # property, and a 'marker name'.prettyName property (for the GUI
>>> # components). Consult the JavaDocs for a layer to see what other
>>> # properties can be set for that layer.
>>> # ###################################################
>>> # Layers listed here appear on the Map in the order of their names.
>>> openmap.layers=date dtlayer distlayer quake daynight cities test
>>> graticule demo shapePolitical
>>> # If you get more data, you can add other layers defined in this
>>> file.
>>> # You'll want to look at the properties for each layer and modify
>>> them
>>> # as needed. Check the javadocs for definitions of the available
>>> # properties for each layer.
>>> #openmap.layers=date quake daynight test graticule terrain demo
>>> dtedcov jdted jrpf shapePolitical ScaledPolitical
>>> ScaledFillPolitical
>>> # These layers are turned on when the map is first started. Order
>>> # does not matter here...
>>> openmap.startUpLayers=graticule drawing shapePolitical
>>> # ###################################################
>>> # These are the properties for individual layers. Consult the
>>> # javadocs (Java API pages) for the individual layers for options.
>>> # ###################################################
>>> ### Drawing version of the EditorLayer. An EditorLayer, when active,
>>> ### places tools in the ToolPanel that creates/manipulates the
>>> ### OMGraphics on this particular layer.
>>> dtlayer.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor.EditorLayer
>>> dtlayer.prettyName=Drawing Layer
>>> dtlayer.editor=com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor.DrawingEditorTool
>>> #dtlayer.showAttributes=false
>>> dtlayer.loaders=lines polys rects circles points
>>> dtlayer.mouseModes=Gestures
>>> dtlayer.distance.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMDistanceLoader
>>> dtlayer.lines.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMLineLoader
>>> dtlayer.polys.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMPolyLoader
>>> dtlayer.rects.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMRectLoader
>>> dtlayer.circles.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMCircleLoader
>>> dtlayer.points.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMPointLoader
>>> ### Another Drawing version of the EditorLayer, with the editor set
>>> up
>>> ### to only create OMDistance objects.
>>> distlayer.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor.EditorLayer
>>> distlayer.prettyName=Distance Layer
>>> distlayer.showAttributes=false
>>> distlayer.editor=com.bbn.openmap.layer.editor.DrawingEditorTool
>>> distlayer.loaders=distance
>>> distlayer.distance.class=com.bbn.openmap.tools.drawing.OMDistanceLoad
>>> er
>>> distlayer.distance.attributesClass=com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.Drawing
>>> At tributes
>>> distlayer.distance.lineColor=FFAA0000
>>> distlayer.distance.mattingColor=66333333
>>> distlayer.distance.matted=true
>>> ### Layer to catch Drag and Drop events from the DefaultDnDCatcher
>>> and
>>> ### DropListenerSupport
>>> simpleBeanLayer.class=com.bbn.openmap.examples.beanbox.SimpleBeanLaye
>>> r
>>> simpleBeanLayer.prettyName=Simple Bean Layer
>>> ### Layer used by the overview handler
>>> overviewLayer.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
>>> overviewLayer.prettyName=Overview
>>> overviewLayer.shapeFile=data/shape/dcwpo-browse.shp
>>> overviewLayer.spatialIndex=data/shape/dcwpo-browse.ssx
>>> overviewLayer.lineColor=ff000000
>>> overviewLayer.fillColor=ffbdde83
>>> ###
>>> # Demo layer - the layer's palette has a bunch of buttons to call
>>> # the Drawing Tool.
>>> demo.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.DemoLayer
>>> demo.prettyName=Demo
>>> ###
>>> # DrawingToolLayer - no palette, just a generic layer to catch
>>> # graphics from the OMDrawingToolLauncher, and to call the
>>> OMDrawingTool
>>> # to edit graphics already part of the layer.
>>> drawing.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.DrawingToolLayer
>>> drawing.prettyName=Drawing Tool Layer
>>> drawing.addToBeanContext=true
>>> ### ShapeFile layers
>>> shapePolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
>>> shapePolitical.prettyName=Political Boundaries
>>> # Specify shapefile and spatial-index file as a filename or pathname.
>>> # If the former, you must reference the directory where this file
>>> # lives in your CLASSPATH
>>> shapePolitical.shapeFile=data/shape/dcwpo-browse.shp
>>> shapePolitical.spatialIndex=data/shape/dcwpo-browse.ssx
>>> # Colors (32bit ARGB)
>>> shapePolitical.lineColor=ff000000
>>> shapePolitical.fillColor=ffbdde83
>>> # ScaleFilterLayer switches between the layers at the transisition
>>> scales.
>>> ScaledPolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.ScaleFilterLayer
>>> ScaledPolitical.prettyName=Political Boundaries
>>> # List 2 or more layers
>>> ScaledPolitical.layers=ThinShapePolitical ShapePolitical
>>> # List the transition scales to switch between layers
>>> ScaledPolitical.transitionScales=5000000
>>> # ScaleFilterLayer switches between the layers at the transisition
>>> scales.
>>> ScaledFillPolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.ScaleFilterLayer
>>> ScaledFillPolitical.prettyName=Political Areas
>>> # List 2 or more layers
>>> ScaledFillPolitical.layers=ThinShapeFillPolitical ShapeFillPolitical
>>> # List the transition scales to switch between layers
>>> ScaledFillPolitical.transitionScales=5000000
>>> ### ShapeFile layer, full resolution converted vmap political
>>> boundaries
>>> ShapePolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
>>> ShapePolitical.prettyName=Political Edge
>>> ShapePolitical.shapeFile=data/shape/vmap_edge.shp
>>> ShapePolitical.spatialIndex=data/shape/vmap_edge.ssx
>>> ### ShapeFile layer, thinned converted vmap political boundaries
>>> ThinShapePolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
>>> ThinShapePolitical.prettyName=Political Edge
>>> ThinShapePolitical.shapeFile=data/shape/vmap_edge_thin.shp
>>> ThinShapePolitical.spatialIndex=data/shape/vmap_edge_thin.ssx
>>> ### ShapeFile layer, full resolution converted vmap political areas
>>> ShapeFillPolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
>>> ShapeFillPolitical.prettyName=Political Solid
>>> ShapeFillPolitical.shapeFile=data/shape/vmap_area.shp
>>> ShapeFillPolitical.spatialIndex=data/shape/vmap_area.ssx
>>> ShapeFillPolitical.lineColor=BDDE83
>>> ShapeFillPolitical.fillColor=BDDE83
>>> ### ShapeFile layer, thinned converted vmap political areas
>>> ThinShapeFillPolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.ShapeLayer
>>> ThinShapeFillPolitical.prettyName=Political Solid
>>> ThinShapeFillPolitical.shapeFile=data/shape/vmap_area_thin.shp
>>> ThinShapeFillPolitical.spatialIndex=data/shape/vmap_area_thin.ssx
>>> ThinShapeFillPolitical.lineColor=BDDE83
>>> ThinShapeFillPolitical.fillColor=BDDE83
>>> ### ShapeFile layer, thinned converted vmap political boundaries,
>>> # muiltiple shape files on one layer...
>>> politicalCombo.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.shape.MultiShapeLayer
>>> politicalCombo.prettyName=Political Boundaries 2
>>> politicalCombo.shapeFileList=pol_edges pol_fill
>>> politicalCombo.pol_edges.shapeFile=data/shape/vmap_edge_thin.shp
>>> politicalCombo.pol_edges.prettyName=Borders
>>> politicalCombo.pol_edges.buffered=false
>>> politicalCombo.pol_fill.shapeFile=data/shape/vmap_area_thin.shp
>>> politicalCombo.pol_fill.prettyName=Areas
>>> politicalCombo.pol_fill.lineColor=FFAAAA66
>>> politicalCombo.pol_fill.fillColor=FFAAAA66
>>> politicalCombo.pol_fill.buffered=false
>>> ### Graticule layer
>>> graticule.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.GraticuleLayer
>>> graticule.prettyName=Graticule
>>> # Show lat / lon spacing labels
>>> graticule.showRuler=true
>>> graticule.show1And5Lines=true
>>> # Controls when the five degree lines and one degree lines kick in
>>> #- when there is less than the threshold of ten degree lat or lon
>>> #lines, five degree lines are drawn. The same relationship is there
>>> #for one to five degree lines.
>>> graticule.threshold=2
>>> # the color of 10 degree spacing lines (ARGB)
>>> graticule.10DegreeColor=99000000
>>> # the color of 5 degree spacing lines (ARGB)
>>> graticule.5DegreeColor=99009900
>>> # the color of 1 degree spacing lines (ARGB)
>>> graticule.1DegreeColor=99003300
>>> # the color of the equator (ARGB)
>>> graticule.equatorColor=99FF0000
>>> # the color of the international dateline (ARGB)
>>> graticule.dateLineColor=99000000
>>> # the color of the special lines (ARGB)
>>> graticule.specialLineColor=99000000
>>> # the color of the labels (ARGB)
>>> graticule.textColor=99000000
>>> ### Date & Time layer
>>> date.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.DateLayer
>>> date.prettyName=Date & Time
>>> # display font as a Java font string
>>> date.font=SansSerif-Bold
>>> # like XWindows geometry: [+-]X[+-]Y, `+' indicates relative to
>>> # left edge or top edges, `-' indicates relative to right or bottom
>>> # edges, XX is x coordinate, YY is y coordinate
>>> date.geometry=+20+30
>>> # background rectangle color ARGB
>>> date.color.bg=ff808080
>>> # foreground text color ARGB
>>> date.color.fg=ff000000
>>> # date format (using java.text.SimpleDateFormat patterns)
>>> date.date.format=EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss z
>>> ### Day/Night shading layer properties
>>> daynight.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.daynight.DayNightLayer
>>> daynight.prettyName=Day/Night Shading
>>> # draw terminator as poly (faster calculation than image, defaults to
>>> # true).
>>> daynight.doPolyTerminator=true
>>> # number of vertices for polygon terminator line. this is only valid
>>> # if doPolyTerminator is true...
>>> daynight.terminatorVerts=512
>>> # termFade - the distance of the transition of fade, as a percentage
>>> of PI.
>>> daynight.termFade=.1
>>> # currentTime - true to display the shading at the computer's
>>> current time.
>>> daynight.currentTime=true
>>> # updateInterval - time in milliseconds between updates. currentTime
>>> has to be
>>> # true for this to be used. 1000*60*5 = 300000 = 5min updates
>>> daynight.updateInterval=300000
>>> # Shading Colors (32bit ARGB)
>>> daynight.nighttimeColor=64000000
>>> daynight.daytimeColor=00FFFFFF
>>> ### Earthquake layer
>>> quake.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.EarthquakeLayer
>>> quake.prettyName=Recent Earthquakes
>>> ### Test layer
>>> test.prettyName=Test
>>> test.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.test.TestLayer
>>> test.line.visible=true
>>> test.circ.visible=true
>>> test.rect.visible=true
>>> test.text.visible=true
>>> test.poly.visible=true
>>> #test.poly.vertices=80 -180 80 -90 80 0 80 90 80 180 70 180 70 90 70
>>> 0 70 -90 70 -180
>>> ### VMAP Political layer - Run the
>>> com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.VPFConfig
>>> ### class to create properties for a set of features.
>>> vmapPolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.VPFLayer
>>> vmapPolitical.prettyName=VMAP Political
>>> vmapPolitical.vpfPath=data/vmap/vmaplv0
>>> vmapPolitical.coverageType=bnd
>>> vmapPolitical.featureTypes=edge area text
>>> # just display coastlines and political boundaries
>>> #vmapPolitical.edge= polbndl coastl depthl
>>> vmapPolitical.edge= polbndl coastl
>>> # just display political areas and not oceans
>>> #vmapPolitical.area= oceansea polbnda
>>> vmapPolitical.area= polbnda
>>> # Use this property for a better focus on feature types, especially
>>> # for more fine-grained databases
>>> #vmapPolitical.searchByFeature=true
>>> ### VMAP Coastline layer
>>> vmapCoast.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.VPFLayer
>>> vmapCoast.prettyName=VMAP Coastline Layer
>>> vmapCoast.vpfPath=data/vmap/vmaplv0
>>> ## a predefined layer from the VPF predefined layer set found in
>>> ## com/bbn/openmap/layer/vpf/defaultVPFLayers.properties
>>> vmapCoast.defaultLayer=vmapCoastline
>>> # Basic political boundaries with DCW
>>> dcwPolitical.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.VPFLayer
>>> dcwPolitical.prettyName=DCW Political Boundaries
>>> dcwPolitical.vpfPath=path to DCW data
>>> dcwPolitical.coverageType=po
>>> dcwPolitical.featureTypes=edge area
>>> # For creating other VPF layer definitions, use the
>>> # com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.VPFConfig class, running it directly on a
>>> # VPF data directory.
>>> # For instance, for inland water, the following properties could be
>>> # used, and 'vmapIW' would be added to the openmap.layers property.
>>> vmapIW.prettyName=VPF Inland Water
>>> vmapIW.inwatera.selectColor=ff000000
>>> vmapIW.searchByFeature=true
>>> vmapIW.inwatera.lineWidth=1.0
>>> # If you are using a VPF tile cache, specify the library bean name
>>> # here:
>>> vmapIW.libraryBean=VMAPLEVEL0
>>> # Otherwise, you have to specify the path to the data (parent of the
>>> # .lat file):
>>> #vmapIW.vpfPath=/data/vpf/vmaplv0/disk0
>>> vmapIW.inwatera.lineColor=ff000000
>>> vmapIW.inwatera.dashPhase=
>>> vmapIW.inwatera.textColor=ff000000
>>> vmapIW.coverageType=hydro
>>> vmapIW.inwatera.fillPattern=
>>> vmapIW.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.vpf.VPFLayer
>>> vmapIW.area=inwatera
>>> vmapIW.inwatera.fillColor=FF0000FF
>>> vmapIW.featureTypes=area
>>> vmapIW.inwatera.dashPattern=
>>> vmapIW.inwatera.matted=false
>>> ### Java RPF properties
>>> jrpf.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.RpfLayer
>>> jrpf.prettyName=CADRG
>>> # This property should reflect the paths to the RPF directories
>>> #jrpf.paths=data/RPF
>>> #jrpf.paths=classes
>>> jrpf.paths=C:/mapdata/RPF/RPF
>>> # Number between 0-255: 0 is transparent, 255 is opaque
>>> jrpf.opaque=255
>>> # Number of colors to use on the maps - 16, 32, 216
>>> jrpf.number.colors=216
>>> # Display maps on startup
>>> jrpf.showmaps=true
>>> # Display attribute information on startup
>>> jrpf.showinfo=false
>>> # Scale images to fit the map scale
>>> jrpf.scaleImages=true
>>> jrpf.coverage=true
>>> ### Another Java RPF Layer - usually keep CADRG and CIB separate,
>>> # although you don't have to.
>>> jcib.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.rpf.RpfLayer
>>> jcib.prettyName=CIB
>>> # This property should reflect the paths to the RPF directories
>>> jcib.paths=C:/mapdata/RPF/RPF
>>> # Number between 0-255: 0 is transparent, 255 is opaque
>>> jcib.opaque=255
>>> # Number of colors to use on the maps - 16, 32, 216
>>> jcib.number.colors=216
>>> # Display maps on startup
>>> jcib.showmaps=true
>>> # Display attribute information on startup
>>> jcib.showinfo=false
>>> # Scale images to fit the map scale
>>> jcib.scaleImages=true
>>> ### Java DTED Coverage properties
>>> dtedcov.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted.DTEDCoverageLayer
>>> dtedcov.prettyName=DTED Coverage
>>> # This property should reflect the paths to the DTED level 0 and 1
>>> # directories. These levels can be combined.
>>> dtedcov.paths=C:/mapdata/DTED
>>> # DTED Level 2 data!
>>> dtedcov.level2.paths=data/dted2
>>> # Number between 0-255: 0 is transparent, 255 is opaque
>>> dtedcov.opaque=255
>>> # *NOTE* This property needs to be changed to specify a DTED
>>> coverage file,
>>> # or the location where you want one created if the layer doesn't
>>> find
>>> # it here. If you add or remove coverage from your dted collection,
>>> # you should delete this file so that an accurate one will be
>>> created.
>>> dtedcov.coverageFile=<path to coverage file>
>>> # This is an optional property. You can substitute a URL for the
>>> # coverage file instead. This is checked first before the coverage
>>> # file, and if a valid file is found at the URL, then the coverage
>>> # file is ignored. The layer does not try to create a file at this
>>> # URL!
>>> #dtedcov.coverageURL=http://dstl.bbn.com/openmap/data/dted/
>>> coverage.dat
>>> ### Java DTED properties
>>> jdted.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted.DTEDLayer
>>> jdted.prettyName=DTED
>>> # This property should reflect the paths to the DTED level 0 and 1
>>> # directories. These levels can be combined.
>>> jdted.paths=C:/mapdata/DTED
>>> # DTED Level 2 data!
>>> jdted.level2.paths=C:/mapdata/DTED
>>> # Number between 0-255: 0 is transparent, 255 is opaque
>>> jdted.opaque=255
>>> # Number of colors to use on the maps - 16, 32, 216
>>> jdted.number.colors=216
>>> # Level of DTED data to use on startup (0, 1, 2)
>>> jdted.level=0
>>> # Type of display for the data on startup
>>> # 0 = no shading at all
>>> # 1 = greyscale slope shading
>>> # 2 = band shading, in meters
>>> # 3 = band shading, in feet
>>> # 4 = subframe testing
>>> # 5 = elevation, colored
>>> jdted.view.type=5
>>> # Contrast setting on startup, 1-5
>>> jdted.contrast=3
>>> # height (meters or feet) between color changes in band shading on
>>> startup
>>> jdted.band.height=25
>>> # Minimum scale to display images. Larger numbers mean smaller scale,
>>> # and are more zoomed out.
>>> jdted.min.scale=20000000
>>> ###
>>> # Java DTED Layer that uses the central DTEDFrameCache. The
>>> # DTEDFrameCache has to be added to the openmap.components list.
>>> jdted2.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.dted.DTEDFrameCacheLayer
>>> jdted2.prettyName=DTED
>>> # and are more zoomed out.
>>> jdted2.min.scale=50000000
>>> jdted2.generators=greys colors
>>> jdted2.greys.class=com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.grid.SlopeGeneratorLoad
>>> er
>>> jdted2.greys.prettyName=Slope Shading
>>> jdted2.greys.colorsClass=com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.grid.GreyscaleSlo
>>> pe Colors
>>> jdted2.colors.class=com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.grid.SlopeGeneratorLoa
>>> de r
>>> jdted2.colors.prettyName=Elevation Shading
>>> jdted2.colors.colorsClass=com.bbn.openmap.omGraphics.grid.ColoredShad
>>> in gColors
>>> ###
>>> # Terrain layer. Requires the DTEDFrameCache being added to the
>>> # openmap.components list.
>>> terrain.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.terrain.TerrainLayer
>>> terrain.prettyName=Terrain Tools
>>> # The default tool to use for the terrain layer. Can be PROFILE or
>>> LOS.
>>> terrain.default.mode=PROFILE
>>> ###
>>> # PlugIn layer with a samplePlugIn marker name - comments are
>>> commented out!
>>> #samplePlugIn.class=com.bbn.openmap.plugin.PlugInLayer
>>> #samplePlugIn.prettyName=Earth At Night
>>> #samplePlugIn.plugin=<path to PlugIn class>
>>> # Then, plugin properties as needed, with layer marker name.plugin
>>> # prefix. These depend on the PlugIn, and you should consult the
>>> # JavaDocs for that PlugIn class for specifics.
>>> #samplePlugIn.plugin.property1=value
>>> #samplePlugIn.plugin.property2=value
>>> ###
>>> # LocationLayer that holds cities. The palette for this layer lets
>>> # you turn on the names and declutter matrix, if you want. The
>>> # declutter matrix can get expensive at small scales.
>>> cities.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.location.LocationLayer
>>> cities.prettyName=World Cities
>>> cities.locationHandlers=csvcities
>>> cities.useDeclutter=false
>>> cities.declutterMatrix=com.bbn.openmap.layer.DeclutterMatrix
>>> csvcities.class=com.bbn.openmap.layer.location.csv.CSVLocationHandler
>>> csvcities.prettyName=World Cities
>>> csvcities.locationFile=data/cities.csv
>>> csvcities.csvFileHasHeader=true
>>> csvcities.locationColor=FF0000
>>> csvcities.nameColor=008C54
>>> csvcities.showNames=false
>>> csvcities.showLocations=true
>>> csvcities.nameIndex=0
>>> csvcities.latIndex=5
>>> csvcities.lonIndex=4
>>> csvcities.csvFileHasHeader=true
>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
>> Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
>> BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
>> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> --
> [To unsubscribe to this list send an email to "majdart_at_bbn.com"
> with the following text in the BODY of the message "unsubscribe
> openmap-users"]
Don Dietrick, dietrick_at_bbn.com
BBN Technologies, Cambridge, MA
[To unsubscribe to this list send an email to "majdart_at_bbn.com"
with the following text in the BODY of the message "unsubscribe openmap-users"]
Received on Mon Feb 07 2005 - 13:41:35 EST